New ZX Spectrum game - "Dingo" :-)

Sokurah · 22842

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Reply #30 on: November 08, 2011, 10:48:59 am

I must say you look a scruffy git. Lol. Snigger! Oh, and Ben looks as mad and twisted as ever. I wish I could find my pictures of him and crowther at alligator software back in the day - he looks quite dapper.

Thanks for posting the pictures. Excellent.

Coding for the love of it!

Offline headkaze

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Reply #31 on: November 08, 2011, 11:03:42 am
Sweet Sok looks like a great event. What issue is that "making of" article? I want to make sure I get the issue.

EDIT: Nevermind I see you posted the issue # in the other thread.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2011, 11:05:34 am by headkaze »

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Reply #32 on: November 10, 2011, 01:13:06 pm
This I have to share with you;

World of Spectrum has more then 10.000 games in their database, and it goes back 29 years.

They also have a "Top 100 best games" list that is automatically compiled daily from the scores people assign the games.

Dingo is now #50 on that list, as the only game on it produced after 1994.

Now, how cool is that. ;)

Offline spacefractal

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Reply #33 on: November 10, 2011, 02:20:03 pm
one "issue" found: In Spectaculator, the game loading so fast as I cannot notice the loading screen at all :-D (yes I known there is a "Slow Loader" feature).  Weould been nice when its a new release, its could stay minimum 5 seconds or such or until pressed space.

The game is not one of the easist game I have played, but its is really very cool executed and implemented. All graphics, sound and music is really cool and nice too.

And seend you have more succes with promotion this time :-D. So its can pay off and fun to doing retro.

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