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Programming => Other Games & Projects => Topic started by: spacefractal on October 07, 2015, 09:18:27 pm

Title: My SidTracker 64 songs (More Songs)
Post by: spacefractal on October 07, 2015, 09:18:27 pm
Yes im have purchase this software for my iPad, and im thinks its a execellent sid tracker software to playing around the sid chip. Id im ever do a music project, that require sid sound, im will property use SidTracker 64. This is the first tunes im have done in a few years, and have switched over to do programmering, stuff and my club (so sorry sokky im never got touch back to you, sorry about that).

here is songs made with it (im might add songs here), can been listen online:

(im removed the list, no reason to clone the list really anymore).

All above songs is now in 50hz and with MOS-8580 chip in mind (im mostly dont use filter, so its should ok with MOS 6581).

Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: headkaze on October 08, 2015, 12:26:51 am
Makes me want to do a pixel version of Jungool!  8)

For Mac users SIDPLAY ( works pretty well.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 08, 2015, 06:46:51 am
Hehe, im would image this game in either Creatures or Goonies style.

Im would also love to see a c64 version of the title screen, hehe.

Im have update both songs to fix very minor issue (Sweet Home was slowed down from 140 to 135bpm and torned a little bit down on one snare in Waggabamba)
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: Sokurah on October 08, 2015, 01:58:15 pm
This is the first tunes im have done in a few years, and have switched over to do programmering, stuff and my club (so sorry sokky im never got touch back to you, sorry about that).
You rascal. :) :)

No worries mate - the project I asked for music for has been in limbo for months and months now, anyway.
Hopefully I'll get back to it within the next two months though. Everything just takes longer than you want them to these days.  :'(
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 09, 2015, 09:13:51 pm
Im have still not finished out the Jungool Theme, even im have started it and is half into the song, im have added a another ingame song to the list.

This time Chi Whoopey. Im do property need to extends the ending something, but is anything does works fine.

Im do not have plan to do all songs, but some of them, all just for fun of course.

Could been fun to see a C64 version of Jungool :-D.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (4 songs)
Post by: spacefractal on October 10, 2015, 10:15:13 pm
Yes im have done the Jungool Theme in the c64 wise sid file (edit: polished it a bit at this moment).

Howover its do miss few polish in that song as well in Chi Whoopey.sid

Oasis of Waggabamba.sid is ineeded turned out excellent.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: flash on October 11, 2015, 06:34:42 pm
Love 'Wagga Sweet Home' :)

They all sound great SF. Really well done.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 16, 2015, 10:45:23 pm
Im have added a another Jungool song, Its Iceblink Winds this time..
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 17, 2015, 12:05:38 pm
hahaha. Today after some years, im noticed a fun fact on two songs:

Chi Whoopey and Melody Nocturnal is the same song, just changed a reverb and speed. Rest seen unchanged or such.

Since its so long time ago, im newer know why im newer have noticed it at all. Hehe, oh well, both songs do works nicely in the game, and im thinks people too diddent notice it at all (nor im did).

On C64 im diddent used the string background instrument in Chi Whoopey (but the soundscape in the C64 would works nicely in that level throught), which im so could uses that in Melody Nocturnal and remove the drums property, me thinks, and being a little bit more ligther version.

Im have dedicated im have slowed down the C64 version of Chi Whoopey song a bit and removed the scary endning a bit (which im seen would not fit that level).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: flash on October 19, 2015, 12:15:08 pm
I never noticed that. lol...

Ps. Awesome sid work SF!
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 19, 2015, 12:45:27 pm
either me. Its so long imo ago.

Even more wierd, im newer thinked about.

Im thinks this song should have been Chi Whoopey (even the filename was different in flstudio, its was tagged that song name)?

When im see that level, im thinks that tune would have worked fine on that outdoor level (not sure the endning, but cool change). Im could eventuelly render that song to mp4 and use that in the game as its are, if you want and use it in a eventuelly Jungool update. So its possible to fix that issue. Im do wonder why im first have spotted that now, while redone some of the songs to C64?

Due the above the C64 sid have been renamed to Melody Nocturnal, but im do still thinks the slower version would suit it cool. So no other changes to it me thinks.

PS. Im know the folder is still named Triball, but in the eailer days im used that name and posted some tunes and work files used dropbox while we worked on it, so im have newer renamed the folder.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 20, 2015, 12:10:18 pm
Another Jungool song finished:
Cockatoo Jalopy.sid

All songs seens to been using Cia timing. Do that have speed issue, if its was game running as long with the songs on a real Commdore 64? Im do not have used any advanced filters in any on the song, except its being cia timing (ticks is not used at 50 as normal, but various).

