RetroBytes Portal
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Sokurah on January 12, 2012, 08:36:03 am
Today our dear admin is one year older. :-*
...I think that makes him about 640. :)
Edit: Sh*t...I'd written 'dead' instead of 'dear'...that was unfortunate. :-[
Happy birthday! :)
Happy Birthday Flash!
Thanks my chums.
Oh god - I am officially old!!!!
Edit: Sh*t...I'd written 'dead' instead of 'dear'...that was unfortunate. :-[
LOL I wondered what that was about!
Tillykke md fødselsdagen. Håber du får fine gaver...
(hihi i could not regret to write in Danish :-)
Jeg fik en dejlig rygere rør rack og et rør lysere. tak.
:) - sometimes google translate fun.
Jeg fik en dejlig rygere rør rack og et rør lysere. tak.
LOL, now you make about as much sense as SF usually does. ;D :)
<with the voice of HAL 9000>
Happy birthday Flash. :) :)
Also thanks for running this nice and relaxed BB. :-*
What do you mean about being officially old?
LOL, now you make about as much sense as SF usually does. ;D :)
That bad huh? Lol
What do you mean about being officially old?
I did not rank 44 as 'old', perhaps just a little. But 45, now that is old. If a dictionary had numbers in it and you looked up 45, it would define it as 'old'
Well happy birthday you cheeky bastard! :D
Hope you get some birthday "action" that doesn't involve Rosy Palm and her 5 sisters! Har-dee-har!
I had the impression that Flash was relatively happily married, thus no need for more than a very occasional five-knuckle job. ;)
Happily married... That has to be an oxymoron lol lol
Hey Adultery, thanks 8)
LOL, now you make about as much sense as SF usually does. ;D :)
LOL!!! ;D ;D ;D
I did not rank 44 as 'old', perhaps just a little. But 45, now that is old. If a dictionary had numbers in it and you looked up 45, it would define it as 'old'
Actually not ( :P :P :P
I had the impression that Flash was relatively happily married, thus no need for more than a very occasional five-knuckle job. ;)
Wait, what? People still have sex after their married? Well that's news to me! LOL!
Don't be silly, of course not... thats just fantasy
Happy bday, I seriously wish you a blodige helvede dette tåbelige sprog!
Man...Danish, almost A language. :)
A language? Only in the same way that a Platypus is a fish (or a duck)
Thanks mate.
Well, I was too harsh maybe :-[ , after all it is a derivative of Esperanto so it might be a language, right? Pheew (saved :) )!
ANyhoo, you said 44? What happened to the other 620??
I think they are behind the sofa
Man...Danish, almost A language. :)
Envy! ;)
...on the other hand I'm glad I speak English too. I mean - we just don't have a Danish word for 'weekend' (so we just use the English word), so what the hell would I do with these two days if I couldn't have the weekend off? :)
Envy! ;)
True :-[
I wanna be able to say this...'Lobo er en fantastisk viking, der dræber bønder!' with a straight face, if possible!
Hmm, Danish. A lot of basic English vocabulary comes from there, and much of the country was part of their empire just over a thousand years ago (the Danelaw). Bloody hell, King Canute was a Dane.
Was reading this earlier today, not a Mail fanatic but do think it's the best of the tabloids online as far as design goes, also like the way they sometimes use the word 'Fury' in two headlines in a row. :)
Sure beats The Times ever since the Dirty Digger got his dirty hands on that. Come to think of it, The Times didn't even look or sound like a tabloid before that.
Meandering but thought it was a pretty good article. (
King Canute is Danish. Well, if anything could ever hit the nail on the head, that did lol lol. Nearly as bad as our king George (who was German).
The English language is arguably more akin to its Germanic roots/influences than anything else. Sadly. The original English language being more Gaelic than anything. The Danes did influence nouns and place names, in a smaller way than Latin and the Romans managed. Latin is seen daily in English cities and extensively in taxonomy and the like (including original medical literature).
Oh, I digressed lol
Much basic vocab., that one might assume comes from the historical Angles & Saxons, actually does come from Danish, the words `take' & `they' as just two of many examples.
England, derived from `land of the Angles', by definition never had anything but minorities speaking celtic languages. The last of those was in Cornwall, but died out with its last speaker in the century before last.
Fans are attempting a revival in hope of EU subsidies, but they had to use Welsh to fill in the gaps, so by no means authentic Cornish.
That said, a good Cornish pasty is a much-missed delicacy that'd go down a treat right now.
The Danes did influence nouns and place names, in a smaller way than Latin and the Romans managed.
That's all I need to put a tax on your asses just for speaking.
Pay up! :) :)
That's all I need to put a tax on your asses just for speaking.
