Genius Greedy Mouse (Released)

spacefractal · 110869

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Reply #210 on: September 10, 2012, 04:30:55 am
I have never played with iCloud support so I can't help there.

I have not updated my OpenFeint code to support Gree yet but I can send you the OF code. From what I've seen my OF code is pretty useless now as Gree has changed the way you need to handle things.

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Reply #211 on: September 10, 2012, 08:07:18 am
Okay, I have to ask now.

...I've seen Gree referred to several times...but what is it? :) it basically just the same as OpenFeint?

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Reply #212 on: September 10, 2012, 12:16:07 pm
Openfeint is brought up and changed the service to Gree by a Japanese company.

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Reply #213 on: September 15, 2012, 07:02:14 pm

The game would been in Google Play tomorrow or least Monday as a v0.99beta. For iOS version we need a another week to finish of the last remaining graphics (decoratings only) and then send the binary as a full v1.00 game to Apple (which also take some weeks due approval take time).
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 07:02:45 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #214 on: September 17, 2012, 10:41:45 pm
The game is finally out as beta on Google Play! Its took time to get that goa with more graphics than exceptedl:

The iOS version might still take about 3-5 weeks, because I need a another week and the approvements of course take some time (im exiting the iCade bug is just fixed in time in GlBasic 11).

Also Im aware at most Android users never buying anything, so Im are still researching a possible way to integrate ads in the game (but will not replace the current version, which remain paid). Howover today I found a function in glbasic -> java call in, which open a webbrowser. I thinks I mightbeen could abuse that function to doing different thing its was used for. Here I will tryout, which seen its the easist adsnetwork of that type I looking for (googles Admob is too compliced).
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 10:42:44 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #215 on: September 17, 2012, 11:37:50 pm

Ps. Love the main screen above.

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Reply #216 on: September 18, 2012, 07:59:26 am
Yeah, that big pink mouse looks cute. :)

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Reply #217 on: September 22, 2012, 05:42:24 pm
Today finally, I have just uploaded a Binary to Apple. Hopefully they don't reject this for oversaw issues, despite its a arm7 only game (and its a none beta game of course).

Howover I also dedicated its will been arm7 cpus only, etc the game require a 3gs or better (since I don't have such a older devices). Also I do have some trouble to get arm6 binary working and get it validated. So this is more a safe reason.

That is why the game will require iOS4.3 or better, that is simply because arm6 dont exist to that OS, and hence its wont been required to get a working arm6 binary there. Its a only reason. Something I look after release of v1.0.

Also I fixed some issues for Android version, which is now in 0.99.3 beta, here its now allowed to install on SDCARD and then save a bounch of internal memory.

Now in next week I look on the music for Black Window, which got delayed for me (sorry Sokky).
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 05:43:15 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #218 on: September 22, 2012, 05:53:52 pm
It did grab the droid release (purchased) and left you a little review.

Good luck with the apple submit. Arm6 is no longer available in the latest 4.5 Xcode build. So, looks like 7 is the only option now anyway.

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Reply #219 on: September 22, 2012, 07:21:10 pm
You have a Acer Picasso (picasso).. I have just rejected the binary and upload a new one with xcode 4.5. I thinks since I not use arm6 anyway, I think its more important to support iPhone 5 (since Im not using below iOS 4.3 anyway). I have not tested it, but its should works and imply same settings as 4s.

Property if I do a SD version I would go for arm6 directly as a new app.

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Reply #220 on: September 23, 2012, 08:46:46 am
With the iPhone 5 you can utilise the width of the screen as well. That would be nice for the game to be able to see more of the level. If you want to, I could always test for you.

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Reply #221 on: September 23, 2012, 02:58:55 pm
its should work if Apple approve the game and got passe the review. I hope that :-D.

I did rejected the binary yesterday, upgraded to xcode 4.5 and re upload a new one to make sure its would utility the new resolution. The game its self was designed with use of any resolutions in mind (up to around 2600px wide, before its will zoom out to show more tiles).

