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Programming => Warhawk DS => Topic started by: flash on July 08, 2009, 02:01:11 pm

Title: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 08, 2009, 02:01:11 pm

We are happy to announce the release of Warhawk DS
This has been an accumulative (and accumulating) effort between Flash and HeadKaze and has taken a quite enjoyable 6 months (nearly) from start to (hopeful) finish.

The game can be downloaded from the official release site (link at bottom of post) and all comments are welcomed on this forum.

( ( (

( ( (

And just for fun, here is a comparison between the original and the DS release


OK, here is the link for download and also the official site for the Warhawk DS release

Download (
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on July 08, 2009, 04:16:22 pm
There is a music jitter in the youtube video at 1:16? Not big and can live with it and dosent downside the video at all.


yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :) :) :)

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Chris23235 on July 08, 2009, 07:19:20 pm
Game works fine on a R4DS Card with R4 firmware, but doesn't work with the Yasu Firmware, at least not for me. Great, great, great game anyway, I love it, thanks.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 08, 2009, 09:20:30 pm
Thanks for the post..

Sadly we have no way of checking every card.. though we have checked R4, cycloDS, AK2i, and both M3 cards with great results. But.. there will be some that have problems with patching.. We may be able to update to support these cards.

Thanks for your comments and we are so glad you like the game.. Feel free to post any problems or bugs!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BaDToaD on July 08, 2009, 09:37:52 pm
Brings a tear to my eye... Sniff!   :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 08, 2009, 09:39:58 pm
No.... that'll be the onions!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on July 08, 2009, 09:49:53 pm
I have to ask, why do it now require the bios files where none of the demos did?

I Trgouht it would been only one release, howover it would been impossible to check on all cards out here, but he do wrote the game did work on one configuration.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on July 08, 2009, 09:52:40 pm
We were running out of space for some last minute samples so we had to compress some of the graphics using the DS's built in BIOS lzss decompression routine. We saved ~350k of space.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 08, 2009, 10:03:56 pm
now you need the roms to handle the bios functions that no$ does not natively support (iDeaS does, but does not handle ipc - messing up audio). They are easy to find with the file names in the ReadMe.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on July 08, 2009, 10:09:58 pm
found them (I still only have this game rom).

I need to found how how the game saving state as now starte level states, hiscore is saved (now all level skipping is now removed of course), since emulator dosent by now save anything by now. Checking out tomorrow.

I like the new last minuttes samples (speech).

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 08, 2009, 10:14:43 pm
The emulators will not save game.. This will only work in hardware.

Level skipping is removed from the game, though cheat mode is still there. You can go to any visited level - if only no$ saved the data

Mate, you need a DS!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on July 09, 2009, 02:13:50 am
Congrats on release lads, all I can say is 'Whoopee'.  :P
Need to get that hiscore back now, grrr...
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 09, 2009, 09:06:24 am
Hi folks !
first post here 'cause I'm interested in playing Warhawk and make a review of it on ( (best shmup related French site you'll ever find  ;D) BUT : I can't get this to work !
I've put the .nds file on my m3 real, black screen with "DLDI compatible..." and "loading"... but nothing more...
I of course have the last firmware, and I've already been playing other homebrews like TouhouDS for instance...

Any idea of what I'm doing wrong ?
Thanx for your answers !
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 09, 2009, 09:18:02 am
Hi folks !
first post here 'cause I'm interested in playing Warhawk and make a review of it on ( (best shmup related French site you'll ever find  ;D) BUT : I can't get this to work !
I've put the .nds file on my m3 real, black screen with "DLDI compatible..." and "loading"... but nothing more...
I of course have the last firmware, and I've already been playing other homebrews like TouhouDS for instance...

Any idea of what I'm doing wrong ?
Thanx for your answers !
Sadly we cannot check compatibility with all cards. This has been tested on an m3 simply and works fine (along with CycloDS, AK2i, R4, R4 sdhc, GBA Movie Player)
So, there is an issue somewhere but without the m3 real (which has problems with some commercial games) we cannot check this. It could be the DLDI auto patching or EFS causing a problem.
All I can say is that this is something that we will look into in due course, and sorry! (not much help am I?)
(though there is always emulation with no$gba as an option?)

ps. I will try to get my grubby hands on a m3 real in the next couple of days.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 09, 2009, 09:38:09 am
Thanx for your answer anyway !
Keep on the good work, i'll try Warhawk on an emulator then, and check later wether this issue is corrected.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Cid2Mizard on July 09, 2009, 09:55:54 am
Don't works on SuperCard DS one  :-[
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 09, 2009, 10:27:28 am
Don't works on SuperCard DS one  :-[

It could be the same issue that causes a failure on M3 Real. We will get an M3 Real and try and track this issue down. Fingers crossed!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 09, 2009, 11:49:13 am
Thanx for your answer anyway !
Keep on the good work, i'll try Warhawk on an emulator then, and check later wether this issue is corrected.

ps. Nice site you have!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 09, 2009, 11:50:40 am
just tried it, and it freezes right after the cart tries to launch it... it doesnt give me a black screen, but a garbled image in both screens. aevery other homebrew i've tried works, and the NDS's are outta contest.

is it a FW problem, or a game's problem?

PS: i have an EZ5 with FW 1.85
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 09, 2009, 12:47:36 pm
Quote from: Flash
ps. Nice site you have!
Yes indeed !

EDIT : here's the thread about Warhawk, but, it seems that nobody managed to play the game... (
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 09, 2009, 01:07:36 pm
To all that are having problems running the game!

HeadKaze has worked out that the problem is some cards lack of support/poor support of the embedded file system that we ae using to stream the high quality music from. This is known to trip up several cards (as we have now discovered).

We hope to find a solution one way or the other..

We will keep you informed here and on the official download site HERE (
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on July 09, 2009, 02:27:10 pm
For the people who are having problems with the original EFS version of Warhawk DS. I have now compiled another version which is a FAT version that should work on all cards.

We also made a slight modification of the EFS version so it would be great if people who were having problems to try the new EFS download and if that still doesn't work try the new FAT version.

For the new downloads and more info visit:

Please give us feedback on how you go!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: lincruste on July 09, 2009, 03:58:35 pm
Hi first of all, a huge thank you for this release!

The modified binaries EFS and FAT won't run on an M3DS REAL with the default OS nor the Sakura OS, but it DOES RUN if lauched with Dragon Minded's DsOrganize. I'm not good enough to say why, but it's a working solution, and perhaps it will help you to troubleshoot the issue.

Thanks again for all your team, really!
And sorry for the engrish, by the way. (
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 09, 2009, 04:46:18 pm
I do confirm : on my m3 real, nothing worked BUT using DSOrganize made the FAT version worked perfectly ! (not tried the EFS version...)

Time to play !

This game's GREAT !!!!!
(more details later  ;))
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 09, 2009, 05:21:06 pm
This game's GREAT !!!!!
(more details later  ;))

He he, thanks so much for the kind words... It has put a smile on my face!

Now all we have to do is iron out the problem we are having on some of the cards and why it works via DSOrganise and not straight from the cards menu.

Can you let us know if the EFS version runs from DSOrganise or is it just the FAT version?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 09, 2009, 05:38:14 pm
Can you let us know if the EFS version runs from DSOrganise or is it just the FAT version?
Both the EFS and the FAT version do work fine when launched via DSOrganize, on my M3 DS REAL.

EDIT : so, what's best to play ? EFS or FAT ? (and why then ?)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 09, 2009, 05:43:06 pm
Thanks, that is a great help!!

Do you get the full music, and does the hiscore/current level saves work ok?

Have you beaten my highscore of 518,774 yet?

EDIT: It does not really matter what version you use, but the EFS is a better solution as it is all contained it one file. I always prefer that as it is tidyer.  The only real difference is that EFS has the file system stored within the main executable (highscore, options, and all the music) and the FAT version requires these to be stored in a Warhawk Directory.
HeadKaze and I are going to try a few things out on the M3 and supercard later tonight (i managed to get 2 of the trouble cards) and hopefully will be able to sort out the problem and get the game to run without DSOrganise.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 09, 2009, 06:00:06 pm
I just love this post from HERE (

"Damn not play Warhawk in ages! Great port indeed, it all works so damn well.

I'm with Raydar on this, this and Tyrian are more deserving of retail space than 90% of DS games out there.

IMO this should be stickied so it shows up first. "

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Zefrem23 on July 09, 2009, 07:55:15 pm
I can confirm that the FAT version also does not work on Supercard DS One  :'(
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 09, 2009, 08:23:34 pm

i'd like to say i love your game, but sadly, all i've seen from it are pix... because, every method i've tried, just doesnt work.

i've formatted my MicroSD, in FAT32 and FAT16, dont work.
i've tried the 2 loading methods of DSOrganizer, and none of them boots (the mighty method drops a message that says that somehow, the file could not be read).

thing is, every other homebrew (like Tyrian and TouhouDS) works, and this one, just doesnt.

last thing im gonna try (and that's something i dont like doing) is upgrade the FW of the cart and see if it works... but im not gettin my hopes up.

please, if you find a way (i know you can), to make it boot, please do so... i really wanna play this one (im a shmup ho'), but so far, only pix is all i0ve got.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 09, 2009, 08:33:05 pm

i'd like to say i love your game, but sadly, all i've seen from it are pix... because, every method i've tried, just doesnt work.

i've formatted my MicroSD, in FAT32 and FAT16, dont work.
i've tried the 2 loading methods of DSOrganizer, and none of them boots (the mighty method drops a message that says that somehow, the file could not be read).

thing is, every other homebrew (like Tyrian and TouhouDS) works, and this one, just doesnt.

last thing im gonna try (and that's something i dont like doing) is upgrade the FW of the cart and see if it works... but im not gettin my hopes up.

please, if you find a way (i know you can), to make it boot, please do so... i really wanna play this one (im a shmup ho'), but so far, only pix is all i0ve got.

All i can say is... "we are working on it"

You should not need a firmware upgrade.

