It was me that was really want that lib because I prefer XM music rather than mod music to the next 2 games. The only problem is samples was quite high, but I can do something with it.
Its somebody app I can download so I can compile my self, so I better can test how it perferm in a emulator? What shall I do (includning subsongs in same module, due I wont waste memory)?
I normally reuse instruments when I can, even memory might not been a issue here. So its might a good idea, if you can add that feature in your player.
PS. There no Gxx command in XM files, G is not a number in a hex file. There is a Cxx command, but its for instrument volume, so I think you need to add a volume main argument as well to parse under loading.
These are not supported in Skale Tracker yet in that version I use, so I might move to another tracker for finalize it using these extended commands. The global volume was a quite too high in the Miner demo I got.
It would been nice to change volume directly as well using a seperate function, so volume can been controlled by a user example in a pause menu seperated for music and SFX...
Also just so there is no confusion I'm using MaxMod in TDG not libxm7. I think libxm7 is great but libnds uses MaxMod so that's why I'm using it. On the other hand libxm7 was the perfect solution for MMLL because it doesn't use libnds.
you can just use the same command like Gxx, just change it directly by the new function...
Didn't have time to test the latest version until now. I prefer the old speed (faster) much much much....much more.I thought I said Tuesday?
This one feels very...dragging. ;)
Other than that, what's the progress? I thought I said until Monday.
Didn't have time to test the latest version until now. I prefer the old speed (faster) much much much....much more.
This one feels very...dragging. ;)
stmfd sp!, {r0-r10, lr}
@ first grab our x,y coord into r0,r1
@ then loop through all monsters (1-7)
@ and check boundries
@ if a boundry check is true, THEN do a per pixel check
ldr r0,=spriteX+128
ldr r0,[r0] @ player X
ldr r1,=spriteY+128
ldr r1,[r1] @ player y
mov r10,#65 @ monster number (65-71)
ldr r2,=spriteActive
ldr r2,[r2, r10, lsl#2]
cmp r2,#0
beq colMonFail
ldr r2,=spriteX
ldr r2,[r2,r10,lsl#2]
ldr r3,=spriteY
ldr r3,[r3,r10,lsl#2]
@ r0,r1=willy x/y
@ r2,r3=monst x/y
@ first, if px+15<mx or px>mx+15, no possible collision
add r0,#15
cmp r0,r2
sub r0,#15
blt colMonFail
add r2,#15
cmp r0,r2
sub r2,#15
bgt colMonFail
@ next, if py+15<my or py>my+15, no possible collision
add r1,#15
cmp r1,r3
sub r1,#15
blt colMonFail
add r3,#15
cmp r1,r3
sub r3,#15
bgt colMonFail
bl pixelDetect
add r10,#1
cmp r10,#72
bne collisionMonsterCheckLoop
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r10, pc}
stmfd sp!, {r0-r10, lr}
@ clear cmap
mov r0,#0
ldr r1,=colMonMap
ldr r2,=576
bl dmaFillWords
@ r10= number of the monster you have collided with
@ we need to find what the sprite is ( we will also have to plot backwards for hflip=1)
ldr r0,=spriteObj
ldr r0,[r0,r10,lsl#2] @ r0= sprite object (0-max)
@ now get the pointer to the memory adress of the image (each sprite = 256 bytes)
lsl r0,#8 @ image * 256
add r1,r0 @ r1 should = pointer to image (8*8 tl)
add r2,r1,#64 @ r2 = 8*8 tr
add r3,r2,#64 @ r3 = 8*8 bl
add r4,r3,#64 @ r4 = 8*8 br
ldr r9,=spriteHFlip
ldr r9,[r9,r10,lsl#2] @ sprite flip? 0=normal 1=reversed
cmp r9,#0
bleq maskNormal @ grab data and shove to centre of colMonMap
blne maskFlipped @ for normal and flipped sprites
bl displaySpriteMap
@ now we need to make your x/y 0-47 and alien is plotted in colMonMap at 16,16
ldr r0,=spriteX
ldr r11,[r0,r10,lsl#2] @ r11=monster X
ldr r0,=spriteY
ldr r12,[r0,r10,lsl#2] @ r12=monster Y
ldr r0,=spriteX+128
ldr r0,[r0] @ r0=your X
sub r11,#16 @ r2 is now a diff value
sub r0,r11 @ r0= x coord 0-47
ldr r1,=spriteY+128
ldr r1,[r1] @ r0=your Y
sub r12,#16
sub r1,r12 @ r1= y coord 0-47
@ r0,r1 = x/y coord of you 0-47, so all we need to do is check against colMonMap at the x/y coord created here
@ we need 2 checks, one for normal and one for flipped... GOD!!!
ldr r2,=spriteHFlip+128
ldr r2,[r2] @ r2 = flip status
cmp r2,#0
bleq pixelCheckNormal
blne pixelCheckFlipped
cmp r12,#1 @ r12 returned to say we have hit (0=false)
bleq initDeath
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r10, pc}
@--------------------------- Grab normal data
stmfd sp!, {r0-r12, lr}
ldr r5,=colMonMap
add r5,#768+16
add r6,r5,#8
add r7,r5,#384
add r8,r7,#8
@ r1,r2,r3,r4 = 4 seqments of original sprite image
@ r5,r6,r7,r8 = 4 segments to store to
mov r0,#0 @ counter (0-63)
mov r10,#0 @ byte counter (0-7)
ldrb r9,[r1,r0]
strb r9,[r5,r0]
ldrb r9,[r2,r0]
strb r9,[r6,r0]
ldrb r9,[r3,r0]
strb r9,[r7,r0]
ldrb r9,[r4,r0]
strb r9,[r8,r0]
add r10,#1
cmp r10,#8
moveq r10,#0
addeq r5,#40
addeq r6,#40
addeq r7,#40
addeq r8,#40
add r0,#1
cmp r0,#64
bne mNormalLoop
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r12, pc}
@--------------------------- Grab flipped data
stmfd sp!, {r0-r12, lr}
ldr r5,=colMonMap
add r5,#768+16
add r6,r5,#8
add r7,r5,#384
add r8,r7,#8
@ r1,r2,r3,r4 = 4 seqments of original sprite image
@ r5,r6,r7,r8 = 4 segments to store to
mov r0,#0 @ counter (0-63)
mov r10,#7 @ byte counter (7-0)
ldrb r9,[r1,r0] @ need to read backwards?
