RetroBytes Portal
Programming => Other Games & Projects => Topic started by: flash on March 26, 2009, 12:30:09 pm
Hey, guys... anyone got the latest Retro Gamer? (Issue 62)
Sadly Sokurah is now known as "Name Here" :)
That is so cool! I would love it if we could get Warhawk in there. When I was reading Issue 59 (which is the latest one I have) there was an article about the original Psycho Pig UXB but I couldn't find anything about the remake. Your on issue 62? I have them kept for me at the newsagency but I can't believe we're that far behind! Nice one Sokurah (and Lobo on the graphics) 8)
That sounds like an Indian name, you know.."Sitting Name Bull" and such.