We will post as soon as we have news.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 09, 2009, 09:14:23 pm
thank you for your support...

i've tried again, with a FW update for the EZ5 (2.0 RC3), and well, its not working. i guess im gonna have to wait some more.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 09, 2009, 11:09:34 pm

We have issolated the problem on other cards.. Much as i would love to say "buy a better card", we can fix it!!

So, please hang tight... It will be sorted in the next 24 hours - hopefully!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on July 09, 2009, 11:38:11 pm
Hehe, good thing I've downloaded this before cause the download page on headkaze is '509-bandwidth exceeded.'  :P
Anyway, most people will get it on other places that will serve them locally but just for the future reference-get bandwidth!  :D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 09, 2009, 11:58:16 pm
Did you not realise it was a limited offer?

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on July 09, 2009, 11:59:19 pm
I've had the website up a week and already gone over my monthly bandwidth allowance. I am now moving hosts!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on July 10, 2009, 12:02:20 am
Hehe, yep, yer getting popular by the minute!  8)
It would be cool to know just how many dload hits Warhawk had so far (I personally bet 12, 1 is mine)!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 10, 2009, 12:09:54 am
i downloaded it twice (one the reg one and the FAT one)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on July 10, 2009, 12:34:49 am
Should have the website transferred over to the new host soon (one with unlimited bandwith) :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on July 10, 2009, 01:59:44 am
Excellent, may I use it to store my pr..I mean, educational material?  :-*
Also, can imagine now Flash sweating to fix the problems with about 89000 different cards out there, hehe.
You alive their mate, is it working on that SuperfrickinCard?  :P
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on July 10, 2009, 02:17:26 am
We have discovered what the problem is and it's because some cards seem to need more working RAM. We assume it's because some loaders take up more RAM. Unfortunately we are not exactly sure what we can do to solve it as all the main level graphics are already compressed. We have tested on the two main problem cards and have them working so as soon as we can come up with a way to reduce the size of data in working RAM we know it will work. We need to save about 500k.

Were hoping that we can move some of audio samples to the attached ROM area. So hopefully by tomorrow we can get more time to work on it as we spent most of tonight working out exactly how much room we needed.

Also the good news is most of the website has been moved to the new domain. I'm still getting an error saying "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" but aparently in other parts of the world the new domain redirection has already propagated. Still uploading the website though as well so there are probably broken links still. We will get there!  ;)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 10, 2009, 03:37:29 am
hope you find a way of fixing that problem. dont really know how much ram the loader of my cart takes, but i can assure you that with the latest version, it runs WAY faster than before (and it never was really slow, not for me anyway)...

with that version of the loader, regular roms works as usual, but now i cant get DSOrganize to run (it shows the startup screen and FREEZESS)... dont know why but anyway...

in your game's case, its something like that, just that is not an actual screen of your game, but the loader's screen that is been shown in a glitchy way.

anyho', hope you can fix it soon, cuz im itching to play it... and since i have an actual DSL, i dont wanna resort to emulators.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on July 10, 2009, 03:39:28 am
Err..guys, seems like I might have screwupthetransparencyherewithicon, try this one instead while you're updating.  ;D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on July 10, 2009, 05:05:50 am
many host is not unlimieted, even it say that on the homepage. Typical downloads is not allowered when follow the rules, so unlimithed bandwidth is typical limited unlimted bandwidth (which I hate that term, which many host use in Denmark). How much bandwidth do you have?

You might need to allow mirrors to avoid the problem and begin to link to these mirrors. I could create some one in the while. I have 250gb bandwidth on my host (micfo) and only use few gb yet.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 10, 2009, 07:14:21 am
I have unlimited bandwidth on this host and have exceded what many would call "fair use" by huge amounts with no problems. So, it depends on how strict a host is and this host is a loose as Jenna Jameson's lady lips!

So, hopefully all will be ok with the downloads now (the site is back)

Now, all we have to do is reallocate the working ram in the rom... :(
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BaDToaD on July 10, 2009, 08:57:55 am
Just a thought. Would a quick fix be to do a version with lower quality eg 22k not 44k sounds. Or even a version without the new speech that may have been the straw that broke the camels back?

Alternatively just ignore me ;) LOL

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 10, 2009, 09:04:30 am
Lowering sound quality for FX is not possible as they are 11khz already. Removing the speech will shave 300 odd k off, so not enough sadly...

But, don't panic.. Thy will be done!!!

(Why cant everyone have r4's, CycloDS and AK2i's :) )
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 10, 2009, 09:15:22 am
Lowering sound quality for FX is not possible as they are 11khz already. Removing the speech will shave 300 odd k off, so not enough sadly...

But, don't panic.. Thy will be done!!!

(Why cant everyone have r4's, CycloDS and AK2i's :) )

i dont like R4's even tho they were (??) the ones that came out 1st (dont really remebre that).
dont have a CycloDS, cuz i havent seen one around here... and am happy with my EZ5 (never failed me b4)
AceKard2... same as CycloDS...

so... if you want me to betatest or something, lemme knwo hehe (seriously tho, im a pro beta tester).
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 10, 2009, 09:24:25 am
That would be handy..

It will be later today that we may make some headway...  (work permitting)

Fingers crossed!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 10, 2009, 03:35:58 pm
This game is amazing !!!, one of the best shmups on DS, along with Ketsui, Space Invaders Extreme 2, and Geometry Wars !!!

- Massive sprites, loads of bullets, really fast (from level 3 !) and still not a single sec' of slowdown !
- estheticaly (is that proper English ? sorry if it's not !) it's great, with a really good 80's feeling. (Star Force, Star Soldier, etc...)
- the gameplay is really nervous (but, well, with the auto-fire/speed-up option, no way to "concentrate" the shot anymore  :-[)

And it's said on the title screen that Warhawk is the first game, tell me the others are gonna be shmups !!!!!
(is the story about one guy going away with the money true ?)

Thank you for such a good game !!!!!
(got to 1cc it now !)

EDIT : who's the bald guy talking after each stage ?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 10, 2009, 04:04:54 pm
Thanks for the great comments :)

The game is Mine and HeadKaze's first game together, and also HeadKaze's first completed game. For some reason we thought it would be a challenge to code the whole game in Assembler... Yes, we are loonies :)

Oh, the mans head is Anton LaVey (google him), he had to be the evil nemesis - Lobo told us!! LOL

Yes, it is true about the royalties from the original in 1986... :( So, this it's free, and that way it cannot happen again!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 10, 2009, 04:20:14 pm
Thanx for yours answers ! (Anton Lavey :  :D)

If you allow me to use some of your screenshots, I'd like to make, in the week to come, a detailed review for the French site (

and : any idea about your next game ?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 10, 2009, 04:26:29 pm
Feel free to grab the screens and whatever else you want.

The next 2 games will not be shmups, sorry!

One is a detective game, and the other is i reimagining of an old platform game.. ;)

But, these will be a while yet as we both need a little break from coding once the final problems with Warhawk are sorted..

ps. let me know if you clear all 16 levels?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 10, 2009, 04:30:33 pm
Feel free to grab the screens and whatever else you want.
Thanx a lot !

ps. let me know if you clear all 16 levels?
I will !
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 10, 2009, 08:04:56 pm
Thanx a lot !
I will !

i for sure will clear even the 32 levels... like i said, im a shmup ho', and like to play my games til the very end... and if possible, 1CC them (in some cases, its just impossible for my skills... but at least i try!).
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: bootlegger on July 10, 2009, 08:11:20 pm
stonkin' game and much kudos to you for writing it in asm!  8)
I can not get the music to play, but everything else seems fine.
I have a GBAMP.  Have tried both fat and efs versions.  Have used
dragonmindeds dsorganisor(both launch methods), dskiosk, and
direct boot of game only, but non of the methods help.
In game sounds work though, its just the streaming music.
Have also tried defrag.

Using dragonmindeds dsorganisor normal launch method did affect
the in game sound effects which stopped working, but all other
methods resulted in ingame sounds.
Hope that helps debugging somehow.

Looking forward to a patch.....keep up the grea work.

PS is there a cheat mode? I'm struggling o get past level 3!  :(
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 10, 2009, 08:27:21 pm
stonkin' game and much kudos to you for writing it in asm!  8)
I can not get the music to play, but everything else seems fine.
I have a GBAMP.  Have tried both fat and efs versions.  Have used
dragonmindeds dsorganisor(both launch methods), dskiosk, and
direct boot of game only, but non of the methods help.
In game sounds work though, its just the streaming music.
Have also tried defrag.

Using dragonmindeds dsorganisor normal launch method did affect
the in game sound effects which stopped working, but all other
methods resulted in ingame sounds.
Hope that helps debugging somehow.

Looking forward to a patch.....keep up the grea work.

PS is there a cheat mode? I'm struggling o get past level 3!  :(

The audio issue relates to how the audio is stored, the GBA Movie Player sadly does not support this.. We were hoping the FAT release would help! :( Hopefully we can find a solution...

oh, yes there is a cheat! :)

Level 3 is the first tough level... It is also the level that introduces the powerup.. The best method is to keep the powerup active at all times and try to stay central.. the second wave of large aliens should miss you if you are directly in the middle.. Levels 4 and 5 are easier...
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 10, 2009, 08:31:19 pm
The audio issue relates to how the audio is stored, the GBA Movie Player sadly does not support this.. We were hoping the FAT release would help! :( Hopefully we can find a solution...

oh, yes there is a cheat! :)

i hope you dont leak the cheat code just yet... the cool thing about shmups is that you have to try again and again and again to master the beast, so that further levels are NOT as hard as they used to, when you didnt have enough skill.

it worked with me in countless shmups... i know it will work with this one too (Eg. i wasnt able to get past the 8th boss of _Ketsui DS on Death Label mode, and now, i get to doom with relative ease... just need to train some more to get past him).
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 10, 2009, 08:38:25 pm
i hope you dont leak the cheat code just yet... the cool thing about shmups is that you have to try again and again and again to master the beast, so that further levels are NOT as hard as they used to, when you didnt have enough skill.

it worked with me in countless shmups... i know it will work with this one too (Eg. i wasnt able to get past the 8th boss of _Ketsui DS on Death Label mode, and now, i get to doom with relative ease... just need to train some more to get past him).