strb r9,[r6,r10]
ldrb r9,[r2,r0]
strb r9,[r5,r10]
ldrb r9,[r3,r0]
strb r9,[r8,r10]
ldrb r9,[r4,r0]
strb r9,[r7,r10]
subs r10,#1
movmi r10,#7
addmi r5,#48
addmi r6,#48
addmi r7,#48
addmi r8,#48
add r0,#1
cmp r0,#64
bne mFlipLoop
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r12, pc}
stmfd sp!, {r0-r10, lr}
ldr r0,=colMonMap
add r0,#768+16
mov r11,#0 @ x
mov r8,#0 @ y
mov r9,#1 @ digits
mov r7,#0 @ which display
mov r1,#0 @ counter (0-256)
ldrb r10,[r0,r1]
bl drawDigits
add r11,#1
cmp r11,#16
moveq r11,#0
addeq r8,#1
addeq r0,#32
add r1,#1
cmp r1,#256
bne dsmLoop
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r10, pc}
@--------------------------- check Normal
stmfd sp!, {r0-r11, lr}
@ r0,r1 = position to start in the colMonData, convert to location
@ y*48+x
mov r2,#48
mul r1,r2 @ mul Y by 48
add r1,r0 @ add x
ldr r2,=colMonMap
add r1,r2 @ r1=colmap top left pixel
add r2,r1,#8 @ r2=colmap top right
add r3,r1,#384 @ r3=colmap bot left
add r4,r3,#8 @ r4=colmap bot right
ldr r11,=spriteObj+128
ldr r11,[r11] @ r11= object of sprite
lsl r11,#8 @ image * 256
add r5,r11 @ r5 should = pointer to image (8*8 tl)
add r6,r5,#64 @ r6 = 8*8 tr
add r7,r6,#64 @ r7 = 8*8 bl
add r8,r7,#64 @ r8 = 8*8 br
@ ok, we need to loop through colmap and read the value if the players is not 0
mov r9,#0 @ counter 0-63
mov r10,#0 @ pixel counter 0-7
ldrb r11,[r5,r9] @ sprite top left 8*8
cmp r11,#0
beq pCheckN1 @ skip if set
ldrb r11,[r1,r9]
cmp r11,#0
bne pixelCheckNormalHit
ldrb r11,[r6,r9] @ sprite top left 8*8
cmp r11,#0
beq pCheckN2 @ skip if set
ldrb r11,[r2,r9]
cmp r11,#0
bne pixelCheckNormalHit
ldrb r11,[r7,r9] @ sprite top left 8*8
cmp r11,#0
beq pCheckN3 @ skip if set
ldrb r11,[r3,r9]
cmp r11,#0
bne pixelCheckNormalHit
ldrb r11,[r8,r9] @ sprite top left 8*8
cmp r11,#0
beq pCheckN4 @ skip if set
ldrb r11,[r4,r9]
cmp r11,#0
bne pixelCheckNormalHit
add r10,#1
cmp r10,#8
moveq r10,#0
addeq r1,#40
addeq r2,#40
addeq r3,#40
addeq r4,#40
add r9,#1
cmp r9,#64
bne pCheckNLoop
mov r12,#0
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r11, pc}
mov r12,#1
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r11, pc}
@--------------------------- check Flipped
stmfd sp!, {r0-r11, lr}
@ r0,r1 = position to start in the colMonData, convert to location
@ y*48+x
mov r2,#48
mul r1,r2 @ mul Y by 48
add r1,r0 @ add x
ldr r2,=colMonMap
add r1,r2 @ r1=colmap top left pixel
add r2,r1,#8 @ r2=colmap top right
add r3,r1,#384 @ r3=colmap bot left
add r4,r3,#8 @ r4=colmap bot right
ldr r11,=spriteObj+128
ldr r11,[r11] @ r11= object of sprite
lsl r11,#8 @ image * 256
add r5,r11 @ r5 should = pointer to image (8*8 tl)
add r6,r5,#64 @ r6 = 8*8 tr
add r7,r6,#64 @ r7 = 8*8 bl
add r8,r7,#64 @ r8 = 8*8 br
@ ok, we need to loop through colmap and read the value if the players is not 0
mov r9,#0 @ counter 0-63
mov r10,#7 @ pixel counter 0-7
ldrb r11,[r6,r10] @ sprite top left 8*8
cmp r11,#0
beq pCheckF1 @ skip if set
ldrb r11,[r1,r9]
cmp r11,#0
bne pixelCheckFlippedHit
ldrb r11,[r5,r10] @ sprite top left 8*8
cmp r11,#0
beq pCheckF2 @ skip if set
ldrb r11,[r2,r9]
cmp r11,#0
bne pixelCheckFlippedHit
ldrb r11,[r8,r10] @ sprite top left 8*8
cmp r11,#0
beq pCheckF3 @ skip if set
ldrb r11,[r3,r9]
cmp r11,#0
bne pixelCheckFlippedHit
ldrb r11,[r7,r10] @ sprite top left 8*8
cmp r11,#0
beq pCheckN4 @ skip if set
ldrb r11,[r4,r9]
cmp r11,#0
bne pixelCheckFlippedHit
subs r10,#1
movmi r10,#7
addmi r1,#40
addmi r2,#40
addmi r3,#40
addmi r4,#40
addmi r5,#8
addmi r6,#8
addmi r7,#8
addmi r8,#8
add r9,#1
cmp r9,#64
bne pCheckFLoop
mov r12,#0
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r11, pc}
mov r12,#1
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r11, pc}
.space 2304
Sokky: Just reallised how easy this would be to turn into Horace... <snigger> (I wouldn't)
Not sure what you mean aboult the jumping? If you skip levels, you can play the first original spectrum level. I used this to check the jumps (and have also compaired height and distance with the oric version). On spec level 1 at then end of the conveyor, you should only just be able to reach the upper of the two platforms on the left. Hmmm... I am a bit confused? You will have to explain more with pictures and diagrams and stuff with arrows and algebra.. ;)
Can I join the betatest efforts? :)
Are you playing the latest version? I think there may have been a colmap issue in an earlier beta?
ps. there is a solid wall above you, so, if you jump left and hit your head, you will fall directly down (as in the original), is that what you mean?
Hmmm... I am a bit confused? You will have to explain more with pictures and diagrams and stuff with arrows and algebra.. ;)
-Down the pit - nono..not yet, actually if you jump as soon as the level starts, you can walk on the top area (bug?)