PS. I dont know why I forgot that, of course if you want to test on our new iphone 5, just give me your udid. I have to compile a adhoc version to you.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 10:09:06 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #222 on: September 23, 2012, 10:36:34 pm
I've just pre-ordered the iPhone 5. I launches here on the 28th, but I have to admit that I'm not 100% sure I'll even do it when I get the chance (I may not be in the first batch that gets the chance). Let's see what happens...but I probably will. :)

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Reply #223 on: October 01, 2012, 11:02:49 am
Found a crash bug today, so I need to reject the binary, and reupload a new. So the game is little big delayed. Its a easy fix trought (level 7 crashed on the first level village). Same bug exists in Android version, but here its much easier to reupload a new binary to Google Play.

damn, but that happens sometimes, but luckely that bug got found before release (even you could skip that level without issue).
« Last Edit: October 01, 2012, 04:45:18 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #224 on: October 01, 2012, 02:17:43 pm
I guess you mean ARM v7, not ARM7 ;)

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Reply #225 on: October 03, 2012, 02:35:15 pm
look like you known what he talked about, hehe.

Today once more rejection and resubmit (Im Tired about it, I want that game "out of my door"), due a stupid bug in main menu. I hope its last time Im doing that, so I dont delay around 2 weeks constactly.

Howover today I also submitted the game to HP for review for WebOS. Here I hope its goes well, while I have not tested for Pre devices, its works pretty nice for HP Touchpad. Since WebOS is a target in glbasic, so why not support that too? Its far somewhere easier than both Android and iOS to development for.

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Reply #226 on: October 06, 2012, 09:08:37 am
I hope it goes through for you this time mate.

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Reply #227 on: October 07, 2012, 02:21:03 pm
I guess I dont need do anymore for last bugfixes now. Seen all works fine and have looked for the WebOS release by now (which there is some trouble, but should been fixed by it self soon).

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Reply #228 on: October 07, 2012, 06:07:14 pm
Its seen iOS6 have not improvement very much, but have degraded Greedy Mouse very much. Yesterday I upgraded on my new ipad, now the game only run at 45fps and the frameskip failed (and even the alpahed and colored polygons now suddently slowdown as hell)? That quite annoying since the game have been run 60fps in iOS5 on same machine.

I guess that due CPU have now been underclocked (to 886mhz as I have read), and I have no clue how to it back to original 1ghz, so its can run 60fps again. But this time I have dedicated NOT reject and reupload. This because its might not been happens on the release version or its only happens on contain devices. Howover the slowdown issue have been fixed, and I have a better frameskip now and colored polygons now only use on sings and menu, where eventuelly frameskips dont got noticed eventuelly there.

That also mean I use the next 2 weeks to fix eventuelt other bugs and improvement some levels and then I will upload that soon Apple either have rejected or approvement it.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 06:11:38 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #229 on: October 08, 2012, 08:01:31 am
It may be down to the way glbasic interfaces with ios6. Perhaps an update is in the works? We certainly have seen no performance drop in jungool?

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Reply #230 on: October 08, 2012, 11:55:32 am
Jungool allready run at 30fps and its pretty safe to use 30fps.

Yes its might saved some wrong values and the default OpenGL values have been changed in iOS6 (Glbasic uses OpenGL 1, not 2). Howover today I have dedicated to return to 30fps to make a safe framerate (which could return back in a later update), but I also waiting ten days before I upload this update (after Apple Review).

The framedrops is due ENDPOLY call after doing map draw work. Its seen quite unstable in MS taking and I wonder why? (its all from 10ms to 30ms).

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Reply #231 on: October 12, 2012, 07:41:54 pm
Apple Approvede this game :-D:

I set the price to tier 2, so I later can promotion with a lower price later then.

Howover the slowdown issue in iPad 3 still exists, and I heard there is some bug in a UIView thread in glbasic, so I have tempfixed to use 30fps for all iPads (but keep 60 for iPhone 4s and iPhone 5) and just uploaded to iTunes Connect. Seen its mostly effected iPad 3 and iOS6.

Anyway the game is out for 3 platforms.

PS. The game is now been found for iOS, Android and WebOS. The last one dosent have Retina support and its not required to do that. Hence the reduced filesize.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 07:47:42 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #232 on: October 12, 2012, 09:10:46 pm
Congratulations. It's a real nice feeling when you finally complete something you've worked on for a long time.
Let's hope it does good business (and inspires me to get a move on when it comes to mobile development :))

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Reply #233 on: October 23, 2012, 10:31:54 am
v1.0.5 amproved and updated to AppStore. Yes Im are aware there is another bug in the first village (level 4 shown as level 1 and stars is not shown either, but level is completable and stars is counted and saved).

Im in this week checking how to add a "easy" mode, so we got 3 difficulty (Light, Normal, Genius). Some people still complain some levels is quite hard in normal mode, that why. In Light mode you can only get 3 stars in some levels, but most levels can been unlocked. So I think that is a comprimise.

Its seen Apple was fast in review, its only took few hours.

