flash · 20001
"FEEL the pressure - FEEL it"PS. can you please adress hk as HK.
Thanks hk.Although I already know what it says (I think) I'm still looking forward to seeing it (and of course there's the rest of the magazine too. ).It should be here in a few days. I've told my mum about it and she's told me she wants a copy of the magazine. Mothers, eh? Just noticed 5 minutes ago that Retro Remakes have frontpaged the news about my Horace game. Now I'm feeling the pressure...damn, I've got too much going on. I've got 4 remakes in the making and now I've even ordered the new iPhone because I want to try programming for it, but considering my amount of WIP's I'm just gonna play on it for a while so learning a new language doesn't suck up all my spare time.
I lost my Nokia 5800 yesterday in a trail to Copenhagen. If nobody found it in the next 2 weeks (due I still have a bound contract in few weeks, might been a month), then I might get a 8GB Iphone version (or just get a new Nokia 5800 (I liked the Phone specefic the new firmware and new flash player was awesome). Just been sad SDK is for Mac only, because it would been fun to convert Seesaw Circus (which would work perfectly for any touchscreen Phone) and Space Taxi to that device.