-Back to work - can't finish no frickin way! I just can't get to conveyor belt no matter where I jump from, always hit the bloody ceiling and fall straight down. TIPS??Just get a little higher up the trellis, but not too high (else you hit your head), about the 5th block down and jump right
The top bird in back to work have same problem. You need to wait a QUITE long time to the left. It have a bad start position. Jump to conveyor is tricky, but possible (this one took me some tries too).That top bird does need moving, I agree... But, again, it is how it is in the original - I will play so that if you do the rest quickly you won't have to wait.
Er, no... um.....'special feature'?
Post it all baby, spammerize the machines batman, oil up the old gears of advertising factory and full steam ahead!
Actually, everyone saw screens already, I mean everyone on this board is a tester so that much is covered.
Now, for that 'bird situation' I'm having I wait until the bird is halfway to the right over CB and then jump on it..or what's the secret here?
Great work guys. The whole thing gels so nicely...
Looking good. Just think - Horace could look that good too...I just need to find someone who will code it for me first. :D
fnaeilfueafnml...I wanna say...I'll wait about half an hour or so but I'm almost e...<smirkle> <guffaw> <funnock>
I meant to say, don't go anywhere soks.
<smirkle> <guffaw> <funnock>
exxxcccllent..excc./..caaan't hoold onnn mucch loooongerrr!!!
Flash, heeelp! :D <\gngmgkkssusgnn>
exxxcccllent..excc./..caaan't hoold onnn mucch loooongerrr!!!
Flash, heeelp! :D <\gngmgkkssusgnn>
Yep, as you should! That's where we Men separate from Gorgons! We work under pressure-period! 8)What is a pressure-period? Is that a really heavy full stop?
What is a pressure-period? Is that a really heavy full stop?
LOL LOOL LLLOOOOLLL - at the one which you perfectly which one. :D Solurahlapse my ass. :D :D
...damn hard though - it's the one I've had the most retries at and then it doesn't end. Grr...just my development. ;)
Finally! HAHAHA! Awesome man. Flash and I have been giggling like high school cheerleaders on prozac for the good part of the day. Ah..super.
Do you put out? :D
Its wrote in Assembly :-D
Found an interesting inverview with the original author of Manic Miner
:D lol ... :D ... I'm currently learning ARM asm, it's very different from the asm I'm (was) used to (x86) back in the days ;) Btw I think I'll use asm only as a last resort when it's really necessary to squeeze up to the last CPU cycle (for example IF I'll ever code a software audio mixing routines... which probably I won't do...)ARM asm is a beautiful language and pretty easy to code in if you have knowledge of 6502.. It is very similar. The main differences are the loss of the INC instruction, and that addition of tons of multifunction registers.
Holy crap! We oughta call this dude, he' of us! ???I wish I knew how to find the man!!
Now..back to the movie.
ARM asm is a beautiful language and pretty easy to code in if you have knowledge of 6502.. It is very similar. The main differences are the loss of the INC instruction, and that addition of tons of multifunction registers.
[...]and we uses BG's dilligently to enable sprites and effects to be split horizontally.
Sverx, good luck with learning ARM. Even if you never use it (as HK will testify) there are a lot of benefits to knowing how code is constructed at core level that could even help with speed intensive C code.
Sorry, I don't get what you mean with that sentence ???
Well, we use backgrounds as masks to cover up parts that we don't want affected. ie. the rain is behind bg0 and bg1 (the status at the top)
The lightning is a blend on bg2, bg3, and sprites (sub). We leave bg0 and 1 alone as this saves us having to use interupts to horizontally seperate the top status from the play areas.
cmp r0,#0
subne r0,#1
str r0,[r1]
ldr r2,=SUB_BLEND_Y
str r0,[r2]
ldr r0, =SUB_BLEND_CR
strh r1, [r0]
What I was trying to illustrate was that we just used the remaining bg's to mask the effect where needed.
Did Horace in the Mystic Woods have music? I diddent notice it before now about the ghosts.
Holy crap! We oughta call this dude, he' of us! ???
I totally agree I love what he says at the end... "Everything comes around and goes around. 5 years after I did it I was a washout. 10 years after I did it I was history. But coming up to 20 years now and I'm a legend." And then pulls a crazy face. LOL What a classic!
BTW I did see the Horace level, that's really cool. Makes me wonder if Flash is thinking of remaking a Horace game for the DS now?
Bach, Toccata and Fugue in D minor, organ, that should do ;D.
dont do for many movies, or it became to much of scope of MM? One or two is fine.
I think it Detective time now. Doing the ingame tune (as a another subtune).
Personly I want ragtime and classics in this game.
spectrum graphics using original levels should not take very much memory.... Of course a unlockable feature.They would not take much memory.. True..
Yup, I don't really wanna see the levels which have been whored around numerous other remakes, better to go off with a few surprises and the rest can be done, Fluffons. Flash can probably make some, maybe spacefractal and HK make some, I'll try as well (not too good tbh, see ghostbusters level :P). Alternatively, if Flash finds more 'lost' stuff, that haven't been used- all for the better then.Well, there are several more levels that we have not used that were in other releases... But... I think Stu Campbell pretty much picked the better levels.
How about a Level Editor, if the themes can handle it or using spectrum graphics?
// sending pointer to the libxm7 engine on ARM7
fifoSendValue32(FIFO_XM7, (u32)Module & FIFO_ADDRESSDATA_MASK);
// received a pointer to a module that should start now
#define FIFO_ADDRESSBASE 0x02000000
XM7_PlayModule((XM7_ModuleManager_Type*)(command | FIFO_ADDRESSBASE));
#define IPC 0x027FF000
I did try that and it didn't work using IPC. I had some serious doubts.
Still got audio probs :( (well, music)
Maybe HK has got some time to write a little C program to show me how you use IPC with libXM7?
Funny you mention it I'm working on a little demo now...