If the game ran on C64, im would rather see a scrolling game, this game could have been use flip screen on C64, and redone some levels that suit that screme (this would left out cpu cycles to sprites, gameplay, music rather than scrolling).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 21, 2015, 08:49:40 pm
og dman im missed the balders update, do that tomorrow. Also dont forget we have "Back to the Future" day, one of the levels we did in Manic Miner DS. We saw the movie today (Part II of course).

Im thinks im will later do more C64 songs. Im did recently take a look on the Greedy Moues song.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: Sokurah on October 21, 2015, 10:31:24 pm
Also dont forget we have "Back to the Future" day, one of the levels we did in Manic Miner DS. We saw the movie today (Part II of course).

See, this is one of the things I hate about the internet. Are we just supposed to believe everything we read (...if we're not stupid, that is)?
"Back to the Future" day...what does that even mean? (don't answer - it's rhetorical). The date in Back to the Future is October 26th. It's THAT simple.
Alright, so the 21st. is probably used in Part II (can't remember - it's been ages since I saw it)...but it doesn't make sense to call THAT "the future" as that is BEFORE the 26th. Things are rarely black and white and people calling the 21st. the "real" date are sheep as long as they don't specify which movie were talking about.
Always check your source reference...and make sure they're there before referring back to it. ;) :)
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 21, 2015, 11:11:52 pm
You also quite black and write as well AND im did wrote Part II, so please read before hail me down on this one. Thanks.

21. Oct 2015 was extractly that day, Marty took a trip to in Part II, and we have just past that day right now. So course many net take this movie up, and some theaters even show all 3 movies in row. For me, its was quite fun to see the movie again on the movie "present" day, here of course Part II (even Part I mightbeen better than Part II).

Of course 26. oct was also used, but its a different story me thinks. Here its about the future scene.

now im thinks im will back to create mote sid songs, Mightbeen "Power of love", hehe.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: Sokurah on October 22, 2015, 08:22:44 am
Yes, I had a brain fart and was wrong. It was the 26th - in the first movie...which was set in 1985 - not 2015.
...I think I was too fast for my own good. :)
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: flash on October 22, 2015, 09:09:02 am
Fasty pants. Lol
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 22, 2015, 11:20:03 am
hehe. Those dates in the movies can been confusing, hehe. Yes 26th oct was used in 1985. So that why 21st oct 2015 was the back to the future day. Still fun to watch that again yesterday. Im also remember that level for DS as well, its was fun to design that level.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: Sokurah on October 22, 2015, 12:27:51 pm
I watched the first one yesterday too. Didn't have time to watch the second one, but I hope to do that tonight.  ;D
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: flash on October 22, 2015, 03:11:57 pm
hehe. Those dates in the movies can been confusing, hehe. Yes 26th oct was used in 1985. So that why 21st oct 2015 was the back to the future day. Still fun to watch that again yesterday. Im also remember that level for DS as well, its was fun to design that level.

Yes it was a very good level.

Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 22, 2015, 03:48:07 pm

Now back to typic. Im did not finish the Greedy Mouse yet, but here is a another Jungool song, which was one of the more simple one to do:

The Savage Claws
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: flash on October 22, 2015, 09:34:43 pm
Ah, but after looking at the BTTF level and remembering the wonderful graphics from Lobo alongside the great tune from that chap called "Space Fractal", how can you not just spare a minute or two in rememberance? LOL

PS, the MMLL tunes (a personal love of mine) would also be wonderful as SIDs. Also, much easier as a C64 port for the actual game.


PPS. Sorry for the 'slight' derailment!
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 23, 2015, 06:18:46 am
haha, its was really fun to create that tune. Im used "Power the love" chords with a bassline from the C64 game, Slug. That tune was quite fun to do. Could been fun as a C64 tune as well.

the only "issue" is im used the same tune in many levels, but in various style. On C64 you have limited in instruments and use. But im do have some ideas, so the song not been too boing.

But, yes agree, MMLL would been quite easier than Jungool to do a port, due nature of the game, style and the original resolution used.

Property im will also take a look on some tunes from that game :-D. Its could been also been fun too.