The cheat mode stays secret for quite a while yet - no worries there!!

I can get to level 13 on a single play... But, not sure why i die on 13, it is quite an easy level - complacency I suppose
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 10, 2009, 08:55:21 pm
Talking of Warhawk (again)

Has anyone visited this site... I had a chat with the mod a long time ago and gave him a little bit of history, he has replicated it (minus the libelious stuff) pretty well...

The Bird Sanctuary (
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 10, 2009, 11:05:58 pm
argh!!!... im itching to play this man!... everyone is sayin its good, and here i am, willing to try it out, but uncapable of... yet.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on July 11, 2009, 12:55:05 am
I've spent all night updating Warhawk so that it will load the level data from attached ROM space. Were hoping this will solve the problems some cards are having. All we need to do now is some testing and then I will get the new uploads ready. Stay tuned!

EDIT: An alternate version has been released for testing. You can download it from here (
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 11, 2009, 01:46:43 am
ok... downloading now, i'll let you know how it goes.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 11, 2009, 02:07:29 am
im glad to announce that it works.

lemme explain.

since the game didnt work yesterday, i updated the cart FW to the latest (2.o RC3) version,which is faster and all that... the game didnt work.

with the new release, didnt work either, not even with the DLDI patch.

then, i downgraded the carts FW to the older version i had (1.86h), and used DSOrganize... didnt work.

so i took a leap of faith, and tried to boot it the old fashioned way (which i should have done at 1st), and, even tho, it gave me the same glitchy screen than yesterday, it wasnt the same, this time around, the screen flickered 2 times, and froze... so after a couple seconds, i pushed a button, and the game booted.

i played 2 levels, and the game worked flawlessly, with BGM and all that, i even heard the voice of the bald guy at the end of levels 1 and 2.

cant really comment on the game yet, since i have played 2 levels only... but i didnt like the ship's speed... felt it to slow sometimes.

anyway... thank youguys... maybe theres room for improvement, but so far, so good, at least on EZ5 flashcarts.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on July 11, 2009, 02:24:46 am
After level 2 you get powerups which speed up the ship ;)

It's good to know the game worked for you. Just a point for others having problems when you run Warhawk the first time it has to search the entire card to find itself. This may take a while especially if you have alot of files on your card. Once it's found itself it should boot much quicker the next time you run the game.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Pete on July 11, 2009, 02:34:55 am
Ahhhh.  That works now (my card is a DSTT)  :)

Great piece of work guys.

I have a minor gripe though, centered around the way stuff moves between top and bottom screen: to me - and maybe (probably) I'm totally alone in this - it doesn't "feel" right that something moves from the bottom of the upper screen and is immediately at the top of the bottom screen.  It's most obvious when an alien comes screaming down the screen - it feels as though the alien gets a boost when it hits the bottom of the upper screen so it gets down quicker than your mind thinks it should, because it takes zero time to traverse the "space" between the screens.

Does that even make sense? :D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on July 11, 2009, 02:55:37 am
I'm actually used of playing the game with the jump between screens but alot of people have already mentioned how it annoys them. We were going to add a gap there so it would appear as though the ships were passing behind the plastic hinge but we soon realised how big the task would be to change all the code. So I would agree with you it would have been nice to add but alot of work.

Glad the new version worked for you. When Flash gives me the thumbs up with his tests then I think we'll make it the official download and remove the other two.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BigLord on July 11, 2009, 04:03:58 am
So far, so good. Works like a charm. DSTT user here also.

I think it's safe to say that I haven't played a freeware DS shmup that was THIS good. I, if you'll pardon the expression, fucking love it. Thank you for this, crew. :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 11, 2009, 05:40:58 am
We were going to add a gap
Don't you ever do so !  ;) A gap between screens would mean a zone where your ship, bullets and the ennemies would be invisible, which is , IMO, quite a nonsense in a shmup !

The best I've done so far is a 1-life to level 14, but levels 13 & 14 are really hard (or at least seem so to me !) : a lot of "bullets following your moves sent by massive ennemies which take a while to be destoyed !", and the 13th boss gets on my nerves ! I think i'll have to learn them by heart.
Fortunately, the 2 following stages are much easier !
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BaDToaD on July 11, 2009, 06:59:11 am
The gap between the screens is weird at first but after a while you get used to it. It took me a few hours of playtime before I felt really comfortable with it but after that you hardly notice the gap at all.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 11, 2009, 09:48:19 am
The gap between the screens is a nessecary evil i am afraid, but.. you do get used to it

I did modify the drawsprite code to add an area of 32 pixels between screens and it was then that HK and myself realised that this would create a lot of work. For on, the levels would all have to be modifed to get the start and end to line up again (as the levels would be in theory 32 pixels longer) and every single attack wave would have to be adjusted along with the base detect code and the alien detect code.

And the main thing, the 32 pixel addition made it worse? you could lose your ship.. it made it like there was a bit of the screen broken! LOL

Perhaps one day Nintendo will move the screens together a bit more... or... time to take that little tri-wing screwdriver out LOL
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on July 11, 2009, 10:24:00 am
I noticed that too, but I guess I did not have any problems with the missing gap after a little while. So personly it should not been changed, elsewice it would been do that in the development time before officiel release.

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 11, 2009, 10:36:31 am
You do get used to it! :)

Creating a gap to account for it is like putting a large strip of PVC tape across your telly screen.. It makes it so you are missing something. So, the decision was made to keep it so the action is displayed correctly. You soon get used to it! Blame Nintendo  :P
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on July 11, 2009, 11:37:55 am
I understand. Personly I did not have the problem. Its part of the gameplay.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Zefrem23 on July 11, 2009, 12:37:16 pm
Great news - the alternate version boots on Supercard DS One with patch *disabled*. The title screen and in-game music, however, don't play. This is a bit of a bittersweet realisation, as I have no doubt that the music will enhance the gameplay a lot. Still, it plays, and it's nice and fast too. Well done lads!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on July 11, 2009, 04:07:26 pm
Pity for the music not to play, you guys are missing there a lot as it really kicks ass.
As for the gap, yep, nothing to do there, if you play in emu you'll see that transition is seamless but on DS are eyes are expecting some kind of compensation for the lost space in between screens.
It's a devilish optical illusion set up by the evil engineers of nintendo  8).
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on July 11, 2009, 04:21:13 pm
I've uploaded a FAT version of Warhawk with the levels dynamically loaded. It may work better for some people. We only recommend this version if you have problems with the EFS version.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 11, 2009, 06:39:24 pm
downloading the new version, even tho, i dont actually need it, since the EFS version works at full blast... music and all.

for the lil i've played of this game, i've noticed that 1st 2 levels are easy, level 3 is evil, and the next 4 or so levels are a breeeze. im gonna give it a go today to see how much i can advance with one life... taking into account that i haavent played much, i dont think i'll make it past level 10... but who knows.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 11, 2009, 06:46:26 pm
Level 3 is deliberatly harder, it is also the level that you gain the powerup. This really can help, hold fire and blast merry hell! With the second wave of large ships, stay central! It helps :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BaDToaD on July 11, 2009, 07:51:05 pm
I am so glad other people are finding lvl 3 hard... I thought I was getting too old for shmups LOL
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 11, 2009, 10:06:46 pm
Level 3 is deliberatly harder, it is also the level that you gain the powerup. This really can help, hold fire and blast merry hell! With the second wave of large ships, stay central! It helps :)

what i dont like about the power up, is the fact that even tho i lke the autofire thing, the ship passes from sloooooooow moving to very fast in a spit second.  thats only good when you're used to it, but the 1st times you notice that, you cant help it but to crash on the asteroids and stuff.

if it wasnt for that, and the fact that all bosses i've fought, home in on you (and you dont now that at 1st), that level could be as easy as the 1st 2 levels.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BigLord on July 12, 2009, 12:52:49 am
Speaking of how epic the music (both in-game and title screen) is...



Can we get some free mp3 on that?

I've finished the game and gone mental, lol. Whoa, that's hard o_o
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on July 12, 2009, 04:03:57 am
Just found this out today, a little Warhawk post on 2bears

Seems like they have some odd problem with 'artifacts on the top screen' ? I wonder what kind of a card are they running there?  :-\

As for the music, they should make a remix cd and send it out to everyone who have completed at least the first ten levels in mental mode + warhawk t-shirt (and a complimentary video of Flash singing the tune in the bathtub divx).
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 12, 2009, 06:02:43 am
Just found this out today, a little Warhawk post on 2bears

Seems like they have some odd problem with 'artifacts on the top screen' ? I wonder what kind of a card are they running there?  :-\

As for the music, they should make a remix cd and send it out to everyone who have completed at least the first ten levels in mental mode + warhawk t-shirt (and a complimentary video of Flash singing the tune in the bathtub divx).

count me in... if that what it takes, i can even try to do that with one life :P
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on July 12, 2009, 07:06:12 am
hey, thanks for the music (its me, that created all ingame tunex). The music is really ment to been exclusive for the game and they got permission of course to use it. I do might release it to remix64 when they open the submission again (first end of aug). That even I have not bother with stereo at all, due the music was converted to mono anyway (so its not true cd quality, but close).

Howover if its ok with flash, I can post a MP3 version of the tune in a new thread. At least I do not upload the endgame tune, due I want a surprice for those who completed the game.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BaDToaD on July 12, 2009, 08:01:57 am
what i dont like about the power up, is the fact that even tho i lke the autofire thing, the ship passes from sloooooooow moving to very fast in a spit second.  thats only good when you're used to it, but the 1st times you notice that, you cant help it but to crash on the asteroids and stuff.

The dual speed and firepower power up is more or less the same as the original c64 version. I'm sure you'll get used to it in no time.

You have to remember that at the time of Warhawks c64 release other games had no power ups at all. In fact Warhawk may have been the first c64 shmup with a power up :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: bootlegger on July 12, 2009, 11:27:28 am
Just tried the new fat version, and now its now loading levels, but the game still plays - quite interesting - just get stars and planets scrolling in the background, but no scenery to shoot at!  Didnt fix the music either for the GBAMP but as it didnt mention it would, i thought I would just try anyway.  Still, keep up he patching.