Pay up! :) :)
Sorry but it's still all olde German, Danish and all and since this site is, de facto, German (Das Retrobytes Portal Ja), you gotta pay up, schnell!
Digressor! :)
young man, how old, mean-young, were you then when Warhawk was made, math eludes me? 0_0
Er, I was 18-19 at the time, and not danish... ;)
Er, I was 18-19 at the time, and not danish... ;)
And 26 years later, still not Danish! And still insisting on being 44 (instead of..ohh..78 at minimum).
Ok. ;)
Oh and, who coaxed the Hubbard into it, you guys or Firebird? Ever met him?
I contacted the 'Hub' from a telephone number I found on a demo disk before we had a publisher. Bit of a risk as I had to pay him before we got any return on the game.
I bet it was arm and leg back then. Man, weird ways of game development of the past were..ohman, yoda speak. :)
But I didn't know that Tanium was actually released o_0, I thought it was never finished, weird that. Almost thought that what you've posted here has never seen a light of the day as a physical copy.
It was released as an 'as is'. I just wrapped it up rather than adding all the things I wanted to add. Lost it's appeal when Betts caused a stink over the use of the Warhawk name (as that was intended as a follow up - the ship is still based on a sideways Warhawk ship). So, I sent it to a couple of publishers and accepted the highest offer (cash + royalties). Cant remember the value, but it was pretty good and kept me for a year or so.
As for Mr. Hubbington. I think the price was around £1000. Quite a lot in 1985 (it was about october, well, just prior to the Commodore show at the Novotel in Hammersmith, London).
1985? You still trying to shave off some years young man!! :)
But yeah, hell..1000 big ones is quite a sum even today dammit! ???
No wonder that many a red Ferrari were seen on the streets of Denm..I mean England back then.
and that's perhaps why I did not have a red ferrari :'(
Me neither :'(
I had a Ferrarri. wait...that was a dream I had. :)
You're lucky, I can't afford dreams...
You're lucky, I can't afford dreams...
Don't worry, mine are only the cheap and dirty kind - they're the most fun too. ;)
Perhaps I can borrow one of yours? A used one is fine. I don't mind secondhand dreams. It is aspirations I don't like shared.
'Aspirations', I had to google it.
Sounds like something against insects or some throat problem or another. :)
So, Ferrari...noone has it? Yet? :(
Nope... Sadly I just have the Bentley.
Nope... Sadly I just have the Bentley.
The butler? ???
Well, he keeps the wife warm at night, giving me freedom to code these top selling games.... ?
Bugger, I've been duped.
Lost me at 'top'..or was it 'selling'... :)
Oh man, we gotta post the numbers as that seems to be popular nowadays where everyone and his cat is seemingly selling millions. We'll just put P (for peanuts) instead of $ or £ (or Danish Canadian deutchmark or whatnot) :-\
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and, Penis...
See, I made a word.
And Pirate (Joe..from Canada).
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So, Ferrari...noone has it? Yet? :(
No, but I have a Lamborghini. A Lamborghini boiler. (Seriously!)
Tsh! And you just could not help bragging about it....
No, but I have a Lamborghini. A Lamborghini boiler. (Seriously!)
Does that mean you posess an old hen which is only suitable for boiling and goes by the name 'Lamborghini'?
uhu? :o :o
Does that mean you posess an old hen which is only suitable for boiling and goes by the name 'Lamborghini'?
uhu? :o :o
No, he doesn't have an old hen - only an old cock. :) :)
uhu? :o :o
Err, Sverx, you've probably looked it up by now, but the word 'boiler' can mean a chicken that is only fit to boil, usually a hen (I learnt that usage before the one about a machine or tank for boiling water), and by extension, an old woman who is particularly irritable, rude, or otherwise nasty.
This thread is too old for Flash's birthday IMHO, but I think that after all of this time, everybody would love to see a photograph of Sverx's Lamborghini boiler. Probably impress the hell out of us all!
Upload a photo please! :-*
Wow. I see now :)
A photo? Mmm... that boiler doesn't even have that Lamborgini red 'shield' on it, I guess it won't impress anyone :|
(for instance, it's not one of those but it's one of those :( )
that boiler doesn't even have that Lamborgini red 'shield' on it, I guess it won't impress anyone :|
You could always get the shield off a second-hand Lamborghini laptop (must be pretty cheap these days) and stick it on the boiler. :)
Oh no, I am an idiot for confusing Lamborghini and Ferrari!!!! :) :) :)
Anyway, design in the example looks nice, shame it isn't really a chicken though.
This thread is too old for Flash's birthday IMHO, but I think that after all of this time, everybody would love to see a photograph of Sverx's Lamborghini boiler. Probably impress the hell out of us all!
At my age, the longer the birthday lasts, the better lol...