PS. Jungool is possible on C64, but im would seen this as a flip/single screen game and redesign the game to that, not a scrolling game in either Goonies/Creatures graphics style. Im would not do a 100% port of course, that is not possible.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs
Post by: spacefractal on October 23, 2015, 09:37:02 pm
There is now a sid tune from MMLL :-).

PS. IM have edited various post, so im not wrote a bit to much, due im now released one tune from MMLL.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (now with 3 MMLL tunes)
Post by: spacefractal on October 24, 2015, 10:47:42 am
Im have now created a another MMLL song, so im have not forget it :). Im stilll love the game.

This Its Commodore's Little Willy, here renamed to Coupe's Little Willy. This due the inspiration came directly from the excellent music from the Sam Coupe version, and we have some levels from that format.

on those spectrum levels we used with the original spectrum graphics, here we can of course use the c64 port, using that graphics instead.

EDIT, just for fun:
Here is how Willy could look, using 4 sprites (or 3, when multiplexing is used for the head and the body) for the middle sprite and 3 for the right Willy. Most enemies can either been multiplexed and/or using multi color. Im not sure im ever seen having 5 enemies on a line, except effects. seens do a pretty nice job, but of course missing some details and artifact, but im thinks Lobo could have fixed the missing details after that.... Howover with MMLL the resolution on DS was actuelly a bit lower (if not counting the double char graphics on C64). That means levels might require tweeks.

The song, Miner Willy, Space Explorer, was acteully used a another classic, which im now dedicated to use that one in the C64 version. This is now the third MMLL song, used the original song intended to been used (im guess you know the song, hehe).

Im gonna thinks all songs or most of them for MMLL should uses 50hz. Im diddent do that in first go. While Coupe Little Wily and Space Adventure both got sound nice in 50hz timing, im could not get ReggieLikesReggae sound right, due tempo im want it. Its settle just between 8 and 9 ticks per note when Ticks per second is set to 50.

Im will use 50hz in the future MMLL songs (where possible), but for Jungool, im will still using CIA for all songs, but newer over 50 ticks per second.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on October 27, 2015, 08:06:50 pm
He does look pretty cool as a C64 sprite.

I wish I could remember all the stuff I used to know about coding the C64, so so long ago now since I was working with it. I know that in this day and age there are easy ways with PC based dev kits (not that I know of any good ones).

PS. Not had a chance to listen to the MMLL tunes as yet - but will do soon...
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on October 28, 2015, 09:39:04 pm
Im came up with a bit different version of the title MMLL song.

Im tried to do something to that song which was in the subsong 6 in "Circus Games" by Tynosoft in that version they used The Blue Danube versio of. But as guessed, its did do sound a bit too much circus, but this do got me to change it to a more fun version of.

There is few issues me thinks, but does works pretty nice as its are. Im do might do a longer version.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 03, 2015, 04:15:48 pm
currectly today and yesterday, im got converted all songs to been use vbr 50hz rather than using cia timing. Im thinks its easier in a regular game.

The only tune that still not sound 100% right is the Jungool Theme, but still is 100% listable as its are and property only me that would notice it.

Its would been nice if there was a feature in SidTracker that could expand patterns from 32 to 64, and strect the notes to that. Then im could better fix the speed issue better.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 04, 2015, 10:46:10 am
another MMLL song added.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on November 04, 2015, 10:56:53 am
I get a 404 error on Willy Space Adventure :(

Love the Last Waltz LOL...


The Titled Sir Willy is just plain AWESOME!
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 04, 2015, 11:01:08 am
the link is fixed, and also just uploaded the 50hz version of the Reggie song.

Thanks for the comments. Yes the title tune was fun to work with and tried to been a bit different to avoid sound to much circus.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on November 04, 2015, 12:25:43 pm
It's really good. Makes me wish there was a c64 version to use it in. :(
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 04, 2015, 01:16:34 pm

im recreated the original Manic Miner C64 version of the song. Here im noticed its used the wrong notes, which annoyed me (im allready wrote about it). But this seen its was sololy on purpose and a reason for that.

Its simply because the C64 original used the major chord section of the song (the second part), while on Spectrum used the minor chord section of the song (the first part). The Sam Coupe version did used both part, which im also recreateed with c64 sid. Here the Coupe like version should replace the Commodore's Little Willy. Im also fell there was no reason to recreate the Commodore's Little Willy, since all songs here are on sid now, instead im did go after the Sam version instead (im liked it very much).