Shameless plug time - if you lik the music, go and buy some of the other classic c64 audio stuff at:
In particular some other stuff by PPOT

Also if you can, get to one of the conventions - gotta be one of the best nights out you'll ever have.
Last time I went to one I got to my copy of Grid Runner signed by Jeff Minter, and met Ben Daglish. :P

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 12, 2009, 11:32:13 am
I would love to go to one of the conventions...

The problem with the GBAMP is it was never intended as a backup card and does not support EFS at all. The levels are stored externaly from the game (FAT Version) but.. It still has to use a file system to find and access these files.. Sadly, it appears that the GBAMP also does not support this, and even more sadly, I do not think there is any solution?

Feel free to plug! is a great site for lovers of C64 music.. And we all know PPOT are awesome!

PS.. I rember meeting Ratt and Ben at Aligator software around the release of Warhawk in 86-87. Ben is a great guy. He had a whole room at Orange St (i beleive it was there?) with some great musical equipment in it! Me, Ian, and a friend called Peter went and visited - can't remember why now?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BaDToaD on July 12, 2009, 12:08:43 pm
It was when Warhawk c64 was still in Beta. We went to Alligator and was it Gremlin? to demo the pre release version. My mate Stuart did the driving if I remember correctly. 4 of us in his Toyota Starlett LOL.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 12, 2009, 12:34:17 pm
Yeah, that's right!

We went to both places, Gremlin was a waste of time and Ian Stewart (manager) was a bit of a waste of time!! They were coding fist 2 at the time - well some beatemup with large graphics anyway.
Aligator was where Ratt and Ben were and the owner Ken ?? reminded us of a dirtly ol' man LOL..
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 12, 2009, 06:00:05 pm
nice stories here to hear....

anyway, so i've beaten the game, in normal mode, and managed to get to level 8 of mental mode with one life... i have to say that I LOVE MENTAL MODE. yeah, its harder, but when you start with autofire, and full speed on, you get used to it faster, and the game feels more frantic from the start... you just have to keep your shield up all the tme.

great job guys... if you make another one, i'll drop you some bux (i'll buy the damn thing as if it was a retail game) to show some support.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BaDToaD on July 12, 2009, 06:21:33 pm
Maybe you should try the original c64 version on an emulator.  ;D

I can't believe you got that far on one life. I've only reached level 9 on one life. You really must be a shmup god  8)  Respect!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on July 12, 2009, 07:09:45 pm
I got to level14 on one life last night and stupidly died via boss and screwed my score, byebye shooting all the bases and stuff.  :'(
Funny thing is that every time I play now I notice some new ships that I couldn't see before being concentrated on avoiding bullets. It's like, 'hhey, that little one looks like a coat hanger, never saw you before, cool'.

EDIT: forgot to say, yeah, they'll probably make another shmup, that 'detective' game is just a codename for 'Warhawk II-Revengious Shmupius Satanius 45'
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 12, 2009, 07:12:49 pm
I thought it was a coat hanger? LOL

ps... Has anyone seen this post (feel free to flame the twat who wrote the comment) (
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on July 12, 2009, 07:22:24 pm
Just saw it, so basically what he/it is saying is:

AMAZING (game)/ (but I AM) CRAPP
DONT DOWNLOUD THIS (IF you're brainless like me) IT BROKE MY R4 (because I have no clue whatsoever ) ITS A (better Mouse) TRAP
I CAN'T EVAN OPEN MY DS GAME FILE (Cause proper spelling is not my thing) TO DELETE IT IT BROKE MY MICRO SD (cause my fingernails haven't been trimmed in ages) IT BROKE MY MATES M3 (who is as dumb as I am) AND HIS TTDS (cause dumbness is effectively inherited from friend to friend).

DONT GET THIS GAME PLEASE! (If you are as twat as I am not to know that there is NO guarantees of any kind with any homebrew and it's up to you to risk your shoddy equipment made for pirating in the first place when playing homebrew).

There, that's what he meant to say but got carried away, y'know  ;).
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 12, 2009, 07:30:51 pm
You make things so clear and eloquent oh wondrous Lobo!! :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on July 12, 2009, 07:38:32 pm
Thanx, I felt the sudden urge to fix his 3rd grade paper so he can pass the class instead of getting F.  Now how about that CD and stuff with complimentary video?  8)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 12, 2009, 07:49:25 pm
LOL - Yeah, must get to work on the video..
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 12, 2009, 09:13:07 pm
is there a way we could create new levels for the game, and make some kinda "sequel" now?... i'd love to see longer levels (the ones that are right now, are cool and all, but short!!!), homming missiles, laser beams and all that stuff...

im no ASM coder, never EVER made a game for NDS, but i know how to create some patterns on C++ (i have a shmup made by myself... i need to finish it thou... but i hand-made the patterns thru some scripting and C++ code).

i'd really love to see another game like this from you guys, with some more "new era" shmup stuff.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 12, 2009, 09:52:43 pm
so i've downloaded the WANK editor... duuuuuuuuuuuuuude!... what a great tool!... the only thing lacking (not really), is a window in which you can see your patterns in action, so if you dont quite like'em the way you put them at 1st, you can tweak them some more...

now, i REALLY want a sequel of this game, and i'd gladly contribute with some levels and patterns...
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 12, 2009, 10:07:07 pm
There is always a possibiliy that we may do a Warhawk 2... I would love to do another SHMUP, but to do so on the DS, I think we would junk most of what we have done and start afresh using what we have learnt to make something even better.. Who knows..

HeadKaze and I have a couple of (non SHMUP) projects we want to work on and then we (hopefully) have some commercial work we would like to investigate. But, there is always a chance that at this stage we may play on the DS as relief from other projects, perhaps a sideline? I really cannot say!

There was a lot of things mentioned in the Diary relating to things that would have been "cool" to add to Warhawk, but we decided that if we were remaking Warhawk then we should stay fairly close to the original game and just make it more of a "re-imagining" of the game. So, there is always a chance we may do something - we have both learnt a lots in the past few months and will hopefully learn even more from our other projects.

HeadKaze did pm me the other day with the question of making a FAT version of Warhawk that allowed people to use WANK to edit/create attack waves for all the levels. This is something that HeadKaze may look into a bit more? But, it would be far too much work at this stage to add "attack wave" previews to WANK.. Though I could easily document the curve system that Warhawk uses?

Again, Who knows ;)

And thanks so much for your interest in the game... You do us proud!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 12, 2009, 10:20:44 pm
hello... thx for your reply.

i know it'd be a lotta work to add a preview to WANK, i just said it would be THE SHIT if it had it. now, a document of how to use it would be great... i saw a lotta things there, but since i just had a peek on it, i didnt really understand shit.

about the chance to "open" the FAT version... you're "forcing me" to get a DS emulator if that happens... that would open quite a lot of things for this game.

too bad (for me) that you need to concentrate in your other projects, cuz what i would really love is to see another shmup project from you guys.

anyways, if HeadKaze is thinkin what you said, please, ask him to add the preview option to the editor... (im ok with the docs, but, lke i said (and i understand thats a lotta added work), the preview would be better) if he can.

anyway... thank you for such outstanding piece of work here.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 12, 2009, 10:31:39 pm
I really dont think there is a way to add a proper attack wave preview.. It is my fault as the code to move the attackwaves is very DS centric and to translate that to WANK would be a lot of work.. Not that HK could not do it, his C skills are without reproach.. But.. For me to find a way to translate the attack wave update code into a form that would be able to implimented in WANK is a major task for both of us, and this is time that we really need to be able to use for new projects. The Attack wave format uses a curve system that relies on anchor points and curves based on acceleration in given directions.. it would be a nightmare..
Though, using an emu (as i did) to construct the attack waves is a lot easier than it sounds.

I am fairly sure we will play with a shmup on the ds at some stage.. but it could be a long wait i am afraid.

We have 2 other projects for the DS that are both "re-imaginings" of earlier games and a different format. Hopefully we can add a bit of magic to them in the same way...
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 12, 2009, 11:29:45 pm
We would also always be interested to see what you are working on.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 13, 2009, 08:31:20 pm
Just 1cc the normal game, with 896 557 points.
I, if you let me speak my mind, still have some questions about this AWESOME game (I repeat : one of the best DS shmups !)

- Why is Mental mode a separate mode ???? Why didn't you make a second loop of it ? Was it because the original game (not tried that one yet...) had no second loop ?

- How comes that level 16 has no bonus points at the end of it ? I was longing for my million !  ;)

- What is, at the end of each stage, the "total base desruct" bonus ? Does that mean you got bonus if all the ground bases are destructed (well... probably...) and does that bonus explain the HUGE gap between my score here and the first score on the leaderboard (Flash : 7 500 000 !!!) ?

I usually don't play hard, or here "mental", mode but actually, it doesn't seem THAT mental, I'll give it a try ! (the big part will probably be the last boss, with a whole lifebar this time I assume...)

I'll write tomorow a review of the game for our French site, I'll of course give you a link to it, but maybe you don't speak a single word of French...  :-[
Thanx again for this great game !
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 13, 2009, 08:48:25 pm

Mental mode was an afterthought. The original game only had 10 levels and repeated with the bullets getting faster. We decided to add another 6 levels and give poor Lobo a chance to design their layout. Then when all the attack waves were done we thought it may be nice to do slightly enhanced versions of the original 16 levels. Lobo then designed level 32 with new sprites, so that ended up a heavier modification of level 16. So, we then decided to add this as a special treat to give the game a little more longevity.

Level 16, being the last we decided that the fact that you completed the game was enough. Originally this did go to the completion, but then HK had the idea of a massive boss, so i shoved that in and, well... ok... we forgot to add the bonus count back.. LOL.. no excuse, but it was tidyier to go to big boss battle and completion.

