There I was...bored between christmas and newyear, and I suddenly had a good idea while showering.
Yes, I get a lot of inspiration while showering...when you see the result you may wonder if I'm actually showering at all, but that's a discussion for another time.

...but I digress.
My good idea led me to start a new remake the same day and I've been working on it for less than two weeks by now and it's nearly done, so this one should be my fastest one yet. To be fair (against myself) I've reused a lot of code from Omega Race 2009 so that's made it easier to get as far as I have in this short time.
I only need to do two things: soundcode, and the enemy missiles. Then it'll be done.
The missiles are critical though, and I won't finish it "before it's done", but it shouldn't be long.
Here's a piccy of the menu.