Hi folks !Sadly we cannot check compatibility with all cards. This has been tested on an m3 simply and works fine (along with CycloDS, AK2i, R4, R4 sdhc, GBA Movie Player)
first post here 'cause I'm interested in playing Warhawk and make a review of it on http://www.shmup.com/ (http://www.shmup.com/) (best shmup related French site you'll ever find ;D) BUT : I can't get this to work !
I've put the .nds file on my m3 real, black screen with "DLDI compatible..." and "loading"... but nothing more...
I of course have the last firmware, and I've already been playing other homebrews like TouhouDS for instance...
Any idea of what I'm doing wrong ?
Thanx for your answers !
Don't works on SuperCard DS one :-[
Thanx for your answer anyway !
Keep on the good work, i'll try Warhawk on an emulator then, and check later wether this issue is corrected.
ps. Nice site you have!Yes indeed !
This game's GREAT !!!!!
(more details later ;))
Can you let us know if the EFS version runs from DSOrganise or is it just the FAT version?Both the EFS and the FAT version do work fine when launched via DSOrganize, on my M3 DS REAL.
i'd like to say i love your game, but sadly, all i've seen from it are pix... because, every method i've tried, just doesnt work.
i've formatted my MicroSD, in FAT32 and FAT16, dont work.
i've tried the 2 loading methods of DSOrganizer, and none of them boots (the mighty method drops a message that says that somehow, the file could not be read).
thing is, every other homebrew (like Tyrian and TouhouDS) works, and this one, just doesnt.
last thing im gonna try (and that's something i dont like doing) is upgrade the FW of the cart and see if it works... but im not gettin my hopes up.
please, if you find a way (i know you can), to make it boot, please do so... i really wanna play this one (im a shmup ho'), but so far, only pix is all i0ve got.
Lowering sound quality for FX is not possible as they are 11khz already. Removing the speech will shave 300 odd k off, so not enough sadly...
But, don't panic.. Thy will be done!!!
(Why cant everyone have r4's, CycloDS and AK2i's :) )
Feel free to grab the screens and whatever else you want.Thanx a lot !
ps. let me know if you clear all 16 levels?I will !
Thanx a lot !
I will !
stonkin' game and much kudos to you for writing it in asm! 8)
I can not get the music to play, but everything else seems fine.
I have a GBAMP. Have tried both fat and efs versions. Have used
dragonmindeds dsorganisor(both launch methods), dskiosk, and
direct boot of game only, but non of the methods help.
In game sounds work though, its just the streaming music.
Have also tried defrag.
Using dragonmindeds dsorganisor normal launch method did affect
the in game sound effects which stopped working, but all other
methods resulted in ingame sounds.
Hope that helps debugging somehow.
Looking forward to a patch.....keep up the grea work.
PS is there a cheat mode? I'm struggling o get past level 3! :(
The audio issue relates to how the audio is stored, the GBA Movie Player sadly does not support this.. We were hoping the FAT release would help! :( Hopefully we can find a solution...
oh, yes there is a cheat! :)
i hope you dont leak the cheat code just yet... the cool thing about shmups is that you have to try again and again and again to master the beast, so that further levels are NOT as hard as they used to, when you didnt have enough skill.
it worked with me in countless shmups... i know it will work with this one too (Eg. i wasnt able to get past the 8th boss of _Ketsui DS on Death Label mode, and now, i get to doom with relative ease... just need to train some more to get past him).
We were going to add a gapDon't you ever do so ! ;) A gap between screens would mean a zone where your ship, bullets and the ennemies would be invisible, which is , IMO, quite a nonsense in a shmup !
Level 3 is deliberatly harder, it is also the level that you gain the powerup. This really can help, hold fire and blast merry hell! With the second wave of large ships, stay central! It helps :)
Just found this out today, a little Warhawk post on 2bears
Seems like they have some odd problem with 'artifacts on the top screen' ? I wonder what kind of a card are they running there? :-\
As for the music, they should make a remix cd and send it out to everyone who have completed at least the first ten levels in mental mode + warhawk t-shirt (and a complimentary video of Flash singing the tune in the bathtub divx).
what i dont like about the power up, is the fact that even tho i lke the autofire thing, the ship passes from sloooooooow moving to very fast in a spit second. thats only good when you're used to it, but the 1st times you notice that, you cant help it but to crash on the asteroids and stuff.
CNN reports that the game called WarhawkDS has hidden satanic messages embedded such as'buy me a beer'...'beer'...and 'mo' beer'.....
I've written a review of the game for the French site Shmup.com: http://www.shmup.com/index.php?page=fiche&id=1283 (http://www.shmup.com/index.php?page=fiche&id=1283)
Thanks for such a great game :)fixed
Have I already mentioned this game's great ? :D
(Is the final BIG boss too easy? - I was never sure about them)IMO, it is ! Easier than the "first" final big boss I think. You should (but I got no advice to give, just my feeling about this issue !) have given him a full lifebar, and maybe another attack type to surprise the player, kind of charging to the ship, forcing the player to stay between its.. well its... "arms" (?) for example...
