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Programming => Other Games & Projects => Topic started by: spacefractal on May 21, 2016, 02:32:41 pm
Status: All main songs completed, migth contain some master issues only.
Im could have posted in the other sid thread, but im thinks since the Jungool now feels complete, then im rather to post as a new thread (and let the MMLL/original stuff in the other thread instead).
Its was not planned im would do all 29 Jungool songs, but im did it to day. There is also a Horace bonus song (nor other bonus levels) will not been a part of the albums. Few tunes was created from those, and can been heard in the various sid subpage instead. Im even did two versions of the Horace song. Im will also not doing a another version of The Entertianer at all, which would not suit for the game, but wanted only doing original stuff. Again im did two of those for the various sid page instead.
PPS. Im know the Lobo signature should have been 09, and not 99, but oh well..... :-)
Great work there SF. Awesome tunes :)
Also, the picture is sweet and the "99" just makes it more 'RETRO' ;)
For the sake of retro, I would put '86, just makes it even more c64 as it is. :D
hehe, yes. Howover Signature is what its was set. Im have no plans to change it (except if Lobo do). Its was for fun :-).
Im do found one issue im need to adress, rest seen works fine on the old sid chip.