Sokurah · 19760
Also old been cool to see Hyper Drive (great little Amos game for Amiga with nice fast scrolling) as a little 2 weeks remake with vector and something different).
Software....I don't even know what the hell a shader is. (well, I do have a general idea of what they are from reading about it, but that's all).
I do it by using DirectX or OpenGL and then drawing textured polygons with the mostly-alpha image below and basically stretching it to generate the lines.
Is there any chance you could add another render pass that sets the texture to null and then draws the poly's using lines so we can see the actual outlines of the poly's? I'm really interested in seeing how you lay the poly's out. I assume you're using a triangle strip?
The way I do this is: Separate the glow texture into 3 segments for start, middle, end. Extrude the line normals depending on the width I want and use those as the four points for my quad(you can use tri-strips if you want). So doing a single line, I would need 3 quads. The middle quad is what I "stretch".
Sokurah: I'm quite interested in that 3rd party sofware of yours. Do you have a linky?
Looks like we do have something in common.
Cool!! I heard Blitz is free now?