#define XM7_IPC (*((vu32*)0x027FF000 + 32))
.global initMusic
.global stopMusic
#define XM7_MODULE_IPC IPC+0x20
#define XM7_STOP -1
#define XM7_MOD_NOT_LOADED 0
#define XM7_MOD_LOADED 1
stmfd sp!, {r0-r1, lr}
@ set r1 to module to play and call
push {r1}
ldr r0, =modLoaded
ldr r1, [r0]
cmp r1, #XM7_MOD_LOADED
streq r2, [r0]
bne initMusicContinue
bl stopMusic
bl swiWaitForVBlank
bl XM7_UnloadXM
pop {r1}
ldr r0, =Module @ Pointer to module data
bl XM7_LoadXM @ Load module
bl DC_FlushAll @ Flush
ldr r0, =XM7_MODULE_IPC @ Location in IPC for XM7 control
ldr r1, =Module @ Send module data location
str r1, [r0]
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r1, pc}
@ ---------------------------------------
stmfd sp!, {r0-r1, lr}
ldr r0, =XM7_MODULE_IPC @ Location in IPC for XM7 control
ldr r1, =XM7_STOP @ Send stop command
str r1, [r0]
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r1, pc}
@ ---------------------------------------
.word 0
#define XM7_MODULE_IPC IPC+0x20
#define XM7_STOP -1
#define STOP_SOUND -1
#define NO_FREE_CHANNEL -1
#define FIND_FREE_CHANNEL 0x80
.global main
stmfd sp!, {r0-r8, lr}
ldr r1, =XM7_MODULE_IPC
ldr r0, [r1]
cmp r0, #0
blgt XM7_PlayModule
ldr r0, =XM7_MODULE_IPC
ldr r1, [r0]
mov r2, #0
cmp r1, #0
strgt r2, [r0]
ldr r0, =XM7_MODULE_IPC
ldr r1, [r0]
cmp r1, #XM7_STOP
bleq XM7_StopModule
ldr r7, =IPC_SOUND_DATA(SOUND_CHANNEL) @ Get a pointer to the sound data in IPC
ldr r8, =IPC_SOUND_LEN(SOUND_CHANNEL) @ Get a pointer to the sound data in IPC
ldr r2, =IPC_SOUND_CHAN(SOUND_CHANNEL) @ Get a pointer to the sound data in IPC
ldr r3, =IPC_SOUND_RATE(SOUND_CHANNEL) @ Get a pointer to the sound data in IPC
ldr r4, =IPC_SOUND_VOL(SOUND_CHANNEL) @ Get a pointer to the sound data in IPC
ldr r5, =IPC_SOUND_PAN(SOUND_CHANNEL) @ Get a pointer to the sound data in IPC
ldr r6, =IPC_SOUND_FORMAT(SOUND_CHANNEL) @ Get a pointer to the sound data in IPC
ldr r0, [r7] @ Read the value
ldr r1, [r8] @ Read the value
ldrb r2, [r2] @ Read the value
ldr r3, [r3] @ Read the value
ldrb r4, [r4] @ Read the value
ldrb r5, [r5] @ Read the value
ldrb r6, [r6] @ Read the value
mov r8, #0 @ Value to reset
cmp r0, #STOP_SOUND @ Stop Sound value?
streq r8, [r7] @ Clear the data
bleq stopSound @ Stop Sound
cmp r0, #0 @ Is there data there?
strgt r8, [r7] @ Clear the data
blgt playSound @ If so lets play the sound
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r8, pc} @ restore registers and return
@ ------------------------------------
You get an error running the demo I posted in No$? Wierd I didn't get any errors at all.
stmfd sp!, {r0-r8, lr}
ldr r1, =XM7_MODULE_IPC
ldr r0, [r1]
cmp r0, #0
@ --here--
blgt XM7_PlayModule
@rest of code removed
ldr r2, #0
strgt r2, [r1]
[...] I do have another idea though and that is to get all the xm's from MMLL and have them rotate through in the C++ demo and see if it's problem caused by the xm's themselves.
ldr r0, =Module @ <-- THIS LINE OF CODE WAS MISSING!!!
bl XM7_UnloadXM
Music bug fixed!!! I can't believe how stupid this mistake was.. I didn't realise XM7_UnloadXM required a pointer to the module struct! So I was calling it without placing the module struct pointer in r0 first
DOH! It's amazing how much havok one line of code can cause. Sorry about putting you on a wild goose chase sverx although we did find some wierd FIFO bug along the way.
Great idea SF!!
Err did you notice I fixed the music bug? I even created a stripped back version of MMLL with just the music engine for testing. Only took me about 4 hours of work lol Thought you would be dancing around in excitement ???
PS. I was thinking about splitting the music bug posts into their own thread whaddathink? I think they are quite pointless now. Hmm I don't think I even know how to do that come to think of it.
I still think it should be a separate release (MMG2H?), so that everybody can enjoy them even not completing the LL game. This way there will be also more memory :)Sorry mate, will send you a new build later, when I have time to play..
Btw I still haven't had a chance too see anything new... :'(
[...] cause these are really just an addition to lost levels and not enough to grant a completely new game.
it actuelly works very nicely on that level. Lobo asked for the tune. I could use other than a Organ patch using same tune?Is there anyway to add little cymbal hits? I dont think drums would work, but a little bit of percussion may really elevate it? What do you think?
Lobo, have you ever heard "Sky's" version of Tocatta?
That blew my mind as a kid (30 years ago I suppose).. Mind you, I have not heard it since then, but the memory is sweet!
anyway, don't listen to me. :)
His t-shit is awesome
Miner actully using Classics as it root, but both videos is nice and good sound and very well played, but it might need a lots of work in XM which allready use all 6 channels when chords is used (midi versionen used about 9 notes on sammetime, so removed uneeded onces).
Personly I want this one simple, but I think should use another sound than the organ currectly used (example on some outdoor levels)?
The C64 did have some fantastic music... :)
the problem is I want reverb which is not possible on XM's, due a missing feature in XM7Play, which could simulate that very well (XM7Play wont take any volume points).
I have a idea to a level which mightbeen could been a Terminator level, but not sure. How wide and height (in tiles) can it been? I think I simple do colors on a C64 basic screen and send that to Lobo..
PS. I forget to say I really like the animated title screen at the bottom.
I haven never heard any volume envelopes in the No$Gba emulator, which could even been a unemulated feature? [...]
I'm are not sure how to add D:\Programmer\devkitPro\devkitARM to the path to the XM7Play example?
I have also some limited filespace when all tunes is finised (themes and movie snippts as a shared xm). I could do convert some samples to 8 bit without any problems to save memory, but wont do that if not needed, but better do that when the game is under finalizing and I begin to polish final bits of the tunes (if needed).
