Horace in the Mystic Woods (Psion 3a)

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on: January 29, 2009, 07:48:08 am
An enjoyable platform game and an officially licensed Horace game.

This runs on the Psion 3a only. There is an emulator for it, but I belive this runs only on Win 98 or earlier. And even if it does run, it is very fast!

But, if you have a 3a, here is the game and also the source is included.

There is an article posted here from Retro Gamer Magazine that mentions it in great detail
« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 07:55:11 am by Flash »

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Offline headkaze

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Reply #1 on: January 29, 2009, 04:59:07 pm
Nice article I enjoyed reading it :)

Offline flash

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Reply #2 on: February 17, 2009, 08:37:22 pm
Nice article I enjoyed reading it :)

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Offline Sokurah

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Reply #3 on: February 17, 2009, 11:12:14 pm
Hiya all - especially Flash.   ;)

I just found this site yesterday. For some reason I had the idea of checking if there was anything to find on Horace in the Mystic Woods that I'd missed before...and there was - this site.

After reading the article in Retro Gamer back when ish #43 came out I bought both a Psion (2 actually, but I've sold the surplus one again) and the game on Ebay. I'm more of a platformer fan than a Horace fan, but Horace or not - it's a great game and I was completely obsessed with it and completed it quickly.  ;D
...now the Psion is in a drawer but I'd never sell the Psion or game...who knows if I want to have another go at it.  ;)

If I must say one bad thing about it though, it's that you can die from making the wrong choice - ie. collect the wrong bomb and you will fall to your death. Death should come as a result of a bad decicion - not from a crazy level designer punishing you because he's got to crank out another 34 levels in 3 days.  :D

...on the other hand you can restart on any level you've already reached, so it's not too bad - it just becomes a bit of a platform-puzzler then. ;)

I'll just introduce myself here while I'm at it. :)
I'm 41 and very much into retrogaming, emulation and remaking games. A big chunk of my online time is spent over at Retro Remakes where a big community of people are swearing like there was no tomorrow and remaking old games they love - including me (well, they're not remaking me...but you already knew that).
My own site is here if anyone wants to take a look.

Just checking the filedates I can see I started a remake of HITMW a year ago - almost to the date (feb. 13th 2008), but I didn't finish it - I wasn't satisfied with the jumping and I wanted it to be exactly like the Psion version. I still have a 'dream' of remaking it some day, but I don't know if I'll ever get 'round to it - I've already got 3 other games underway and who knows what other ideas I have when I'm finished with them?

A perfect time to ask; "How would you feel about a freeware remake of HITMW"? - like I said - I'm not sure I'll actually get to it, but at least I won't have to think too much about it if you're against it. I downloaded the source btw and was pretty surprised to see that it was mostly in some Basic variant. I'd never have guessed - I feels so smooth (well, unless there's too much moving at once...or collapsing platforms) I was convinced it was done in assembler.

I don't know how much I have to contribute to RetroBytes on a daily basis but I'll follow the happenings here closely anyway - I find your DS project very interresting. Back in the 80's and 90' I programmed in Z80 (Spectrum and Sam Coupe) and 68000 (Amiga) and I wanted to make a game, but I never finished anything. I only started programming again about 5 years ago and I'm getting more ambitious here in my old days...I want to make a complete game in assembler. I'm hoping to start this year but hopefully not later than next year, but there's no rush since I don't have anything specific I want to do anyway. I haven't even decided on a platform. The hardware I know the best is the Spectrum and that would be a big help to me, but I might go for some more modern hardware - that's why I find the Warhawk project so interresting. :D

Alright..see you around the internets.  ;D

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Reply #4 on: February 17, 2009, 11:30:28 pm
Wow... What a really nice post!

I woukd certainly be interested in a HITMW remake - In fact - I would love it! It is a game that (as you have noted) took 2 weeks to write, though I was at it 18-20 hours a day! :) So, I would love to see a remake or conversion and would be happy to help in any way. Sadly I am only an ASM coder really and have no understanding of that strnge thing called "C". Though I can (have) coded in 6502, 6510, z80, x86, 68000, and now ARM..

So glad to just hear from someone who played HITMW, even though the game sold over 20,000 copies, apart from Martyn Carroll, you are the first to show interest. And it is a game I was VERY proud of.

About you looking at the source, most of it is coded in OOP. ie psion opl code. But.. Where it counted it was coded in x86. The sprites, detection, and animation. So, some was object orientated code and the rest was asm.. (but only where needed)

Well, thanks for the post, and sorry my reply is a bit short, but now cooking tea, so trying to make it as quick as pos!

Ps. If you have access to a psion, there is loads of games/source I am sitting on - Stigma being a personal fave!

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Reply #5 on: February 19, 2009, 01:59:50 am
Yeah nice post Sokurah good to see a fellow remaker on here. Checked out the Retro Remakes forums and I must say it looks like a cool place! I spent about an hour reading through some posts. It's quite interesting that I actually stumbled on the competition they were running recently and told Flash about it. I'm impressed you managed to get 3 of your games in there and coming 4th place is not bad at all. I hope to get some time to drop into Retro Remakes and say hello. I'm actually quite amazed at how big the hobby of remaking is, it's nice to know were not alone!

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Reply #6 on: May 08, 2009, 03:44:07 pm
Sokurah spotted this over at World of Spectrum

Brand new Horace Game

While also Matthew Wilson has been grabbing all the levels for a review?

Horace in the Mystic Woods


15 years later (nearly) and someone has noticed it!!! LOL

Oh and a sort-of video review, sweet...

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Reply #7 on: May 09, 2009, 01:34:50 pm
Hey Flash that's really cool how someone is porting HITMW to the Spectrum!

Offline na_th_an

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Reply #8 on: May 11, 2009, 06:59:20 am
Hello! I'm the guy who will remake this game for the Speccy. I just grabbed the code for study. Thank you very much for providing it!

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Reply #9 on: May 11, 2009, 07:09:12 am
That is fine mate - good luck with the project :)

Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

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Reply #10 on: November 04, 2009, 09:03:32 pm
I wonder what happened to the Spectrum conversion?

I dare not post on WOS for fear of disapointment.

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