headkaze · 41157
Damn it I lost the C64 Assemly book And been outbid on the C64. Not sure if I'll make another bid on the C64 but that could go for alot considering it's boxed.I used to own Gates of Zendacon too But my favourite was surfing on Califorina Games. I also mapped out several levels of ElectroCop which was another favourite.I guess I'm just a n00b on eBay but I'll take your advice and bid higher on the items last minute.
I didn't win anything I bid on Lesson 1: Retro stuff is not cheap and there are obviously other collectors out there (bargains are probably rare)Lesson 2: You should really be around for when the auction endsI'm going to try some other methods like the classifieds in my local rag. I think there are too many collectors and I probably have more chance of getting bargains buying locally. I live in Western Australia which is quite a remote place so I think I could use that to my advantage if I exclude the competition from over east. Plus being able to pick stuff up locally is a bonus. I'll let you know if I make any nice scores
The C64 went for $242 AUD which was just too much for me. Probably worth it though. What really annoyed me though is I put a bid on an Atari Lynx for $50 and it went for $50.50. That's what you get for not being there for the end of the auction
Did you see my post above about using E-Snipe?
Old bikes for the sake of old bikes doesnt do much for me. I ride some steel, some aluminum, and Ive tried plastic. Its never mattered much as far as Im concerned. I havent seen a bike that looked attractive in its own right for quite some time. That being said, that is one gorgeous frame I love it I cant wait to see build pictures.
WTF! (When spam goes wrong? LOL)