Can all music and level graphics been loaded from a external rom area to memory, so a lots of internal memory can been saved and possible to extend the 4MB used (if required)?
The addition of the file system also causes compat probs with several cards
The idea is sound
All depends on decompression speed
Also what are you using to compress the xm's? Perhaps you need to use a different tool to compress them? I assume your using Sektor's ndszlib port ( along with gzip ( rather than something like 7Zip?
a handful of millisecs SHOULD not be a problem and the saving in space should be very welcome.
Oh and fix that spacefractal logo, seems lighter :D, I'm off to bed.
Hello! Just thought I should join in, really. I have to say I'm absolutely gobsmacked at the progress that's been made on this, and the new graphics look astonishingly good. (Can't comment on gameplay or music as it seems the alpha version isn't available now, except for the one that DS-Scene have just leaked.) I'm especially happy that Flash is focusing on making the levels as close to the originals as possible, rather than tweaking them to make them easier - some of them are extremely hard, but they're supposed to be. 20 stages isn't a lot in this day and age, and you don't want people zipping through them in half an hour. (The stages in Super Mario Bros The Lost Levels were brutally tough too.)
Just wanted to throw in my 2p on the extra-levels thing. To me, it's important that The Lost Levels stands alone, including only levels that were in official MM releases. The idea of including other new levels is great, but my personal feeling is that they should be kept separate from the main game. The SAM Coupe version of MM had three totally separate level sets in it, and I'd like to see any extra levels appear as a separate game mode, either available from the start or unlocked when you finish the main game.I think that is the way we will go.. Either, unlocked after completion (my fave idea) or accessable as another set from the title?
I've already messaged Flash to offer some story text to appear between levels, which could be adapted from the original copy I wrote for Retro Gamer and appear in a nice little scroll like the one seen in the Horace screenshot in this thread. Very very excited at developments so far, can't wait to see more...I will look into that, and perhaps send you a Demo soon (if you wish?)
Hello! Just thought I should join in.....
[...] it teaches a few lessons, one very important- don't post binaries around the site anymore until the game is finished, send it via email and we're fine.
Sokurah, where do you live? Be careful with that stuff though, most of the time you're dealing with desperate people and desperate people got nothing to loose.
Stick a couple of nails in the bat, and f**king use it!!! :) (I used to use a nice sledgehammer...)
'Antichrist', I was thinking of the same thing the other night but went on to watch Maltese Falcon instead. Hmm..says Willem Dafoe is in that one, might check it out, maybe tonight.
Channel Tunnel may be a little trickier when the enemies are added... LOL... Ha ha!! (tomorrow)
The screens between Gremlins and Hellraiser are spacers ready for when someone comes up with a level... <flash whistles innocently>
We will have a test and see how much it saves and how quick it is!!
(bet he is so regretting getting involved now) :D
Not all themes not been good using with MM, but its a unlock bonus, so....
Howover I got the Terminator theme mixed in with MM theme rather than use the orginale melody in the studio version (due it its minor chords) ;D.
For some other movies I might use MM use MM theme in the verse rather than original movie theme....
ldr r0, =ZLibBuffer @ Uncompress module
@ ldr r1, =ZLibBufferLen
mov r1,r3, lsl #2
bl uncompress
int uncompress (Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen, const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen);
Decompresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. sourceLen is the byte length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size of the destination buffer, which must be large enough to hold the entire uncompressed data. (The size of the uncompressed data must have been saved previously by the compressor and transmitted to the decompressor by some mechanism outside the scope of this compression library.) Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the uncompressed buffer.
This function can be used to decompress a whole file at once if the input file is mmap'ed.
uncompress returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer, or Z_DATA_ERROR if the input data was corrupted.
if ((state->wrap & 2) && hold == 0x8b1f) { /* gzip header */
if (hold == 0x8b1f) { /* gzip header */
If you've got a chance to send me a beta so that I also can check it, probably I can help a little more :)
Err, can you PM me your e-mail address?
I got the Terminator theme mixed in with MM theme [...]
Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the uncompressed buffer.
Can you guess what went wrong yet? That's right I placed the size of the buffer into a variable at the start but everytime it loaded a module it would write over it with the actual size of teh uncompressed buffer. So after a smaller sized module is loaded it starts thinking the buffer is too small and fails.
Said that, I'd love to receive the current beta anyway :)
I was actually going to send you a demo showing the music problem based on your xm7 example anyway. I will leave Flash to send you the latest beta of MMLL.
One last question for SpaceFractal: are you using MilkyTracker to save the final version of the XMs or not? Because that problem with SkaleTracker is still in the 1.00 version of libXM7 and won't go away before next library release...
saved by MilkyTracker in the end (and using the same software to convert samples to 8 bit, while I using 16 bit versions under creation)
- Length of samples without loop should be multiple of 4.
- The length of the non-repeating part of samples with loops (of any kind) and the length of the repeating part of samples with forward loops should be as stated above.
- Length of the repeating part of 8 bits samples with ping-pong loops should be even.
7 - King Kong 1933
Note sure, mightbeen somewhere that midi file posted here? Its a old movie, so should sound like that.
1 - Casablanca <-finished.
2 - Gremlins <-missing tune, but looking into this.
3 - Goonies <- only kid movie choiced and pretty a good one, just need the music theme fitted in.
4 - Back to the Future - missing level (I got designed a level for this one).
5 - Hellraiser <- missing tune. Its would been a SFX only tune without music.
6 - Ghostbusters <- finished.
7 - King Kong 1933 <- nice level (not tested much, but do the abe moving he hands to fast?). Tune still missing and doing using the midi as base.
8 - Terminator <- finished.
9 - Young Frankenstien <- Not sure should been used? Music would propenty do simular like Casablanca did.
10 - Rock Horror Picture Show <- Not sure should been used? Howover the movie contain much music, so one tune could been used, so which one. The TimeWarp is a nice idea to do a rocky MM theme.
All samples is 8 bit and hence some samples can been noisy, but its really a minor problem and only noticeable on some songs and when few instruments is used.
Found some bugs:
- In the Goonies level, there is a crunching Block shown as a solid platform just after you jumped up the ladder (after the 3th key).
- In Back in the Future level, there is a hidden crunching block as I wrote to you, Flash. there maybe some difference in speed or something with collision in level19 (the original version I mean)?It is exactly the same in the original... I cannot get it there, the jump and detection are the same? I wonder if it is a false collectable - ie. you cant collect it, and you don't need it to clear the level?