Here im have added that song, but course on the c64 original's sound, and this time so close to the original as possible. Im do not have plan to try to minic the Spectrum sound. Its would not have any purpose at all, since we could just use the original C64 graphics instead on those levels.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 06, 2015, 12:41:51 pm
haha, im got close to the spectrum sound, so im did Smits Ear Bleeder to sound like the spectrum sound. Actuelly more fun than sound like a C64. Im do still have the original C64 version, which mightbeen used. We should call that song something different for the original C64 version....
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 07, 2015, 12:46:00 pm
Another song added. This is the a bit slower version of the game endning. Its does need do little work on few instrument, but song is there.

Im previous said im wanted to uses the original 64 version, but im do thinks the spectrum like sound is quite funnier to been used (and im thinked im could not emulate it, but im do could it). The C64 version is now named "The Simple Song" and was not a part of MMLL (hence xx).

EDIT: The ending song (Being So Golden) is updated, even its a little bit shorter, its being more fun and more polished.

EDIT2: There is a another FX only song added, its the whale song. Since its not really a song (but more fx sonic), im just remove "song" from the title.

Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 10, 2015, 04:30:11 pm
im was looking for portering the hiscore tune from Space Harrier over. But im dont thinks im should uses a tune from that game, because we are currectly on a C64, and not on a Nintendo DS (where its worked pretty nice).

Im liked the Wizkid intro scene with a conductor and his cannons. Quite fun idea and a tune, that would works pretty nice for a hiscore scene as well (etc the same tune used in Team 17's Project-X as well).

So im will do a 1812 tune..... (nearly not finished:

PS. Using Willy as conductor (yes im still love the MMLL coverart) could been fun to see, here just doing as a sprite only animation.


For fun, here is property how Level 1 could look on C64, if full resolution is used, not cropped 256 resoution, which means the levels would been quite wider and one char higher. Not much need to been changed by level design in this one (also image this using bitmap or full charset graphics):


PS. Because the game is pretty hard, there could been a mode, where giving the player 3 lives per level, not per game (as im done in Karma Miwa).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: headkaze on November 11, 2015, 01:04:34 pm
Had to give c64 Yourself ( a try...
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 11, 2015, 02:42:14 pm
ha ha :). Nice pic.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 15, 2015, 09:25:14 am
Added a another Jungool song, this time The Thorny Gate.

Im have also uploaded all Jungool songs in 50hz, which is that speed that would been normal if there was a game build with it.

PS. Im do known a NTSC version would fail. Here im would just redone them in 60hz (im only need to adjust speed in the effect pattern).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on November 18, 2015, 10:14:14 am
Looking at this, it would have been nice to do a c64 version. Lol. But it has been so long that I am not sure where I would start and also I really don't have the time sadly. Perhaps one day.

It would be easier to make a c64 version in current architecture. I.e. On Windows but made to look like a c64.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 18, 2015, 01:13:29 pm
Yes, its could been done in glbasic and doing this in c64/spectrum style. Both games really.

Howover the songs is currectly just made for fun, but still made so they could have been used in a game (using 50hz, not double speed etc).

Im also did a original song recently, which is yet to been uploaded.

Would been nice to see a muck ingame screenshot, eventuelly creating a background in S.E.U.C.K.

PS. That one im did was with Spectrum graphics converted to C64 with extended area. Its would been property that size the levels would it. Property the real one would been made with much more chars or using bitmap.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 18, 2015, 04:33:23 pm
another Jungool song added (and in more or less a free told of that song):

8.1 - Raven Of Amazon.

In the end im was needed to reduce patterns and save some bytes, since its was over 6kb. 6kb im thinks can been too much. Howover this is reduced to 5.41kb. Im do aware sid files do have headers, but im thinks 5.5kb is maximum for sid files. This because im want the to sound as they was a C64 game (regardless its Jungool or MMLL).

The song lengths in those songs is extended (of course), from original 1.08min to around 2.47 min.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 21, 2015, 06:55:06 pm
im have today fixed various Jungool songs to sound better on the old 6581 sound chip (few did sound awful).

Few songs is also updated with changed instruments to sound nicely on both sound chip. On of the more dominate issues was The Thorny Gate.

Im do still missing few songs from Manic Miner to been fixed (A Dark Mining Night is the worst one and im should fix it). The title song did also not sound well on 6581. But its was one instrument on the start, so that got hurry fixed. Rest was ok.

Even those songs is still made for fun, im still want them to sound like its was in a actuelly game.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 24, 2015, 08:13:35 pm
Again with a another song from MMLL - Even im did a little 1812 song, im did not finished it as im wanted it to been.