"Total base destruct" is exactly what you summise. This is also the way you could get over a million in normal mode.. If you can destroy all bases in one level, you get a large bonus that also increases the higher the level

Mental mode does get quite a bit harder. The mental bit is really the continuous fire and the addition of some new attack waves. I thought personally levels 10-16 got a bit tricky. One thing we did not want to do was kill the play appeal for the casual gamer by making it too hard. Hopefully it is a marriage between old school and casual. It is a tough thing to balance and something I spent over 3 weeks trying to achieve.. I hope I came close.

I would love to read your review when you write it :) good or bad... Everything is a learning process and coding for the DS was certainly one for both of us!

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 13, 2009, 10:57:07 pm
thx for the tips... i think now i know how to go over a million, since i got over 900.000 on mental mode, starting from level 6 til the end with one life (so i guess its safe to assume that i can get well over a million if i strt from level 1)... but with that tip, i need to get practicing.

and again, Mental mode its supposed to be the harder mode, but imho, the regular mode its harder, because of the lack of autofire and slow ship movement... at least for me it is.

i agree that the game should allow you to play the 32 levels straight up... but the way it is right now, is cool too, so no worries here.

We should make a high score thread for this game... in which everyone posts his best score, with a pic proving it (or a video of the run... i woulndt post a video, but still...).  what do you guys think?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 13, 2009, 11:35:45 pm
I never really intended to have the mental mode a lot harder, just a bit more mental.. Though it does get harder in the last few levels. Bear in mind, you are now "Warhawk Elite" :)

It would be great to have "confirmed" highscores. Not sure how this could be implemented really.. Though you are welcome to post your best from level 1 (mental or normal)

Would like to know how high you can get!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 14, 2009, 09:06:19 am
CNN reports that the game called WarhawkDS has hidden satanic messages embedded such as'buy me a beer'...'beer'...and 'mo' beer'.....

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 14, 2009, 02:42:49 pm
I've written a review of the game for the French site (
Well if you don't speak French, I tried to tell people that despite its (quite good but not realy "up to date") 80's style and the fact that it's far from the actual standards, the game is an absolute must-play and it's one of the best shmups on DS because the major rule is respected : it's a lot of fun to save the Universe !

@ Flash : yeah, I'd seen your answer, thanx !
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 14, 2009, 04:19:02 pm
last night, before sleep, i gave the game another go... just to try and make a good score.

made it to level 12, on Mental mode, trying to maximize my score with the given tip... and got an score of

831.000 points, missing the bonus of total destruction on levels 5, 10 and 11.

when i have sometime toight, im gonna give it another go and try to beat the million points... its not that hard, but missing that bonus (that its not that huge, but helps) makes the game harder, since you're prone to make more mistakes.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 14, 2009, 06:14:57 pm
I've written a review of the game for the French site (

Thanks for such a great review :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 14, 2009, 07:08:36 pm
Thanks for such a great game :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 14, 2009, 08:49:59 pm
i see flowers flying all over the thread...
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 14, 2009, 08:51:31 pm

Perhaps we should all duck!?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 14, 2009, 09:34:38 pm
hehe... maybe so?... i've been dodgin bullets lately, so i guess it should be a natural reflex.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 14, 2009, 10:43:54 pm
You should be ducking and weaving like a........ thing that ducks and weaves... whatever that is?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BaDToaD on July 16, 2009, 08:20:06 am
Howard the duck with a loom?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 16, 2009, 08:20:50 am
Could well be, how perceptive... LOL
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 16, 2009, 10:25:42 am
1cc the Mental mode, with 959 870. (quite hard to get the "total base bonus" !)

I'd say the Mental mode is even better ! Just a bit more difficult, but maybe more "homogeneous" as you always have auto fire & speed up. And nice surprises at the end !

Have I already mentioned this game's great ?  :D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 16, 2009, 05:11:12 pm
Have I already mentioned this game's great ?  :D

I think so? LOL

Well done on Mental Mode in 1 go!! WOW!! (Is the final BIG boss too easy? - I was never sure about them)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 16, 2009, 05:35:20 pm
(Is the final BIG boss too easy? - I was never sure about them)
IMO, it is ! Easier than the "first" final big boss I think. You should (but I got no advice to give, just my feeling about this issue !) have given him a full lifebar, and maybe another attack type to surprise the player, kind of charging to the ship, forcing the player to stay between its.. well its... "arms" (?) for example...
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 16, 2009, 10:17:53 pm
I think so? LOL

Well done on Mental Mode in 1 go!! WOW!! (Is the final BIG boss too easy? - I was never sure about them)

the 1st time you face it, can catch you off guard, but when you face it again, and again, it get easier every time.

like i said b4, mental mode is funnier than the regular mode, because of autofire and high speed movement... and well, the challenge is better... it's been a couple days since last time i played, but i know i can go far beyond the 1 million barrier if i 1CC the game tryin to get the all base bonus, specially in the later levels (last time i played, i got to level 12, lost 3 huge bonuses, and managed to get 831.000+ points).
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BigLord on July 17, 2009, 03:22:12 am
Just stopped by to say that I was amazed with myself for achieving 760 000 points or something like that... and then I noticed the top score isn't 750 000, it's friggin ten times that.

I simultaneously hate and love you guys ??? :-[ now THAT'S replay value.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 17, 2009, 08:09:57 am
(Is the final BIG boss too easy? - I was never sure about them)
There's an easy way to make it a bit harder : the player should keep his lifebar (or what's remaining of it !) after level 16. That 16th level and its boss are quite easy, but with an already damaged lifebar facing the final boss would be a little more challenging.

And talking about the highest score in ranking : 7.500.000 by Flash (who's obviously a big liar !  :-\)
- The total base destruct gives you a bonus : (number of the level x 7500)
- So if you get that bonus in all levels, you got : (1 x 7500) + (2 x 7500) + ... + (15 x 7500) (yep : no bonus after level 16 !)
- That is : 7500 x (1+2+3+...+15), which is 7500 x 120 which gives : 900 000 points.

My best play is around 950 000 (mental mode, complete run) but with already 3 or 4 "total base destruct" bonuses, let's add the 900 000 from above, I dont even get to 2 millions !
So, is the highest score just a joke, or is there something we still don't know about scoring ? (just asking, btw I'm not really a "score whore")

This was Professor Hydeux talking to you ! Thanx for your attention !  :D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 17, 2009, 09:01:05 am
Oh, you have found my subtile ploy to remain at the top of the highscore...

Either that, or I accidently added one too many zeroes? ;)

I will fix this at some point, and I also thought of something I may add to the game so good players can get even higher scores.

The downside is that a new version means the loss of game save and scores - oh!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on July 17, 2009, 11:07:22 am
Even with the change and only that change, I see no problems to do that, since exists players dosent need to update that game and still keep the scores.

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 17, 2009, 03:43:02 pm
Oh, you have found my subtile ploy to remain at the top of the highscore...

Either that, or I accidently added one too many zeroes? ;)

I will fix this at some point, and I also thought of something I may add to the game so good players can get even higher scores.

The downside is that a new version means the loss of game save and scores - oh!

i wouldnt mind to lose the scores, if the gameplay its improved.

i'd love to see the level 16 givin you the bonus points the other levels do, i'd love to see the final boss givin you a good reward for takin him down quick and some more stuff like that...

so yeah, i really wouldt mind to see a new version with those "fixes".
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 17, 2009, 03:45:44 pm
Even with the change and only that change, I see no problems to do that, since exists players dosent need to update that game and still keep the scores.

that change could not affect the FAT version, but for us using the EFS version, it surely will screw the save state and the scores.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 17, 2009, 03:48:02 pm
There's an easy way to make it a bit harder : the player should keep his lifebar (or what's remaining of it !) after level 16. That 16th level and its boss are quite easy, but with an already damaged lifebar facing the final boss would be a little more challenging.

And talking about the highest score in ranking : 7.500.000 by Flash (who's obviously a big liar !  :-\)
- The total base destruct gives you a bonus : (number of the level x 7500)
- So if you get that bonus in all levels, you got : (1 x 7500) + (2 x 7500) + ... + (15 x 7500) (yep : no bonus after level 16 !)
- That is : 7500 x (1+2+3+...+15), which is 7500 x 120 which gives : 900 000 points.

My best play is around 950 000 (mental mode, complete run) but with already 3 or 4 "total base destruct" bonuses, let's add the 900 000 from above, I dont even get to 2 millions !

So, is the highest score just a joke, or is there something we still don't know about scoring ? (just asking, btw I'm not really a "score whore")

This was Professor Hydeux talking to you ! Thanx for your attention !  :D

i kinda think there's sometihng hiden. maybe you should try to pass a level w/o firing until you get to the boss?... ot did i just give you another idea to add to the game?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 17, 2009, 04:24:25 pm

Doing a new EFS version will erase all highs and saves - there is nothing I can do there :(

Level 16 does now give you the bonus's at the end of level, after the big boss fight.
The top highscore is now fixed.

I will be just having a play for a bit and will let you know when we have a new version to download.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 17, 2009, 04:58:20 pm
quite surprised : I thought you were working on an "useless and in no way as good as a shmup detective game"  :D
So what's new : two players mode + 5 loops + chain bonus system + online ranking + loads of secondary weapons ? Can't wait ! (would you have a date ? today maybe ?)

How comes having a new release will erase the old one ?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 17, 2009, 05:15:27 pm
Just a few little fixes really..

The EFS version stores all the highscores within the nds file itself. This has a benefit that if you pass your warhawkDS.nds file to a friend, he will have your scores to beat... Downside is that any new version replaces the data :(

We will be starting our next projects fairly soon.. HK has some programing he needs to catch up on first and I have a non-code related project that I must finish first - then, full steam ahead..

I have done a few mods to the game that will add a bit to it.. ;) There is now a way to get an 8,888 point bonus on most levels and a little easter egg (for a giggle)
Is there anything that could be added? I don't want to add a chain bonus system as this is getting a bit further away from the original, but.. any ideas?
Oh, also made level 32 big boss a little harder (full energy).
I did not want to do anything else than release v1.0... but... we have now got v1.01 and i wanted to sort the highscore table out, so this (for EFS at least) requires v1.02.. So, seeing i was doing that, Perhaps a few more mods will help? And hopefully this will be the final build?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 17, 2009, 05:56:34 pm
I don't want to add a chain bonus system
I was joking of course !
I wasn't complaining or asking anything btw !
'told you : the game's great ! (but a little greater can't be refused !)

