headkaze · 238627
which type of puzzle its is? I guess is a original puzzle? But dont spoil it here :-D.
Oh and about the "piece of card" I kept that in to honor the original coder (Sam Manthorpe)
There is probably a bit of padding and alignment going on but still.. pretty amazing IMHO
It's doesn't matter who did it...as long as it's done by monday. :p
And I also had about 3 weeks break from it (it helps with sanity having a break from coding).
Flash, you could do a another little game based on the engine you have or start to learn C++ (or c) now?
I have to apply myself to C for a bit... Little steps first .. (how hard can it be - Christ, if HK can code it? LOL)
Oh, I guess a description of the icons in the lower screen is needed. I never remember what each of them means... maybe just something that appears when you select one of them? And are you going to support touchscreen or not?
What I'm waiting on is a reply from the MaxMod forums here.
mmutil -d -b song1.xm song2.xm