Today im got a idea how to do a fun take on the Mark Cookey Space Harrier hiscore song in a quite different way (instead recreate it 100%).

So im added Oh Boy! Big Numbers! top on the list.

The tune is out of beta and thinks its a pretty cool slowed down version of this song. Im thinks this tune is quite better than 1812 attempt.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on November 27, 2015, 09:49:48 pm
Sadly, the tune "Coupe's Little Willy" returns a 404 :( have grabbed all the rest though. And just wanted to say they are all awesome.

Yes, its could been done in glbasic and doing this in c64/spectrum style. Both games really.

Ok.... I must admit that it would be great to have a version that was able to run on various systems. But, I am not a fan of GLBasic at all.

So, (and just a thought) what about ME knocking up a Manic Miner game engine in Unity? It woud be really easy to do and has a few bonuses,

1) I already have a really good tilemap engine in Unity and used in Balders - so really easy to re-use it.
2) It's c#, so great for a semi 'tutorial'
3) I would happily share the code and that wold also help anyone get used to a new and powerful environment (looking at both SF and Sokky)
3.175) Can just nick the code from MMLL on the DS and reuse it (pretty easy)
3.25) Because I could have a full manic miner engine running in less that two hours
3.5) why not?

Anyway, perhaps next week I will knock something up?

Also, it would be really easy to use the engine for other platform games like HORACE (Sokky) and Mario/2049'er/China Miner/etc. Once all the main functions are in place, It is easy to make modifications for other games.

Hey, perhaps a retro version of "Mario Maker"?

anyway, perhaps I will knock something up one day next week and share it?

Thoughts please! (from all)
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on November 27, 2015, 09:52:34 pm
p.s. And, it would be really easy to have levels that scroll as well (again, this is all in the Balders code base). You could even have massive Mario styled levels.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: Sokurah on November 28, 2015, 12:17:46 am
3) I would happily share the code and that wold also help anyone get used to a new and powerful environment (looking at both SF and Sokky)
I head ya...SF could really use to learn Unity. ;D :) :) :) :) :)

Seriously though - all kiddin' apart - you DO know how I feel. Great idea. :-*
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 28, 2015, 04:30:49 pm
im was still got cold with Unity, due the work flow, and im are just a simple (Basic) programmer.

MMLL was more or less a simple game, and MMLL could even been fun to do that in BlitzMax as well. Its some time ago im did BlitzMax stuff (mostly glbasic compiler stuff), but its was a great and fun language. Im not talking about Monkey, but BlitzMax. This due this game do not need to being mobile at all, but as a desktop game, if you ask me.

Etc could been fun to do a Manic Miner game after Balders perphaps? But again, those tunes is still created with fun in mind.

The best would of course been on the real thing :-). The game would not been cpu heavy on C64 at all.

PS. All songs (+one original song as well) is in a 7z file now and also fixed the sam coupe missing link.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: Sokurah on November 29, 2015, 09:06:44 pm
PS. All songs (+one original song as well) is in a 7z file now and also fixed the sam coupe missing link.

Haven't heard any of it so far...but I'm really dying to after all the things I've read.
Could you post the link to all the tunes...and possibly the player too?  :-[ ;D
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 30, 2015, 09:37:58 am
Im have allready done that in a z7 file format (im later rezip it to a normal zip).

Im use this sid player for Windows:

PS. All links is in the first post.

PPS. SidTracker 64 is a fun music tracker app, which all those songs have been done in.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on November 30, 2015, 07:24:53 pm
im was still got cold with Unity, due the work flow, and im are just a simple (Basic) programmer.

MMLL was more or less a simple game, and MMLL could even been fun to do that in BlitzMax as well. Its some time ago im did BlitzMax stuff (mostly glbasic compiler stuff), but its was a great and fun language. Im not talking about Monkey, but BlitzMax. This due this game do not need to being mobile at all, but as a desktop game, if you ask me.

Firstly, you are not a simple (Basic) programmer. You may well code in Basic, but that is as far as it goes.

Unity is certainly nothing to be worried about. I fell into it pretty much within the first day (thanks to HK and his instruction in C) but... there is nothing there in the structure that would make it hard to sidestep from what you know into something new - trust me on that.

Regardless.... Please humour me and have a look at what I share?

I intend to (later this week) create a demo project with a full tilemap system, detection, animation, etc. all commented and coded in as simple a format as possible. You would surprise yourself at how easy it is to follow and expand upon. It will pretty much be the basis of a full game.