My English is kinda tired, what do you call "easter egg", does it mean a joke ? (I'm pretty sure it's not an egg you would offer me at Easter ... or will you ?)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 17, 2009, 06:02:21 pm
I know you were joking mate..

An "easter egg" is something hidden in software that does something special when activated, except you are not told how to activate it - it is a secret!

But, really, any little things that may add a bit to it are welcomed!

Also, what is your highest score? I will stick you at the top of the highscore table for the next release for people to beat (and what name to you put in)?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 17, 2009, 06:10:32 pm
(Thanx for the explanation)
But, really, any little things that may add a bit to it are welcomed!
Nothing more to add than what I've already mentioned... (don't even know now if making Mental mode a second loop is a good idea : the game would become quiiite long, which is probably not a good idea for a handheld game...)

Also, what is your highest score? I will stick you at the top of the highscore table for the next release for people to beat.
You mean MY score ? (or is my English so tired ??)
Well, I would be honored ! but halas my highest score hasn't been improved since last time : 959 870...
(just realised : if you're not talking about me, well : I know I'm ridiculous !)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 17, 2009, 06:13:31 pm
Yes, I was talking about you LOL

959,870.. and what name do you put in? (seeing as it can only be five letters)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 17, 2009, 06:18:54 pm
Let's drop the x, Hydeu will do.

Man : I loved your game, but now I got to love YOU !  :D
(Many Thanks to you, really !)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 17, 2009, 06:29:59 pm
Yes, I was talking about you LOL

959,870.. and what name do you put in? (seeing as it can only be five letters)

IM SO JEALOUS!!!.. i wish i was offered such a honor! T_T

anyway, since the game already have everything you wished for it, i think one adition to it (since bombs would ruin the experience) would be:

1) in the regular mode, map autofire to a button (not really needed but...)...
2) make the stones destructible, but give them a huge ammount of health... actually, make everything that is indestructible right now, the option to be destroyed, but you have to REALLY want to destroy it to do so... and if you do, you could rake some obsene ammount of points
3) if you actually implement the 2nd point, then it be good to add certain items that if you destroy them, actually hurt your score ;)

... just some random ideas.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 17, 2009, 06:43:52 pm
Actually, the meteors are already destructable.

You can only destroy them with 2 power shots. When you do, they give you a boost to your energy! This is not much help if you have the powerup though LOL
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 17, 2009, 06:45:01 pm
1) in the regular mode, map autofire to a button (not really needed but...)...
Wouldn't that mean losing the c64 feeling ? (only 1 fire button..) And I actually like the way it is : either you don't use the stone trick because you got the power up (so you GOT to be good !) or you have to time things well to end your power up during the stone field !
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 17, 2009, 07:13:51 pm
Actually, the meteors are already destructable.

You can only destroy them with 2 power shots. When you do, they give you a boost to your energy! This is not much help if you have the powerup though LOL

maybe i've been playing mental mode too much, cuz i dont remember the meteors to be destructible, at least, not in that mode... in that mode you can delay their passing on screen by shooting at them (used strategically, can give you some good things)... bu ti really dont remember them being destrucitble.

and about the autofire remap... it was just a suggestion hehe.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 17, 2009, 08:02:18 pm
When do you think this new release will be availlable ? (just to know if I may go to bed, or if it's worth staying awake !)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 17, 2009, 08:15:00 pm
It will be a day or two...

I need to pass it with HK to make sure it is ok and he likes the additions - and he is a little busy at the moment.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 17, 2009, 08:19:18 pm
i can wait... so, dont rush it if you dont have to.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 17, 2009, 10:41:29 pm
(Don't know if it's still time but...)
Well I know I was suppose to go to bed, but as obviously people are gonna see my score (thanx once again) I felt like I had to improve it a little, or at least get over the million, which is done now : 1.281.548 in mental mode. It's actually quite hard to destroy all bases after level 10 !
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 17, 2009, 10:59:35 pm
Sadly too late on the score - though BLOODY impressive mate. My Highest in Mental is 996,384!! (god! - MUST do better)... Also, I did not want the highest score so high that it would be too hard to attain. Though, in the new version the big boss gives a score on destruct and also level 16 now gives a level complete score, and... hunters can now give 8,888 points IF you can shoot them all without touching them - harder than it sounds - trust me!! LOL
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 17, 2009, 11:36:17 pm
Wow.. Just hit 1000 hits! LOL
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Sokurah on July 17, 2009, 11:54:20 pm
1000 hits? - is that page hits or downloads?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 18, 2009, 12:17:21 am
Well... er.... um...

Page hits...

But... That is still much more than 10....


Oh... Shut up!!!

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 18, 2009, 12:18:02 am
It is all academic now because,

It is now 1007 - so there!!  >:(
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 18, 2009, 08:52:46 pm
Been testing the new 8,888 score bonus..

Works quite well, though it is really hard to kill a wave of hunters without them touching you. Even on level 1 this is a bit tricky..

Hope to release V1.02 tomorrow night if HK is happy with the changes.. Sorry, but we are a team.. and all has to be good for both of us before anything is released.. HK is still busy working ATM, but a release will be soon.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on July 19, 2009, 09:11:01 pm
I trough's you only released one version? Also version 1.01 was only meant for beating the compatible issues with some cards yet?

This is more a hiscore change which might effect gameplay?

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 19, 2009, 09:14:03 pm
We forgot the "end of level" bonus count up for level 16, so the main reason for this was to add that. I think that was important to add.

Also, the hunter bonus now offers another way to get a higher score, and a tricky way ;)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 20, 2009, 09:04:28 pm
so, is it up yet?... i've been refreshing the download page, and still says version 1.01...
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on July 20, 2009, 10:13:06 pm
so, is it up yet?... i've been refreshing the download page, and still says version 1.01...

It is up now, and we did put your name on the hiscore table as "Kaspa" :) I ended up rounding off the hiscore values so I hope Flash doesn't mind but he's disappeared and I usually like to get him to check everything first. Oh well if there are any problems let us know and we will deal with them tomorrow.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on July 21, 2009, 10:21:58 am
Just credit feeded it, to see the changes/improvements :
- good idea to give bonus for the Hunters, and indeed, it's sometimes quite hard to destroy all of them as they're right in the middle of other ennemy waves.

- good to see the True Last Boss with a complete lifebar ! (and giving some points !)

- good to get bonus points from le 16th level, in the previous version there was something "unfinished".

- GLAD to see the "I'll be back" message !!!

- VERY GLAD to see my name in the high score board !  ;)

The game was great, it's even greater now !
gotta give the good news to everyone in France now ! (and 1cc the game to improve my score !)

EDIT : haven't found out what was your "Easter Egg"...
re-EDIT : 1cced it, with 1 533 108 (mental), it's REALLY hard to get all the ground bases bonus !!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: djshok on July 22, 2009, 03:19:48 pm
This game is bloody AWESOME!!! Thank you for making this!  ;D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 22, 2009, 04:04:09 pm
This game is bloody AWESOME!!! Thank you for making this!  ;D
Thanks for taking the time to register and post...  ;D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Tempest on July 23, 2009, 11:38:14 pm
I want HeadKaze to understand that I mean no disrespect. I think it is unfair that you have named the website that hosts the code for the warhawk game "HeadSoft". I know that GreatFlash has spent alot of time on the project as well, and I think a co-owned website would be more appropriate. I have given this quite a bit of thought, and I think GreatHead would be a nice name to use...  ;)

In all seriousness, this is a joke!  :D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on July 24, 2009, 03:58:56 am
GreatHead!  :D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Kaspal on July 24, 2009, 07:02:13 am
and here i was thinking it should be named somethin like FlashHead or something.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 24, 2009, 11:20:24 am
In all seriousness, this is a joke!  :D

That is the most opposing statement I have ever heard  :D

GreatHead!! <snigger>
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on July 24, 2009, 07:24:40 pm
and here i was thinking it should be named somethin like FlashHead or something.


In my case, GreatSoft.. (Well... The wife's not what she was LOL)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on August 03, 2009, 08:02:45 pm

You got a really nice comment about the music on the youtube vid...

Perhaps you should compile all the remixed into an album, I know I would love that!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on August 04, 2009, 04:01:34 pm
even the music is very much mono and not stereo (hence exclusive for the game), I gonna to think to submit it to, when they open the submission again. I could also submit to the c64 releases forum as well. its one of my best remixes done.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on August 08, 2009, 01:34:23 pm
why not use the 3d model to been used in the top banner  :)?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on August 08, 2009, 10:17:27 pm
Because it would shoot that Wizball monster in the face!  :D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BigLord on August 11, 2009, 01:22:02 am
I just stopped by here now, glad to see that the score of 7 million and a half was a lie, like the cake :P

Well I guess I'll download the new version now. I'll just finish the game again! :D Like if I care! THIS GAME IS AWESOME!

@Lobo: that ship looks kickass, I would love to hear more about that game you're working on.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on August 11, 2009, 09:52:21 am
You can NEVER have enough SHMUP'S LOL

Lobo, did you want to create a seperate topic for Arse-nal? Perhaps in the 'Other Games & Projects" area? I could move the posts?

Up to you mate!

PS. The mock-up looks sweet!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on August 11, 2009, 06:27:02 pm
Aye, that would be sweet, one topic for ArsenalDS please, with ketchup.
That way we can announce the bloody editor when ready for people who can also post their stuff once we get there.

Thanx mate.  :P
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on August 11, 2009, 06:55:47 pm
There is now a shiny new (Ketchup covered) topic for Arse-Nal (or ArsenalDS)

Here (

I think I have copied the main stuff over?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on August 11, 2009, 07:50:06 pm
Great, it's all in there + gooey stuff, thanks!  :P
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BigLord on August 12, 2009, 02:36:18 am
Odd that you say that 'cause I was just playing World of Goo...  :-X

Whatever, I look forward to it!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on August 16, 2009, 07:54:47 am
Just to mention that I've re-written the test I'd done of Warhawk, this one is more complete and "up-to-date" with the 1.02 version. ( ( )

As the game is really good, I felt like trying the 1986 version, which is quite good as well but wtf with those mad bosses ???? still can't beat the game thanks to them !!!

