"New" old Amiga game: Mouse Runner

spacefractal · 10260

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on: June 17, 2011, 10:44:43 am
As some of you guess, I are started to create a new GlBasic game which is still secret, because this is the main forum (Team members know which one its is, but dont name it yet). This game might been included in someway in the secret game (which would been minigames based).

I think I want to do a easy release with a old game I created over 15 years ago to the Amiga. Its was/is fun to play that game again, even there is some things I would want to change (but I wont do that, hehe).

But this version is a unchanged version and is named: Mouse Runner.

Yes blue plasme can been little annoyring for some, but its is now disabled by default

you can download this as free from this url (bootable of course):

PS. If menu refuse to work in the game, when you use winuae, you need under Config/Hardware/Game Ports/Port 2 need to been emulated as Joystick, not as Default.

PPS. Yes I used Bellag as nickname that time, but kept its as it was in that time (except the filename).
« Last Edit: June 17, 2011, 12:54:19 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #1 on: June 17, 2011, 01:00:40 pm
If want to add it to WinUAELoader, this line should been added to the gamebase.xml:
Code: [Select]
<Game Name="Mouse Runner" FileName="M\Mouse Runner (Space Fractal) (1996).zip" ScrnshotFilename="" UseMouse="True" PalNTSC="1" NumDisks="1" UAEConfig="kickstart_rom=v2.05|nr_floppies=1|floppy0type=0|floppy1type=-1|floppy2type=-1|floppy3type=-1|immediate_blits=false|ntsc=false|chipset=ECS|collision_level=playfields|fastmem_size=1|bogomem_size=2|chipmem_size=1|cpu_speed=real|cpu_type=68020|cpu_compatible=false|cpu_cycle_exact=false|blitter_cycle_exact=false|statefile=savestates\Mouse Runner.uss" />

Also this game is not fully compatible with WinUAELoader, because ESC is used for you to die when you got stuck.... damn. I think I should add "Q" Key to die too, but that next version later (EDIT: look like ESC is just remapped to SHIFT, which I guess I have set it to that, so that pretty nice).

Another little issue found is config is allways started, rather than starting the emulator. All needed is just send a ENTER stroke to the config, if that should been happens. Its only happens with newer version of WINUAE.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2011, 01:39:57 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #2 on: June 17, 2011, 10:03:54 pm
The source code do now run in 68000, but I can still not get it to run the compiled exe on 68000 cpus.

Anyway its should work perfectly with 68020+ with the controller bugs just fixed (no "hanging") as well not dying unexcepted.

But its funnier to play it with 68020+ anyway, due smoth scrolling and fell easier to control.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2011, 10:04:32 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #3 on: June 21, 2011, 01:26:29 pm
Missed that one in Amiga days.  :-\ Looks like the bastard child of Pac Man meeting Boulderdash and getting a date with Dig Dug on the way. Is it like that? Congrats on making the remake! My Ami500 is an ocean away, but guess an emu might do on a decent PC, or maybe not.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 01:30:52 pm by Zzaped! »

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Reply #4 on: June 21, 2011, 05:30:01 pm
Because I did never released that those days in 1996, hehe.

It's a turn based boulderdash game, which was inspirated from Maze of Xor really if I remember correctly. Pacman is just a enemy, which can been killed by ghosts (and evntuelly eats cheeses too, if you let them doing that).

The remake of this game would been part as a minigame as well....

PS. I not sure its work on a stock Amiga 500, since its crash when selecting 68000 cpu in WinUAE, still not sure why (while intepreted version from the source code do work on that).

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Reply #5 on: July 06, 2011, 04:14:40 pm
I'm are now focus to remake this game for mobiles (iPhone, Android and mightbeen WebOS too) as well desktops with new tiles as well features.

Howover that mini games collection is now in hold, which one of them was on this game. Now instead I simply just have full focus to recreate and doing a good mobile game, since this game is really suitable perfectly with mobiles.

Screenshots would come later this month, since its still use placeholder graphics.

The game would also been renamed lated of course, since Mouse Runner is somewhere a boing name ;-D

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Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 05:27:21 pm
As some "screenshot" of the game I are started on with some month ago with progressing nicely:

Hehe, yes the game is going to make with clayworks graphics using cheese like that (but recolor to yellow of course).

My next game is also a remake of this game, just with much more style, improvement gameplay and so on. Also its no more secret I have full focus to doing a remake of this game in a new graphics style and a much polished gameplay (but still the same, some elements has been improvements). The gameplay is still turn based, just like this, and I don't want to touch that.

The progress is really nice, but is still very much work to been done, so hence this is just a fun little source image.

This game would also works awesome as a multiplatform mobile game. Hence that why I support minimum Android from version 2.2 & iOS from version 3.1.x is supported. The target fps (frame per second) is 25 this time. iPad 2 will get 50fps thought. its a little bit lower than 30fps, but its a puzzlegame and I did not fell any difference at all (not even on 3gs, which ran 30fps nice).

Also I have to say I originally started to do a "Lazy Jones" remake, with smaller remakes/inspirations from variation games (one was based on Snokie, which I later might release it after this game), and I even got a nice permission from David to do a commercial remake. But since this game was my own and early could see this could been a game dedicated game, I dropped Lazy Jones and now have full focus on this game instead (but Lazy Jones might take up again after this game using same graphics style).

PS. Yes the new remake would NOT share "Mouse Runner" as name, since I fell that title is very silly.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 05:30:48 pm by spacefractal »

The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.