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Reply #234 on: October 25, 2012, 02:36:47 pm
hmm, not so active here.....  ;)

Anyway I need a little help for formatting the text, because I going to add a help, which will shown how the game works and how the points system works. Here is the currectly text:

Code: [Select]
Move your mouse to eat so
many cheeses as possible
wetheen time. Eat enough
cheeses, and you get fat.

Get fat to earn double
scoring for cheeses, and
when exit. No double in
light mode for cheeses.

Eat All cheeses for max
stars. 4 stars in genius
mode, 3 stars in normal
mode, and 3 stars in
some levels in light

Main village:
perfect completion in
a village is worth 4
stars. You get max 3
stars in bonus area.
Bonus areas is in right

light mode:
No light mode in bonus
area levels, but
setting is saved.

I guess there is a lots of grammer errors, howover nice if would see trought the text (25 chars per line, no limit on number of lines, but nice to been short as possible of course).

Anyway I hope to add iCloud support, so the game can been sync between iOS devices, and then I might look on Dropbox sync as well (but might wait that to v1.2). But I thinks iCloud is most important. I upload a binary to apple in this weeked as deadline (So Im not the fast to fix the level 4 issue in village level, its only visual one).
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 02:38:56 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #235 on: October 25, 2012, 05:42:53 pm
Leave it with me mate and I will do the help text for you. Sorry I have not been too active here.

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Reply #236 on: October 25, 2012, 11:03:55 pm
No worry, hehe and Thanks.

also :/-.,_@ can been used as other than letters and numbers as side with some national letters. So there is limit on the font used.

The last : in a line will automatic give a yellow font (but white on iPad 1), rest is in white.

I thinks that help how the game works (and yes there could been more 25 chars her, but I need to thinks there is other resolutions as well portrait modes).

« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 11:06:25 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #237 on: October 26, 2012, 05:07:47 pm
Maneuver you mouse to eat
the many cheeses. Eat lots to
get fatter.

When fat, you earn double
points for cheeses and for
exiting the level (unless
you are playing 'light' mode).

Eat All cheeses for maximum
stars. 4 stars in genius mode,
3 stars in normal mode, and
3 stars in some levels in 'light'

Main village:
perfect completion in
a village is worth 4
stars. You get a maximum
of 3 stars in a bonus area.

Not sure what you mean here?
light mode:
No light mode in bonus
area levels, but
setting is saved.

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Reply #238 on: October 26, 2012, 08:11:19 pm
I saw no reason to do light Difficulty (new mode in v1.1), due you can unlock 2 bonus levels with a playtrought in that mode (levels being somewhere easier). So here only normal and genius is used. But you should not have problem to complete them there anyway. I do just "warn" about that when you enter a bonus village mode while you are in light Difficulty mode.

Also you cannot use () because its diddent got clayed and no time to add them to v1.1. Howover I changed a little bit. So place look again.

1234578901234567890123456 (I guess 26 chards should been no problem, used just for in file of course):

Maneuver you mouse to eat
the many cheeses. Eat
lots to get fatter.

When fat, you earn double
points for cheeses, and 
for exiting the level. No
double in light difficulty
for cheeses.

Eat All cheeses for more
stars. 4 stars in genius
mode, 3 stars in normal 
mode, and 3 stars in some
levels in light difficulty. 

Main village:
perfect completion in   
a village is worth 4     
stars. You get a mare   
special levels for you
to play.

Bonus Area:
Special bonus levels
with slightly changed
rules. There is no
light difficulty in
those bonus levels.

There is 13 of them
hidden. Can you find
them all? You can viset
support homepage how to
unlock them for tips.

Better now, I think I explainded better about bonus levels now?

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Reply #239 on: October 27, 2012, 12:09:31 am
A few changes to correct a couple of mistakes; ;)

Maneuver your mouse to
eat the many cheeses.
Eat lots to get fatter.

When fat, you earn double
points for cheeses, and 
for exiting the level. No
double bonus in light
difficulty for cheeses.

Eat all cheeses for more
stars. 4 stars in genius
mode, 3 stars in normal 
mode, and 3 stars in some
levels on light difficulty.

Main village:
Perfect completion of a
village is worth 4 stars.
More stars will help you    <= I've rephrased this. It didn't make sense and I hope it's better now.
open up more special

Bonus Area:
Special bonus levels
with slightly changed
rules. There is no
light difficulty in
these bonus levels.

There are 13 hidden
achievements. Can you
find them all? You can
visit the homepage for
tips on how to unlock