Those two bottom 'flowers' that I've mentioned (lower right, right off the key) are impossible. If you drop from the above, you touch them and die, if you try to jump over them, either from the right or from the block you hit the wall to the left and fall straight on one of them (die). Seems impossible. Either something with collision to be made (eg, don't hit the wall while jumping) or complete removal of the 'flowery' on the left (closest to the key).
(Anything you need to help - pm me? I can even add a few things, If you are interested? ? ? ?)
If there was anything special in the level, let me know first
then I think peole should read the story about the fake key...
...sounds like I've missed something ???
then the game is not funny. I want all levels possible, even it need to do very few changes.
For the last two levels, the bottom key is the problem and the top monster in the final level is a problem if you ask me.
I also checkout TDG this weekend (sorry headkaze).
Just grew meself a hump working on the YF level but it's done
I got myself a DS
The acekard 2i is my personal fave... Dirt cheap and works with everything.
YF is easy mate!!
Just use the switch on the right, after you get the key in the middle
If you flick the switch on the right hand, you can use the lift to get to the final key at the top.
I will make a consession and change the crumbler to a solid.
One is that in some levels when Willy dies, a tombstone appears, with "RIP" written on it. Well, if Willy dies facing east, the tombstone appears mirrored...
Then, in BTTF level if I remember correctly, there's written BENNETTON in the text in the subscreen. I think you meant BENETTON...Gosh! For all the shirts I've owned and still can't spell it right. Yeah, it is Benetton. Also, in scroller there's a typo where it says ' SpecTUM level...' thingie.
Shouldn't it be "Willywood" instead of "Hollywood Willy"?
[...] at least have come action in relation to a trigger?
To get the value of "CurrentLine" you just have to find the offset in the struct (XM7_ModuleManager_Type) and then read the value from "Module:" using the offset.
u16 State; // at offset: 0
char ModuleName [20]; // offset: 2
char TrackerName [20]; // offset:22
u16 ModuleLength; // offset:42
u16 RestartPoint; // offset:44
u8 NumberofChannels; // offset:46
u8 NumberofInstruments; // :47
u16 NumberofPatterns; // :48
u8 FreqTable; // :50
u8 DefaultTempo; // :51
u8 DefaultBPM; // :52
u8 PatternOrder[256]; // :53
u16 PatternLength[256]; // :54
XM7_SingleNoteArray_Type* Pattern [256]; // :56
XM7_Instrument_Type* Instrument[128]; // : 312
u8 CurrentTempo; // :824
u8 CurrentBPM; // :825
u8 CurrentGlobalVolume; // :826
u8 CurrentSongPosition; // :827
u8 CurrentPatternNumber; // :828
u8 CurrentLine; // :829
u8 CurrentTick; // :830
u8 CurrentSongPosition
ldr r0, =Module @ This is the pointer to XM7_ModuleManager_Type where the data is loaded via XM7_LoadXM
add r0, #827 @ Add the byte offset to CurrentSongPosition
ldrb r1, [r0] @ Read the byte value of CurrentSongPosition
menu's are a pain in ASM
I was gonna see if I could grab the first level of 'Blagger' (a c64 manic miner rip off by tony crowther) and add that as a bonus level.Odd, never heard of it before, just how many MM clones are out there?? Anyhoo, from what I've seen it seems like it's almost as our movie levels, inspired with crazy stuff (there's mad hatter level as well).
Personly I would like to do something with the many extra levels from the SAM version using original graphics and aggresive version of MM theme.Ok mate,
First Miner game I ever played was China Miner to C64, which also a clone. Hence its not radom why I choiced a piano rag in one of the levels.
Odd, never heard of it before, just how many MM clones are out there?? Anyhoo, from what I've seen it seems like it's almost as our movie levels, inspired with crazy stuff (there's mad hatter level as well). will have a search for a working cheat, and failing that, perhaps crack it - z80 based asm i can handle - mostly LOL
There should been a cheat mode for the sam, but it diddent work here (due it seen the emulator I used did not send F functions at all, and the required 4 keys holding ghosted my keyboard).
Just animation when instruments are used really... Not entirely sure.. LOL
Names for song is also nice and found out some songs was still missings a title. I send when new songs is done, no need to doing that now.
I do not torch the 16 bit one, since they are not used in the game.
If they're not used it's okay to torch them. :D
I am glad that you lot have picked a release day for me LOL
What modified story are you speaking of? I thought you're following the original story from those screenshots you posted, from some magazine?
Some story on later levels is missing, they need to been finished first.
If 31. okt is too early we just move it a week or when done. No problem with me, but the game is very much done. Orignally plan was actuelly 1. Nov which seen was accepted by Flash (if possible of course).
China Miner is not really needed since its a clone and not 100% gameplay suitable to Manic Miner (its might play somewhere diffecent)? I remember I did not have problem with China Miner? It seen I need to test the game again, since its some time ago I played the last.
Sam levels is funnier, since its really a Manic Miner game and hence more suitable for the Lost Level Theme as hidden levels. I found a very good sid C64 version tune of the MM theme which I can use in the bonus level. Its very aggresive, and since its very much use original graphics, the music should something been retro here as well. Howover I can not record sam sounds seperated channels.
So, he better hurry up if I only have till Monday!! ULP! :)
The Xm7Play (I guess the name can been confusion with the other XmPlay I sometime talk about?) player "blackout" (but still play the song) the screen soon after it start (when I testing the 8 bit versions), but the tunes got played and does not crash.
Its should been stated the game is best played with the heardphone [...]
Ok, let's try to do that together...Code: [Select]u16 State; // at offset: 0
char ModuleName [20]; // offset: 2
char TrackerName [20]; // offset:22
u16 ModuleLength; // offset:42
u16 RestartPoint; // offset:44
u8 NumberofChannels; // offset:46
u8 NumberofInstruments; // :47
u16 NumberofPatterns; // :48
u8 FreqTable; // :50
u8 DefaultTempo; // :51
u8 DefaultBPM; // :52
u8 PatternOrder[256]; // :53
u16 PatternLength[256]; // :54
XM7_SingleNoteArray_Type* Pattern [256]; // :56
XM7_Instrument_Type* Instrument[128]; // : 312
u8 CurrentTempo; // :824
u8 CurrentBPM; // :825
u8 CurrentGlobalVolume; // :826
u8 CurrentSongPosition; // :827
u8 CurrentPatternNumber; // :828
u8 CurrentLine; // :829
u8 CurrentTick; // :830
Should be correct. Now I think I'll change this order in next release... I've never realized it's so bad. :-X
Are you sure the offsets are correct?
