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Other Games & Projects / Project: Newb
« Last post by stigzler on March 08, 2018, 09:18:18 pm »
Hello folks,

Steered this way by Headzake + hi to Flash. Didn't know your had a game released, fella! I remember that Rob Hubbard theme + possibly the game!  :-[

Funky Horraces too!

Anywhoos, I'm thinking about trying to write a game for the C64. This would mean learning assembly!   :'(

I'm trying to keep a dev diary here:

There's so much I need guidance on, so dunno if you guys can help out? Even if it's just guided reading at this stage!

One thing I'm puzzling about atm is the most efficient way of working with arrays in asm (as per this post:

Any ideas?

General Discussion / Re: More homebrew on Nintendo DS ?
« Last post by PypeBros on March 08, 2018, 08:46:11 pm »
Yep, the current rise of the NES homebrew (and apparently SMS homebrew) communities make me hope that I'm not developing for me alone, and that some day, people who grew with the Nintendo DS will enter a part of their lifetime where they'll want to code for it themselves. We had a super-strong community. It was so amazing that I just had to post a news on one French board to see it translated in 5 or 6 different languages and relayed over the world without having to raise the smallest finger.

I'm convinced there are some people still interested, but we no longer have any place to meet, imho. Partly because there wasn't one place to meet in the first time: we were so many that we could simply keep in touch with our local peers without worrying about building a worldwide community.

Someone (I think one of you) mentioned two other person still doing homebrew for DS (or GBA?) over the last week. Maybe on twitter. But our new communication channels have a flaw when it comes to memory. Impossible to force the websites to show it once more...
General Discussion / Re: More homebrew on Nintendo DS ?
« Last post by Lobo on March 08, 2018, 08:30:56 pm »
yeah but I think that not having at least a few people that you can exchange opinion with, ask feedback/support... well, it makes that much harder and less intriguing, even if I agree we mostly do what we do for our own enjoyment...

(does that sentence makes any sense?)

I know how you feel. I'm currently working on an arcade game (for actual arcade hardware, so I test using MAME) but I have NO idea how big the community is for things like this, so I'm just plowing ahead with it and trying to make a good game. Maybe there's only 10 people out there that will enjoy it ... but that doesn't really matter as I'm mostly doing it for myself anyway :)

Ye, even tho a lot of people do it for their own pleasure, you still need some audience to share that with. To me, the size of the audience is less important than passion behind it, tho truth to be told - DS scene had both, numbers and actual passionate people about it, so many who didn't mind swapping that slot 1 card (or 2-3) on the train while commuting, just to try out your latest beta. That kinda thing is worth it methinks.

 For example, I was downloading a lot of A2600 homebrew from atariage for years and at first it was a really small community which grew in time to get numbers as well as passion and yea, I mean who in his right mind would be trying to push A2600 game in 21 century unless there was real  :-* behind it. It goes as far as people still printing cartridges for some of these games, limited as it is but there is always someone who wants that and its worth doing it even for only 20 peeps.
So, methinks, doing SMS or Z80 arcade or even DS/GBA today (well Sverx and co released Waimanu recently on GBA cart) is worth it really if there is still at least a few passionate folks out there.
General Discussion / Re: More homebrew on Nintendo DS ?
« Last post by PypeBros on March 07, 2018, 04:42:06 pm »
Seconding sverx here. I wasn't too worried about the GBA/DS community disappearing as long as I had workmates having a linker-capable NDS themselves and being happy to give my new builds a try every now and then. Since I changed to another workplace, having noone really noticing that I'm doing a release is a bit disappointing. Rather than enjoying the feedbacks, it turns out like "why am I even doing that" blues. That hopefully goes away when I have the opportunity to get actual people playing the game, hopefully.

It has been even more exacerbated these last years as I'm mostly pushing updates to the gameplay. As you all know, we tend to turn expert in our own games and get blind to their own flaws. I'm extremely honoured to have received detailed feedback from seasoned game designers. But each of these were quite energy-consuming to get, and did not necessarily came where I most needed it.  

(yay. I'm now running on ZX80!)
General Discussion / Re: More homebrew on Nintendo DS ?
« Last post by sverx on March 07, 2018, 11:17:33 am »
yeah but I think that not having at least a few people that you can exchange opinion with, ask feedback/support... well, it makes that much harder and less intriguing, even if I agree we mostly do what we do for our own enjoyment...

(does that sentence makes any sense?)
General Discussion / Re: More homebrew on Nintendo DS ?
« Last post by Sokurah on March 06, 2018, 10:17:40 pm »
The matter is that by the time I had learnt all the DS and GBA's secrets (LOL) - gbadev community disappeared, and I felt like speaking to the desert.

I know how you feel. I'm currently working on an arcade game (for actual arcade hardware, so I test using MAME) but I have NO idea how big the community is for things like this, so I'm just plowing ahead with it and trying to make a good game. Maybe there's only 10 people out there that will enjoy it ... but that doesn't really matter as I'm mostly doing it for myself anyway :)
General Discussion / Re: More homebrew on Nintendo DS ?
« Last post by PypeBros on March 06, 2018, 10:10:05 pm »
Anyway now that I learnt all the SMS/GG secrets I feel I need something new to play with. I'm reading MegaDrive technical documents these days, let's see what it brings :D

Makes a lot of sense. I felt some attraction towards NES myself over the years, although it remained theoretical. For my graphical style and my brother's musical scores, the NDS feels best suited. I could likely do it on SNES as well (or SMD), but I bet I'd be consuming so much time getting familiar with the hardware/sdk that the game development effort would be reset again. If I ever make a SNES port of some of my games, I want it to run with graphics made with Sprite Editor for DS ;-)
General Discussion / Re: More homebrew on Nintendo DS ?
« Last post by sverx on March 06, 2018, 08:32:13 am »
Yeah, you completely changed to another platform, now, haven't you ?

The matter is that by the time I had learnt all the DS and GBA's secrets (LOL) - gbadev community disappeared, and I felt like speaking to the desert. When I found my old-lost SMS I discovered a great community ( and I dove into it. Anyway now that I learnt all the SMS/GG secrets I feel I need something new to play with. I'm reading MegaDrive technical documents these days, let's see what it brings :D
General Discussion / Re: More homebrew on Nintendo DS ?
« Last post by PypeBros on March 05, 2018, 03:37:20 pm »
To me, it seems like it was before the latest ice age  ;D

Yeah, you completely changed to another platform, now, haven't you ?
General Discussion / Re: More homebrew on Nintendo DS ?
« Last post by sverx on March 05, 2018, 09:18:32 am »
Thanks, always nice to hear people remember some work from 300 years ago, or was it just yesterday? :P

To me, it seems like it was before the latest ice age  ;D