And, it will be fun to play with - Honest ;)
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on November 30, 2015, 08:46:36 pm
since im say simple, because im all allways liked Basic (even im have done few Java games as well) and thinking as Basic in mind (some basic languages uses Objects, which im kind to use when possible).

im tried with Space Taxi last year. Howover im do not property not want to doing big games like Greedy Mouse or Karma Miwa (Space Taxi is one of the big game and recently converted all music to xm). Im do more like to doing small games, which im fell more fun to do. Examples is Spot Race and CatchOut. CatchOut was a pretty fun game to create, and would like to do something like that again.

Im tried to Elevation, but lost some interests me thinks, since Apple TV came throught and focused to port Glbasic over to it (was not hard). Im do might restart the game in a different form, due im dedicated to release the source code for that prototype game.

Im do allready do a tiles system in glbasic as well, which im used both in Greedy Mouse and Karma Miwa, and do various reuses as well. Manic Miner is such a little simple game. But im do thinks here im will more go like you, where im might and would have focus on other thing than just the game its self (tunes etc).

PS. Today im will soon add a another tune, this time a 2 channel tune from Greedy Mouse in C64 form.

PPS. Im will of course liked to see a Manic Miner Demake for the original C64 format (or even as a C128 game). Im do thinks C64 can been harder to code for than Spectrum is.

Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on December 03, 2015, 07:58:43 pm
Another MMLL Song added, this time The Pharaoh's Little Jig, and is not a 100% remake of the original, but taking a another take on the Egyptian song and changed some minor chord to major, which did sound more fun.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on December 04, 2015, 07:15:27 am

Ps. Have not had a chance to knock up a little mm unity demo as yet. But I will before Christmas.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on December 09, 2015, 01:13:22 pm
Another MMLL song added, based on a another classic played on a Church piano, here is a quite (and little bit shorted, since some part diddent work as im would have it) and a bit different version of that song. Howover im do might extend it eventuelly.

A fix to The Dark Minining Willy is also uploaded too (so its dosent sound bad on the old sid chip version).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on December 10, 2015, 07:50:53 pm
Again, a little Jungle Beat song have been added to the MMLL collection. A fun little tune im suddently got a idea how with this dance & blues mix.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on December 11, 2015, 02:35:22 pm
Today, im got another idea from a MMLL song.

The little issue is the song was to been meant to been "11 - A Life Underground [23]", but due the changed sound and how its turned out to, its could also been "18 - March Of The Miners. [30].xm", due the sound used. But since the song is not 100% the same at all, but its turned to been a more March like sound, im thinks im will go for the latter one, but rename the title to suit it. Howover im do pretty sure im sooner or later will do something replacement for one of the missing song, me thinks.

Property its one of the fun and very fast song to been created this time, so its a simple song anyway, but still one of the fun one.

A another little song added, The Oddness Of Being, this time. This time im diddent go extreme over the original, but im did added the major part as well in this one (unlike the original).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on December 12, 2015, 06:32:23 pm
Great work sf. Can you update the zip as well so I can download en masse?

Had a little time at work today and have lumped together the tiles I need for the manic maker demo I mentioned. Not stared any code yet but may have a play Sunday night or Monday. Even if you don't want access to the code, I am sure you will enjoy playing it. (Had a couple of ideas to amused).

Will keep you all posted.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on December 12, 2015, 07:10:39 pm
of course im want to see it, even this is just for fun. Of course im allways update the zip file, when im add the new songs. The list is also help which songs im also have created in a nice list.

To double check im will update if the link have been changed eventuelly.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on December 14, 2015, 02:53:22 pm
Im did a another attempt doing A Life Underground. Im thinks this time its much better, and more fun (and also this was quite simple to do), and sound more close to the original.  Also the another underground might not suit MMLL (UndergroundofMiners), but more a Manic Miner bonus tune.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on December 14, 2015, 05:37:15 pm
It's at times like this that I wished unity supported SID tracks. Sadly not. It does support MOD though.

I did get a little time at work to start on Manic Maker (for want of a better word) and have copied over code I need from Balders and added a miner controller into the code. Detection is working and you can move left and right. That's all for now. Jumping and enemies next. I may get a chance tomorrow with any luck. But it's a start.  ???
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on December 14, 2015, 05:37:55 pm
Ps. I won't hijack the thread. Will start a new topic when there is something to show.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on December 14, 2015, 09:11:03 pm
Yes better to start a new thread (now im got a bit hang doing MMLL C64 tunes recently). Im dont have plans to convert it to MOD (which might sound worse), here we could have reused MMLL tunes of course (or a mix). But im could do the sids convert them to mp3 or ogg. Since this is just for fun, im dont thinks size matter at all. Could been nice if there was a plugin that could play sid files (or PRG emulator file).