XM7_Instrument_Type* Instrument[128]; // : 1080
u8 CurrentTempo; // :1592
u8 CurrentBPM; // :1593
u8 CurrentGlobalVolume; // :1594
u8 CurrentSongPosition; // :1595
u8 CurrentPatternNumber; // :1596
u8 CurrentLine; // :1597
u8 CurrentTick; // :1598
I can grab number of channels, but pattern number, pos etc give static values?
I think every DS owner already knows that music quality with headphones is higher... I personally think you should do your best to make each tune sound as good as possible with speakers. :) (I was sure you'd find that the speaker output on real hardware far from perfect...)
In the Jukebox Section I like you could flip from the last song til the first song and the other way....
The offsets give me 000000 on all current values.
u16 State; // at offset: 0
char ModuleName [20]; // offset: 2
char TrackerName [20]; // offset:22
u16 ModuleLength; // offset:42
u16 RestartPoint; // offset:44
u8 NumberofChannels; // offset:46
u8 NumberofInstruments; // :47
u16 NumberofPatterns; // :48
u8 FreqTable; // :50
u8 DefaultTempo; // :51
u8 DefaultBPM; // :52
u8 PatternOrder[256]; // :53
u16 PatternLength[256]; // :310 (here was another error)
XM7_SingleNoteArray_Type* Pattern [256]; // :824
XM7_Instrument_Type* Instrument[128]; // : 1848
u8 CurrentTempo; // :2360
u8 CurrentBPM; // :2361
u8 CurrentGlobalVolume; // :2362
u8 CurrentSongPosition; // :2363
u8 CurrentPatternNumber; // :2364
u8 CurrentLine; // :2365
u8 CurrentTick; // :2364
I can only do a cheat reverb on release which I have tried to "longer" it a bit.
And I will have it done before your 65th birthday... After all, Im not gonna take 2 years am I?
Mostly, all that is involved in the game is a tidy up and bug hunt.. And getting that story in.
I cannot even remember removing it!! LOL
Lobo.. If you want to add any Bonus level designs while I am busy on the code.. Feel free.. We have Trampolines to play with now. It is up to you?
One thing i did notice is that all the willy animations only used the first 4 frames and also, when walking left, my code reversed the animation order - DOH! This is fixed now (it also affected all enemies - you could see it on wheels and stuff). Downside is that now willy used all 8 frames and does not animate as well as hoped. In the latest build, willy is cut to 4 frames, but the other forms (spaceman, rick, etc) use all 8. If you look at the spaceman, you will see what i mean (i hope)... Any chance of a bit of a twiddle there?
I added one today with a new sprite and background
[...] is a limit how short the samples can been (chip like samples)?
Holly Trovajoli! That much?
Code 100K...haha, after all these numbers this one just looks so tiny. :D
Garden scissors!
But yes, I've seen all those insane folks fitting a whole fps into 64kb of code and such. That's about ten backgrounds for MM LL. 8)
"It's just a flesh wound"
Exists some software that can fix it on a sample?
Actually, at the moment all 31 (or 32) tracks are just over 1 meg... (uncompressed it is 2.1 megs)
31 xm songs raw size = 2.04 MB and gzip Compressed (Level 9) size = 834 KB
BTW There is more room that can be squeezed by using ADPCM compressed samples.
I could "only" start from level 31 in WillyWood and not level 32, but still a funny bug as sverx found as seen in the screenshot.
I thought that was fixed in the beta sent last night?
What, you people finished both modes already? ???
You're kidding, I could barely complete first 3 LL and the first WW! I'm using a cheat! :P
New beta has something weird ??? ... or dunno. First, if you jump on a conveyor belt, Willy will turn the direction of the conveyor, it wasn't doing that with previous beta. Second, if Willy dies on a conveyor going left the tombstone with RIP written on it it's again flipped.
The conveyors you are talking about are in the Sam Coupe levels, yes? That is how that version worked, so, I had to make it work that way to!
edit: Lobo was faster! :)
That is strange? It would also affect the ghostbusters level with the car? Hmm I will investigate
and RIP as well.. This could only happen on a right conveyor hmm
Can it show some cheat modes hided somewhere in the bonus levels as eastereggs or messages?
Howover any cheatmodes enabled should disable the hiscore at all (no possible to write your name on endgame).
Some of these cheats could example been (to start with, these boing):
- Unlimited Lives
- Unlimited Air
- No collision
- Level Skip
- Speed (if possible)
- Spectrum/Sam Graphics on all levels, except bonus levels (retro style, even I like Lobo graphics very much) using spectrum(oldies.xm music.
I added more instruments to the intro for egyptian to trying to hide the clicks very much as possible. its only way I can do and works pretty fine. still cliks, not not really annoyring.
If Filesystem is used for the music to save memory (something like that way did for Warhawk), could the game been playable on DSTT? Its that card I normally seen selling in Denmark... Or some reason why it not run on that card?
The latest beta runs perfect on AK2. Haha, turbo mode is excellent! :D
However, maybe only Willy should be turbo, not the enemies?
EDIT: One thing, The final barrier level, I see that spike thing is back down there where that key is, that on purpose to make that key fake then?
One more thing, when you finish LL set, the top screen is screwed (missing victory text, just letter 'C' or something??), this is playing on hardware.
The Final Barrier is now possible with the spike.
I have to say I do NOT like the level changed, since the article clearly used "Mummy Daddy" as level 3, and I would except that would been followed the officiel article as its are (even it was meant for a another level, he did NOT do that when the article got publised).The story at the bottom with fit it all together.
Gamers simply except to play the same levels used in the article too!
Instead the Out of the World (which the graphics need some more work on that side, but still can use the egyptian theme) should been a bonus level instead, of course unlocked from the Mummy Daddy level.
Gamers simply except to play the same levels used in the article too!
have no idea about the flicker changing tunes? Does this happen when altering volume etc?
The quit key using the shoulder bottom can been annoyring (only happens with cheat mode on and in time trail levels).That is because it is level skip and on a bonus level there is only one level.
Yes I need a little jingle for the halt screen :-D
There is a little lag (around 100-200 mili secs or such), when you press on jump button and seen happens on all levels. This only happens once per each level.