Is there a link where one can download the musics ? (well... if the music are downloadable I mean.)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on August 16, 2009, 09:22:39 am
Thanks again for the review :)

The only thing that is a bit wrong is "Flash and Badtoad decide in early 2009 to re-create the game, assisted this time by Lobo and HeadKaze."

This should really be,

"Flash and Headkaze decide in early 2009 to re-create the game, assisted this time by Lobo, Spacefractal, and Badtoad."

And, "can't beat the game" - in the original.. ha ha, and I thought you were a shmup god!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on August 17, 2009, 07:35:07 am
The only thing that is a bit wrong is...
This will be corrected today.

And, "can't beat the game" - in the original.. ha ha, and I thought you were a shmup god!!
Ok, actually, I'm just a demigod...
(well obviously there's something I don't get on the bosses fight... But straight to level 8 boss so far, that's nearly it !)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on August 17, 2009, 09:57:43 am
Is there a link where one can download the musics ? (well... if the music are downloadable I mean.)

Just look on the  frontpage :-D, I released mp3 versions of all music I created for the game (+plus some tunes not used) except the POTT title tune for some weeks ago.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on August 17, 2009, 10:46:35 am
'must confess I'd never been on the Home page... So, THERE'S a link for the music, thanx !
(and of course, I cast a vote for Warhawk !)

Going back to 86 Warhawk : HAS SOMEBODY EVER 1CC THAT GAME ??????? those crazy "turning left to right as fast as possible so you won't fire me" bosses and their f*** little "wanna stick on your ship" rocks are a real pain in the a** !!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on August 17, 2009, 11:05:10 am
He he he... It was a bit tricky...

Yes it has been 1CC'd several times. I believe that Badtoad had gone through it once and got to level 6 or 7 on the second pass.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on August 17, 2009, 11:32:24 am
Well... We don't appear to be doing as well as hoped in the competition, so, I replicate HK's post again..

If you loved Warhawk DS, please get voting!!!!


We have entered Warhawk DS into the Top 10 R4 DS Homebrew competition. So if you want to help get Warhawk DS into the top 10 please cast your votes on

To cast your vote click on the comments ( link and vote Warhawk DS for 3 points. The competition closes on 30th of September so get voting and tell your friends!

Good luck Warhawk DS!   :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on August 17, 2009, 12:06:03 pm
've made posts on French shmup forum (, and on US shmups forum (
(YOU should go there and talk about your work !)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on August 17, 2009, 12:10:13 pm
Well done, thanks mate ;)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on August 17, 2009, 12:19:10 pm
You're quite welcome !

Yes it has been 1CC'd several times. I believe that Badtoad had gone through it once and got to level 6 or 7 on the second pass.
So you mean that one of the dev' 1cc'd it once...
A bit tricky indeed !  ;) (I'll try once again tonight, but I probably won't stick to it : getting on my nerves !!!)

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on August 17, 2009, 12:44:56 pm
Well... We don't appear to be doing as well as hoped in the competition, so, I replicate HK's post again..

We don't have much of a chance against apps like NitroTracker and DSOrganise IMHO. There really should have been a separate category for games.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on August 17, 2009, 01:09:36 pm
Yeah, perhaps there should have been,

Though it would just be nice to get in the top 10.. :(
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on August 19, 2009, 04:44:42 am
Why don't you put it up on Neoflash compo? I think there's just a few days left before it's over.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on August 25, 2009, 10:29:40 am
There is now a way to get an 8,888 point bonus on most levels and a little easter egg (for a giggle)
Have you (or will you) revealed what it was about ?
Or maybe just a clue to trigger it ?
just a tiny little clue...
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on August 25, 2009, 10:34:11 am
Try going through any level without shooting... ;)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on August 25, 2009, 10:44:27 am
Gosh ! I thought of that one : Kaspal had mentioned this idea in this topic but I didn't give it a try 'cause I thought it wouldn't be possible (as the bosses doesn't go away after some time, I tought I would have to shoot anyway...)

Just gave it a try : quite funny ! (thanks for your answer !)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on August 31, 2009, 05:04:22 pm
As there's no "official" ranking, I post my score here :
Hydeux-2 126 798-Mental

It's still possible to improve as I think I missed the level 6 hunters bonus and as I'm quiiiite lazy in shmups (I don't bother killing "small fry" most of the time...), but I got all "total base destruct" bonuses and, of course, all level completion bonus.

So, well... Tonight I'm drinking to this great game ! (and to my last day of holydays...) (
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on August 31, 2009, 05:10:57 pm

You really are the master, and well done for getting all the total base destructs, we really did not think it would be possible on all levels..

You are "Warhawk Elite"
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on August 31, 2009, 05:49:12 pm
getting all the total base destructs, we really did not think it would be possible on all levels..
Don't you ever say that !!! say : "Glad our great level-design make things hard but still possible !!!"  ;D
But indeed, some "total base destruct" bonuses are tricky to get : level 5, 12, 13 & 14 are quite a pain in...

Well, now, when are you releasing Warhawk II on the X-Box Live Arcade ?  ;) (mmmm... joking but it sounds like a good idea, doesn't it ?)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on August 31, 2009, 05:58:41 pm

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on September 01, 2009, 07:18:21 pm
Yeah, perhaps there should have been,

Though it would just be nice to get in the top 10.. :(

Little birdy told me that we're in the top 3. Go Warhawk!  8)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on September 09, 2009, 11:37:42 am
Warhawk is remake of the month in the latest RR EDIT:RG.. And Headsoft is mentioned :)

a scan will follow :)

ps... Buy it :) issue 68
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Sokurah on September 09, 2009, 11:38:58 am
See what I told ya? ;)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on September 09, 2009, 12:05:01 pm
What is "RR" ?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Sokurah on September 09, 2009, 12:07:13 pm
What is "RR" ? (

Oh, I'm just noticing it says RR - shouldn't that be RG for RetroGamer?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on September 09, 2009, 12:22:21 pm
Yes... RetroGamer!! LOL

That's typing on the iPhone for ya!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on September 09, 2009, 12:25:22 pm
I guess I need these magazines, due I doesn't have plans to buying very much, I have this time ordered issue 64 to 67. There was no more back issues back...


I do guess RR was meant RG (ahhh, tolate).
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on September 09, 2009, 05:49:44 pm
Where's the scan, post it!  8)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: BaDToaD on September 09, 2009, 06:02:04 pm
Excellent News!

Now I've got to track down a copy!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on September 09, 2009, 06:27:22 pm
Where's the scan, post it!  8)

I will try and get it done tomorrow morning at work ;)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on September 09, 2009, 08:09:06 pm
Warhawk is remake of the month in the latest RR EDIT:RG.. And Headsoft is mentioned :)

a scan will follow :)

ps... Buy it :) issue 68

I will definately be buying (I collect them all these days) it's just we are always a few issues behind over here, so would be cool to see a scan :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on September 10, 2009, 09:44:21 pm
Soo....can I see that bloody scan or what? :D

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on September 10, 2009, 09:51:56 pm
Soo....can I see that bloody scan or what? :D

Sorry, I forgot today... :(

Will see what I can do tomorrow...
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on September 10, 2009, 09:52:39 pm
ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....................OK :D.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on September 15, 2009, 07:42:51 am
I may take my time....... LOL


Sadly neither Myself, Headkaze, or Lobo get a personal mention... But. SF, you are there....  ;)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Sokurah on September 15, 2009, 07:51:21 am
If MMLL ends up being as well polished as Warhawk, and I don't see why it shouldn't, then I'm 100% sure you'll be in the magazine again. ;)
...I hope I haven't jinxed it now though. :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on September 15, 2009, 07:53:38 am
Bloody jinx
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on September 15, 2009, 10:44:20 am
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on September 15, 2009, 12:19:30 pm
hey! only I and POTT got real credits  ;D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on September 15, 2009, 06:22:20 pm

Cool article, short but hey, it's straight to the point.

EDIT: Oh..darn, they forgot to mention the 'BOSS', hehe..he'll be pissed!  :D
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on November 25, 2009, 08:46:30 pm
Just noticed that Warhawk DS made it onto the Wikipedia page! It is nice that it is linked with the original! Well, made me happy anyway! (
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: sverx on December 01, 2009, 08:43:00 am
Cool! I just found a WarHawk MOD :o  :o  :o dated back in the Amiga years! It has been made by Romeo Knight, you can download it here (, on his website ( :)

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on December 01, 2009, 09:14:36 am

It is ok, but no-where near the standards set by SF!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: sverx on December 01, 2009, 09:18:42 am
Of course! But this is an Amiga MOD made back in the days, so it's a very good work IMHO. Does SF made a MOD/XM for WarHawk? I understood it was a streaming track in the game...

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on December 01, 2009, 09:30:33 am
True, Warhawk was not a mod file..

It is not bad for the time though (he has a few notes out of place, though he does admit that).
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on December 01, 2009, 10:35:04 am
Its sound very oldschool, and really old, but would been nice, if there was a Amiga version of that game released that time (which would been nice). The mod tune is not really bad at all, so I agree with Flash.

I also diddent fellow the C64 version of Warhawk 100% for the DS game, and the music I created for Warhawk DS use 16 bit WAV, ADPCM 22Khz, Mono streaming.

There is stilll stutter problem I want have fixed for AceCard II card.

With the officiel firmware (which works a bit better than the unofficiel firmware), I guess it caused by the gongon sample on each level start and the "bling" counter sample on the completion screen (not the speech, which is delayed a bit). It sometimes stutter when these samples is played and then countinue stutter until you change the music. The title song did never stutter and hence it have no samples here. So hence I want to test a version without these 2 samples (which does not effect the gameplay anyway), to see its these two samples cause the problem.

I have never played that game very much due that problem on hardware......
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on December 01, 2009, 11:45:57 am
I'm wondering perhaps we could just add a swiWaitForVBlank() after the "gongon" sound? That should let us know if it is that sample causing the problem.. hang on I will test it now as I have an Acekard 2i now..