As im are aware of, Unity uses FMOD as its sound engine.

Also VVVVVV is a great game and really liked that music and the game with cool graphics, im pretty sure something could been done here with Manic Maker. Im do also have a tile engine in glbasic as well (im used it in 3 games, one did not got released). But im still want to see the Unity version :-).

PS. Im have to say im played the original C64 (which was a direct port), here the collision box is annoying and somewhere hurt the gameplay. You can get killed far way. Far worse than in Spectrum version (why diddent they not use the Sprite to Char colllision on C64?). Im diddent notice that in the MMLL as im remember?
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on December 15, 2015, 07:31:52 am
Mmll used pixel detection for Sprite to Sprite and character detection for tiles. The engine in unity will use pixel detection on sprites and collectables and deadly items. I hope at least. Lol. Little trickier to do pixel detection as you need to find the active pixels in the two areas of the atlas's and then check the pixel overlaps for matches. (After doing a bounds check of course).

I did search for a unity SID Player and could not find one sadly.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on December 15, 2015, 01:09:21 pm
Im also not have used Pixel collection in Karma Miwa as well, but have tried to do so fair as possible. Example its better to do a taller colbox than a big one. in C64 version, the colbox was quite big.

Sound quality can been somewhere worse if im convert them to xm, so im gonna want them convert to eiter ogg or mp3 (im can do that). But since this is just a fun project and we do not have any memory restrictions (just as long we fit it in a style of course).

Im did found C64 style tunes, but not a player. So the clostest is using a dll (bass example, which im mind have seen a sid plugin) for that job, but then its would been limit to Windows only.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on December 30, 2015, 04:41:41 pm
Do you have a proposed title on this new song?

This song is lossy based on a quite old song back in midi/xm days (FastTracker II), but have newer liked the original title of it.

In the middle of the song, im took a little sequence from a another song in some seconds (only the intro of it).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on December 31, 2015, 12:54:47 pm
Here a little extended version of the untitled song:
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on December 31, 2015, 05:57:36 pm
Great track

"Mr. Jovial in Happy Land" lol...
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on January 04, 2016, 05:30:14 am
eventuelly Mr Jovial's Happy Bamba.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on January 04, 2016, 03:16:14 pm
After im found a nice web player, then im have uploaded the sid tunes as c64 (now 28 songs), as well C64 remixes (6 tunes) as well now FULL soundtrack from Jungool:

Not sure why im diddent found that player, and its easier to just listen directly on the webpage. Later im will do a download link.

If you ever do a Apple TV release, property its could been a streaming feature. etc while using the lower quality music included, then its can been streamed (eventuelly downloading) in higher quality when online. Here im do might and should uses a url more. Im do dont thinks this would work for iPhone, but would work wonderful for Apple TV.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on January 09, 2016, 02:55:17 pm
Added Dancing B'Alarm to the list, just finished today. The sid can been downloaded as well listing to it online from the above link.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on January 19, 2016, 04:49:04 pm
Another (TWO) Jungool songs added. Updated the download, as well possible to listen to it online. Im guess you which two im converted this time. Currectly im have done about 65+ min of C64 music in 31 tunes, mostly from Jungool as well Manic Miner :-) (but there is few originals as well).

Im guess im no longer need to main stream the list on this thread, since all titles and songs can been listen online, and then automatic have the full list.

Coca Bonga (yes, this was the second song added recently), was fixed some issues, so its plays more nicely with SidPlayer (its have imperfect emulation of some areas its seens, compared to the emulation used in SidTracker).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on February 18, 2016, 03:29:20 pm
IM have in January (include today), included two new C64 songs. One From a old Space Taxi and a another, just inspirated from a popular Danish song (but im did only used chords from that one).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on March 19, 2016, 04:36:05 pm
More Sid tunes added to been listen online. Some original, some (Danish) cover as well one from Jungool (Java Ritual), currectly set as song 10.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on March 21, 2016, 06:12:20 am
im have reorder some songs. Im did 3 Jungool in sid style in this weekend and fixed another Jungool song, which im fell the sid size was too high (all songs except title, should been under 6kb).