I think the end level text page too fast? Not all can read fast? Mightbeen somethink "press button to page" after a while? Nice idea and story.
I need a little break from DS coding for a little while.
Should you not release a new video trailer?
He still owes us and the community a video of his Tim Curry impersonation in the shower (I don't forget anything). :PDid I not post that?
Did I not post that?
Sadly, It does not look like I have any :(
Ah, also, I wanted to try the mobile one but realized I've lost my emulator (on PC). Not so sure if that one would even support this as it was quite oldie. Anyone can point to some coolio emu for bloody cellphones?94... God! get it right!!
As for RR, they did a great job, you know the people over there are most likely our biggest supporters (and c**ts :)) and mixing it with other MM games, I think, was quite a cool move actually. It's sorta historical coincidence if you will.
Ten years from now, when you're 98, cough, you'll be looking back at it and say - " Nurse...nurse...", or " was like yesterday, 6 MM games released at the same time, it was like this........"
Of course it's the freshest, it came out 2 days ago you silly! ;DWell.. there is a lesson to be learnt there for me sadly... Bit to late now.
Well, MMLL did get its own spot, plus the announcements from a few months ago or so was there for quite a long time. That means that really anyone interested in this game HAS already got it, or discovered it. The rest will be downloading the infamous DEMO as I see that in search to be the most displayed result, quite sadly.
er, what was it? Don't what? Oh, I forget..
he did like the game throught and is a really fair review I think. For me when you first try the first level, that level can been a bit hard, but when you first got it, it became really easy next time.The idea was to try and do something different and thanks to that tosser Lobo, more work went in to adding the WW levels and then bonus levels.
The only mistake is you got release the early alpha here at forum which is a no go (some find it actuelly anyway). That why I diddent want to do the same with the music.
There is no reason to do a full announcements at Retro Remakes again, since the game did got a full announcements some month ago.
For the graphics, I did have same "problem" with my H.E.R.O. Game. some simply wanted the old graphics even the new one did look fine. Finally I dedicated to include the both graphics sets. For doing remakes I normally prefer new grahpics. I do like MMLL do have some old graphics as well in some levels.
review is.... a review :).
The main thing for me is that I feel MMLL is the freshest MM game in years.
Of course it's the freshest, it came out 2 days ago you silly! ;D
Hmm, didn't it come out on the same day as the one for mobile phones? ;)
I may use the engine at some point to do an 'anthology' using the original graphics.. But.. really not sure.. Do I want to spend weeks doing something for free - again? LOL
I do need a little rest!
The main thing for me is that I feel MMLL is the freshest MM game in years.
I not even where you really life
So, Sadly, I am the cog in the works..
Well - beat the game last night. Cleared Willywood and all the Secret levels (afaik). Twenty of 'em. Now to do the speedruns.
As I said, by far the best homebrew I've played. I'd have bought this at retail (even faster if it had the original levels included). Great, great work and thanks to all involved. There's not a single aspect of the game that's lacking.
Edit: btw - Willywood! *Juvenile sniggers*
Most of the alternate levels I've played have involved either lots of fiddly jumping, awkward waiting around for nasties to move out the way and so on - which isn't bad, it's just a long way from the perfection that is Matt Smith's levels and y'know, you shouldn't really be hanging around for longer than a blip to clear a level. It's a slightly broken flow.
But fuck, gripes about other peoples level design aside, this is clearly one of the best bloody DS games out there including all the commercial stuff. It's fucking fabtastic.
See Lobo, they are not all c**ts!! LOL
Just realised that MMLL took 10 weeks to create - seems so so much longer? Aug 13th - Oct 27th
To me it feels as if it was started back in 1647.Exactly, weird lol
Well, let us know how it goes with finances but if you can't have the phone by the end of November, I chipy anyway.
Is there an iPhone emulator around? Where can I read specs about the sound capabilities of that piece?
Last: well, actually I can't say I'm part of your team...
Rev.Stu has pointed me in the direction of a bit of MMLL fun here that I think you all may enjoy (I did!) (
Flash, what is that link about, it gives me login page on Way of the Rodent, care to give some details, snapshot?
I don't think it's really possible to get any permission without actually paying the royalties to the original owners or whoever holds the ip. Regardless of whether it's MAME or any machine really, 5, 10, 20 years old - no matter.There are a few mame games that are pd, but these perhaps are not worth converting... Saying that I would be interested in hearing more.
Just because noone remembers these titles nor plays them or sells them anymore doesn't mean they're up for grabs.
For all that, inspired with certain title is Ok but just picking it up and remaking while keeping the title/gameplay/else of the original, especially for sale, methinks is a bad idea.
All you have to do is usual sacrifice the virgin, drink the blood of the damned and you're in.
Yeah, we do tend to digress! I blame the other!! Tossers!
nearly an hour of GREAT music :)
This is due musicans might signature them self on the front cover.
I cant really agree with that one. None of the coverarts I have have art signatures, but they are really normally in back coverart or inderside intead. I just want some controls with these things, when it came to music.
This has all got too complicated for my fragile little mind.. I will cry myself to sleep as I shiver!
The Ramones - WONDERFUL!
MisFits - :)
Did you ever listen to 'the Anti-Nowhere League' - A bit harsh, the 'We are the League' is a fantastic track.
Also, early Stranglers, Dead Kennedy's, P.I.L. oh, the list is endless...
I am the same.. (SADLY) I can flit from Barbra Streisand to The Cure at a stride. I have very wide tastes..
[...] Flash and I would do a host of the music in 32khz 192kbit mp3 files (samples is 22khz, so I see no reason to do 44.1)
Shit! Forgot to change Commodore!! Arrrr...wait Flash, new email in...5.4...3...2....7...Ended up and -14,-15,-18,-FFED!
Hope you like the cover and don't change any titles anymore, I had like 6 revisions so far! :D
What do you mean, cover in the tray thingie?
I'm not picking up a signal today very well, need coffee.
Did I win a point for getting it right? 8)
Sure you do. Here's one. Case closed. Been programming on Horace today btw. ???Did someone say HORACE!!!
I usually break the the plastic easily.That is because of your strong masculine hands!
Did someone say HORACE!!!
...oh, wait...they did - it's on the Internet so it must be true. ;)
nice spotted [...]
You don't even imagine how much attention I've been putting in listening to XMs while coding libXM7... raina (, he knows something... ???