RetroBytes Portal
Programming => Manic Miner the Lost Levels => Topic started by: ArcadeMan on September 17, 2013, 09:54:48 am
A soon as one starts this level the player is confronted with a object and thus dies .i.e. cant get out of the way.
What is the solution?
Thank you.
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its a easy level, when you first got it. Its tooke some apttemt here after not have played the game in long time.
The major problem is the moving thing to the left. Here just jump down to the platform under and wait that pass you to the left.
The second problem is the third key to the right. Just keep jumping and then move back the stable platform, then fall down to the door when its possible.
I cant get out of the way of the object no matter which key/s I press?
I have now checked this also, and there is no problem?
What are you playing it on? Please try to download the rom again from the Headsoft site ( as perhaps you have a slighlty corrupted download?
That's all I can think of as a huge amount of people have completed the game with no problems!