EDIT: Well I'll be darned, no stuttering on level 2... hmm I think this might have fixed it. So I think you might be right about that start sample messing with the streaming music. Can I send you this version for you to try somehow SF? Where should I send it to?

Flash: Have you got an Acekard 2i? Can you try changing the following in initlevel.s

Code: [Select]
bl playDinkDinkSound

bl swiWaitForVBlank

Let me know if it still stutters for you?
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on December 01, 2009, 02:04:22 pm
For me it did not allways stutter on level 2 (that version that is now on the homepage), but only did that sometimes (a restart feature might have works as a workaround), but it nearly allways stutter on level completlion, but never on titlescreen.

so a another swiWaitForVBlank() sound a good idea (do that too for the bling sound on level completion as well (after music as well sound to make sure).

For the last, I have only used 6% of my email space, so dont care about filesize at all, but if you have a dropbox, just give me the public link of it (I like that method they use private filesharing).

PS. I can still wait after the TDG, but I was thinking if that stutter problem is very small (using officiel firmware I use now).
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on December 02, 2009, 10:31:33 am

After long time, I dedicated to release the untouched version of the song to (with the short intro, which I never got released as soundtrack), and yes of course, some people of course not like it (due many have mixed this tune), but that it, its originally a ingame tune :D.

Please checkout since I have edited the text about song info. I do hope I got a bit more yellow smiliys at the end (which was the target).

Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on December 20, 2009, 11:00:55 pm
Just found this post on Pixel Heroes,

This is HERE (}) (Translated)

I love the end (if you compensate for the translation)

After an extensive game experience with Warhawk DS "remains a question for me still open. Why the game was not officially released? When I wander through the shelves of shops and keep eye out for any interesting news for my Nintendo DS, I have to repeatedly dig through only through an incredible range of mediocre games to true-flops before I will really only one decent game get into their hands. And the curious thing is that those bad games like rows and are found on such piles. Especially on the Nintendo DS, there are many manufacturers and publishers to convert, try again and again as the proverbial scrap commodity Schxxxx to gold. Unfortunately they have not infrequently undeserved success with it, and that without alchemists have under contract. Since classic shooter eh are a rare commodity on the DS, immediately come to mind really only two good-Nanostray a game from the German manufacturer Shin'en, I am really surprised that Warhawk DS "is not to be found on the shelves of shops. I would have caught me this game is for the full price. Well, it must not always all about money not spinning true? In Warhawk DS "for a change, everything revolves around the fun and the spirit of computer and video games. And that to me is the highest award worthy, especially since the price / performance ratio for a freeware game, anyway, is outstanding.

Well, it got 10/10
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on December 21, 2009, 01:31:53 am
Well hang my pass and strung me high, that is seriously fukin greatissimuss.
Worthy as heck!!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Sokurah on December 21, 2009, 09:09:23 am
Wow, that's very nice...but again - it's also true. ;)

Feedback like this is what makes it fun and worthwhile to make games for free.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on December 21, 2009, 01:51:44 pm
hihi, a game that is too good to been free :D, nice review. That game should been ported to IPhone DS, but I guess its after the secret game.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Zzaped! on January 25, 2010, 12:56:18 pm
More great stuff, but bloody hard, concentrating on MMLS,
only up to level 3 on Warhawk (taking too much damage trying
to get the powerups since working out that they are essential).
Love the demo-style title screen, the scroller and its text, and the game itself.
Had a similar bad experience to Flash back then, but not in games.
DS + flash cart + legit. software =~ pocket Ami 500 + HD.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on January 25, 2010, 01:07:42 pm
Glad you are enjoying the games!

It is always rewarding when someone takes the effort to let us know, gives ya a warm contented feeling..

Thanks :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Archangel on January 27, 2010, 10:05:18 pm
I just ran across Warhawk, and man, i'm impressed with what you guys have done with the DS.  You gotta like that assembler.  This thing is bloody fast.  Too fast for someone like me who lost his shmup skills a dozen years ago.  (smirk)  Any chance of adding a Baby mode in the future?

You guys should have gone the retail route, because this thing is better than most of the stuff out there.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on January 27, 2010, 10:21:35 pm
Thanks so much for the kind words and we are glad you like it!

It would have been great to have gone retail, but Nintendo demand far too much for a small team like us to start a project like this (investment, dev kit, real office, etc)

So, we are just glad to offer the game free and having feedback like this really does make it worthwhile.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: spacefractal on January 27, 2010, 10:42:06 pm
We shall convert these games to Apple :D or do a presequel or spinoff, but can been hard since it was created in assemply.

But really: nice comments is all we want.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on January 27, 2010, 10:50:00 pm
Bloody hard to convert the Assembler to C++ (Object C), but not impossible.

I will one day do Warhawk II... That is for sure, but on what platform?

I did play Warhawk DS again a few nights ago, and even impressed myself by enjoying it! I have never fully played any of the 3 games released here - and by god, I really should! ! !
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Archangel on January 27, 2010, 11:05:01 pm
Well, here's hoping it gets noticed for the quality work it is, because this thing is top notch all the way around, from the BGM to the solid framerate (60?) despite the sheer frenetic action.  (smirk)  The only thing missing is my shmup skills.

I like the multiple levels of the background (3?) and that only the top one scrolls horizontally.  It's a nice touch.

Looking forward to Warhawk II.  Here's hoping it's on something i own.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on January 27, 2010, 11:11:01 pm
Warhawk II could be a while off, but it would be nice to think that it could appear on the DS (officially :) ?)

Warhawk runs at 60fps at all times, and I think that without restriction, it will run at over 400fps (not synced to the screen). Assembler has it's benefits for fast code, but.. has no portability. It would have been nice to have ported to other formats, but that would be a LOT of work.

Thankfully Warhawk has been recieved rather well, and been featured in RetroGamer magazine, but it is much nicer when someone takes the time to make a post on our humble forum.

Thanks from the team.

I hope our other 2 DS releases appeal also. Manic Miner in the Lost Levels and the sprawling Detective Game.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Archangel on January 28, 2010, 01:50:36 am
I grabbed them and only took a quick gander, but i'm intrigued.  Both look good.  I saw lots of little touches in Manic Miner, which is always appreciated.  I've never heard of The Detective, but i've played an adventure game here and there, and am more than willing to give it a solid go.  Of the three, that one looks like it was probably the easiest to code, but that goes without saying since with Warhawk you were learning how the ARM works.  Still though, with The Detective you were delving into C++ and it's a completely different style, so maybe it wasn't easier by much?

So do you guys have any idea on what's next?

Oh, and i'm starting to find my shmup roots, so i may be able to eventually unlock whatever the third option is in the continue menu.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on January 28, 2010, 04:24:52 am
Happy to hear your feedback :)

Warhawk was coded by Flash and I while MMLL was done by Flash (obviously re-using some code from Warhawk) and TDG was done by me in C++. We only did the first two games in assembly beause Flash wanted to and I was happy to give it a try. Didn't take long to get the hang of it, but I do prefer to write in C so that is why TDG was done in C. It was supposed to also get Flash prepared for moving to the iPhone (but he was too busy with MMLL) as that is the next platform we're working on :)

As for difficulty.. in some ways C++ is more time consuming in that you have to do alot of boiler plate code to set things up, with asm you just start coding.. but then C has a whole bunch of nice things to do the same work in less code. The fact that TDG was an adventure game meant I had to do ALOT of playtesting of the original, but Flash also had to do the same thing. With an adventure game though especially TDG there is alot of walking around and trying different combinations of objects. So it was alot of work involved but I wouldn't say anyone was easier. Warhawk took us a long time because it was the first and lots of code to port, but there are also other things like the attack wave editor, we we split the work quite equally.. Flash did the attack wave patterns while I made the editor etc. We make a pretty darn good team and I'm very proud of what we have achieved. Now as soon as we get into the swing of iPhone dev we might start enjoying ourselves again ;)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Archangel on January 28, 2010, 11:35:25 pm
Thanks for the reply.

A friend and i were talking last night, and we agree that Nintendo is stupid for not courting you guys.  We both feel that you could be the DS(i)'s Rare, back when Nintendo owned them and they were the 3rd party guys who really got the most from the system.  It's funny you mentioned the iPhone, because i said last night that with how much you guys obviously like programming, you're going to keep at it, and there's always the iPhone/iPad.  I don't own one, but my brother does, so i'll tell him to keep an eye out for anything by Headsoft (which is the two of you?).
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on January 29, 2010, 12:07:07 am
Thanks again for the kind words, the comparison is a rather rewarding compliment.

Hopefully we can do something special on the iPhone - though it would be wonderful to return and code on the DS again (one day)!
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Lobo on January 29, 2010, 01:43:40 am
The thing is, no need to hide it, we are working on an iPhone game as we speak. Can't tell what but that' s the reason why the rest of the forum is ' quiet'.
It was only more natural to go to device which can allow for these two guys to exercise their power without worrying too much about every single problem we encountered on DS so far. Goes the same way for me and SF so we don' t have to kill things before they even get to see the light of the day.
 To me, I'll support the games and hardware which provides minimum of enjoyable experiences, meaning in plain Chinese/ Mandarin-everything but DS and similar.  :)
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: flash on January 29, 2010, 07:12:20 am
Ah, but wouldn't it be wonderful to have an official DS dev kit..?

I will see if I can make one out of cardboard boxes, a washing up bottle, and some sticky back plastic.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: headkaze on January 29, 2010, 07:40:28 am
I will see if I can make one out of cardboard boxes, a washing up bottle, and some sticky back plastic.

You need a shoe between the box and the bottle. That is what gives it it's "Nintendo Official Seal". The clobbier the shoe the better.
Title: Re: Warhawk DS Release
Post by: Hydeux on March 02, 2010, 07:41:15 am
At long last Warhawk's been mentioned on portal ( (down the page, homebrew section).
I told them months ago, when they organised a vote to choose the best homebrews, but they told me they didn't know the game. (don't know why they make it appear now)
This will probably give you some extra downloads.