flash · 13714
ps.In the top right, I spy some game with pigs in it?What is this strange game???LOL!!!(sorry mate, just cannot contain myself!!)
Look out!!!I don't know what that fellow is talking about, but.. by god, what a god!! I think I may need to question my sexuality.... Brrrrr!!LOLps. Well done Sokky!
Righto, finally scraped together some questions for you to ponder(there's a word count of about 780 for the interview itself) and i'llneed a piccy of you and your "high five", the five homebrew games orremakes you can't live without (about twenty words each).
And what a bloody lovelly haircut!!!!!!If I was living closer to you, I would drink your beer LOL
4 Kilos! not bad... I lose more than that when I take my cod-piece off!