So this weekend im did those songs:
JUNGOOL-XibabesTrap (which might spell XiBaba instead of XiBabe, which im diddent fix in time).

and also fixed Ravan To Amazon.

Of course im sooner or later doing originals as well Manic Miner again as long its fun.

PS. The download link with sid files also been updated today.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: flash on March 24, 2016, 11:19:55 am
Awesome work mate.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on March 25, 2016, 11:26:32 am
Today im added a another 3/4 song and (edit) fixed a little volume in the main instrument today.

That song could been used in both games (Jungool + Manic Miner), since that 8) was appeared in both games (even this music was from Jungool only).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on March 27, 2016, 09:45:54 am
im came to do alternative version of the same Horace song again in a different more simple version (only two instruments used).

Since im are not sure the order of the songs in my list, im dedicated to let them move to the last and added its as a "Horace Bonus", rather put in between either Jungool or Manic Miner.

Since im also like both versions, im keep them both of course.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on May 07, 2016, 07:48:53 pm
im still alive here (but not that often).

Im still adds more more c64 songs from Jungool. Currectly there is 19 songs, so im have splitted the C64 sids into two pages now:  (as this time writting, 19 songs is covered) (as this time is writting, 30 songs is created).

PS. Lobo, im hope its ok, im used a older image and c64'ish it, which here did lost your signature, but im do added it with a "hires" sprite). The project is done for fun.

PPS. Im do still missing sid files to few songs on the download link (the recent one).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: Lobo on May 08, 2016, 09:16:04 pm
No worries, looks good. ;)
It's quite interesting to hear these songs in Sid, I'm oddly reminded of some titles like..Pyjamarama or Jack the Nipper and such. :D
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on May 09, 2016, 05:42:19 am
Im added a another Jungool song today, this time im was needed to remove the drums in that one (Deadfish Volta), but its still sound fun.

Hopefully im cover most songs from both games, but sometimes im do others as well.

Currectly im have done 51 songs in that great iPad app (SidTracker 64) im use.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on May 11, 2016, 09:27:26 pm
again a new song is added, which is NOT in the game (that one that got scrapped for some reasons). Im have only few tunes left to have a full levels based album. Im property not doing The Entertianer (that one im did for The Beagle Jam could been reused) as well some of the bonus levels (im do did Horace for fun, but its not part of the Jungool album).

Im do might revist some songs and adjust volume levels and master them a little bit better (most the older ones).
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on May 13, 2016, 07:12:36 pm
The end project of 64 Jungool would been 29 songs.

Today im added "Silent at Night", which is based on the Wagga Sweet home at night.

But in the tape version, im would think the Waggas home would only been seen in the intro before first World. Some moment later, in World 6, could also unfold a sad story with a special level in that World (in a night setting). That why this tune for C64 would been a great replacement for The Entertianer im wont been cover for that machine. That due there would soon or have been a lots of drama in that world with lava and nice place to told the story. Im also not sure the pinball table would work, due limited memory without heavy recodning, but could do some inspiration instead (or a totally different story level).

Also when a mask is found, that could been shown on a Loading screen, which could show the collection of the mask with some simple sprites. The loading screen could also told some story and tips as well.

Im do know there is NO plans to port it to C64 of course, but its was and is still fun project to cover all main tunes over to it. Its was not planned im would do that, but recently im was heavy added many tunes recently.

So total would been 29 tunes for that album when finished....
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (Jungool && MMLL)
Post by: spacefractal on May 18, 2016, 11:30:34 am
only one song left (Urgoo Unrest), which is Jungle Feathers from the original (those two songs is swapped title, due style). Both endning is added today. The last song is even only use 2 channels as its was not required to do more on that one.
Title: Re: My SidTracker 64 songs (More songs)
Post by: spacefractal on December 04, 2016, 09:31:25 am
yes  long time ago. Im are still doing sids and recently have splitted them into sections (since im have done quite many sids).

Here is the newest one, one from the ealier Tardis game im did music for, here a extended sid version:

Here is a another song, which is NOT on my homepage (because im not sure what the title name should been, any ideas?):

Same with this light hearthed tune, not very far from "The Brothers" tune, one of the first sid tune im did last year:

So.... SidTracker 64 is still fun, because its quite easy to do tunes there, even the size of the tunes is a little big bigger in size than excepted.

Few new songs also have been done. Rest can been heard her (not all is in the sid collection, but will do that soon as a xmas gift):