I think so? LOL
Well done on Mental Mode in 1 go!! WOW!! (Is the final BIG boss too easy? - I was never sure about them)
(Is the final BIG boss too easy? - I was never sure about them)There's an easy way to make it a bit harder : the player should keep his lifebar (or what's remaining of it !) after level 16. That 16th level and its boss are quite easy, but with an already damaged lifebar facing the final boss would be a little more challenging.
Oh, you have found my subtile ploy to remain at the top of the highscore...
Either that, or I accidently added one too many zeroes? ;)
I will fix this at some point, and I also thought of something I may add to the game so good players can get even higher scores.
The downside is that a new version means the loss of game save and scores - oh!
Even with the change and only that change, I see no problems to do that, since exists players dosent need to update that game and still keep the scores.
There's an easy way to make it a bit harder : the player should keep his lifebar (or what's remaining of it !) after level 16. That 16th level and its boss are quite easy, but with an already damaged lifebar facing the final boss would be a little more challenging.
And talking about the highest score in ranking : 7.500.000 by Flash (who's obviously a big liar ! :-\)
- The total base destruct gives you a bonus : (number of the level x 7500)
- So if you get that bonus in all levels, you got : (1 x 7500) + (2 x 7500) + ... + (15 x 7500) (yep : no bonus after level 16 !)
- That is : 7500 x (1+2+3+...+15), which is 7500 x 120 which gives : 900 000 points.
My best play is around 950 000 (mental mode, complete run) but with already 3 or 4 "total base destruct" bonuses, let's add the 900 000 from above, I dont even get to 2 millions !
So, is the highest score just a joke, or is there something we still don't know about scoring ? (just asking, btw I'm not really a "score whore")
This was Professor Hydeux talking to you ! Thanx for your attention ! :D
I don't want to add a chain bonus systemI was joking of course !
But, really, any little things that may add a bit to it are welcomed!Nothing more to add than what I've already mentioned... (don't even know now if making Mental mode a second loop is a good idea : the game would become quiiite long, which is probably not a good idea for a handheld game...)
Also, what is your highest score? I will stick you at the top of the highscore table for the next release for people to beat.???
Yes, I was talking about you LOL
959,870.. and what name do you put in? (seeing as it can only be five letters)
1) in the regular mode, map autofire to a button (not really needed but...)...Wouldn't that mean losing the c64 feeling ? (only 1 fire button..) And I actually like the way it is : either you don't use the stone trick because you got the power up (so you GOT to be good !) or you have to time things well to end your power up during the stone field !
Actually, the meteors are already destructable.
You can only destroy them with 2 power shots. When you do, they give you a boost to your energy! This is not much help if you have the powerup though LOL
so, is it up yet?... i've been refreshing the download page, and still says version 1.01...
This game is bloody AWESOME!!! Thank you for making this! ;DThanks for taking the time to register and post... ;D
In all seriousness, this is a joke! :D
and here i was thinking it should be named somethin like FlashHead or something.
The only thing that is a bit wrong is...This will be corrected today.
And, "can't beat the game" - in the original.. ha ha, and I thought you were a shmup god!!Ok, actually, I'm just a demigod...
Is there a link where one can download the musics ? (well... if the music are downloadable I mean.)
Yes it has been 1CC'd several times. I believe that Badtoad had gone through it once and got to level 6 or 7 on the second pass.So you mean that one of the dev' 1cc'd it once...
Well... We don't appear to be doing as well as hoped in the competition, so, I replicate HK's post again..
There is now a way to get an 8,888 point bonus on most levels and a little easter egg (for a giggle)Have you (or will you) revealed what it was about ?
getting all the total base destructs, we really did not think it would be possible on all levels..Don't you ever say that !!! say : "Glad our great level-design make things hard but still possible !!!" ;D
Yeah, perhaps there should have been,
Though it would just be nice to get in the top 10.. :(
What is "RR" ?
Where's the scan, post it! 8)
Warhawk is remake of the month in the latestRREDIT:RG.. And Headsoft is mentioned :)
a scan will follow :)
ps... Buy it :) issue 68
Soo....can I see that bloody scan or what? :DSorry, I forgot today... :(
bl playDinkDinkSound
bl swiWaitForVBlank
After an extensive game experience with Warhawk DS "remains a question for me still open. Why the game was not officially released? When I wander through the shelves of shops and keep eye out for any interesting news for my Nintendo DS, I have to repeatedly dig through only through an incredible range of mediocre games to true-flops before I will really only one decent game get into their hands. And the curious thing is that those bad games like rows and are found on such piles. Especially on the Nintendo DS, there are many manufacturers and publishers to convert, try again and again as the proverbial scrap commodity Schxxxx to gold. Unfortunately they have not infrequently undeserved success with it, and that without alchemists have under contract. Since classic shooter eh are a rare commodity on the DS, immediately come to mind really only two good-Nanostray a game from the German manufacturer Shin'en, I am really surprised that Warhawk DS "is not to be found on the shelves of shops. I would have caught me this game is for the full price. Well, it must not always all about money not spinning true? In Warhawk DS "for a change, everything revolves around the fun and the spirit of computer and video games. And that to me is the highest award worthy, especially since the price / performance ratio for a freeware game, anyway, is outstanding.
I will see if I can make one out of cardboard boxes, a washing up bottle, and some sticky back plastic.