Genius Greedy Mouse (Released)

spacefractal · 110269

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Reply #240 on: October 28, 2012, 10:04:45 am
thanks for helping. Here is property was its end med (Sokky: in Steam Archivements is called "Præsentationer" in danish, and think I will kept that, because they are not items as such).

hlp=|¤FormÅlet:|Spis dig stor og tyk|ved at udforske og|spise sÅ mange oste|som du kan finde.|Jo flere du spiser jo|stØrre bliver du.||Points:|Du tjener dobbelt points|for oste nÅr du er stor,|samt nÅr klarer en bane.|Du fÅr dog ingen dobbelt|points for oste i nemmeste|svÆrhedsgrad.||Stjerner:|Spis alle oste for flere|stjerner. Du fÅr 4 |stjerner i geni-mode og|3 stjerner i normal-mode.|PÅ nogle baner fÅr du dog|ogsÅ 3 stjerner i nem-mode.||Hovedindgangen:|En perfekt klaret bane|er 4 stjerner vÆrd,|bonusbanerne dog kun 3. Du|kan fÅ Åbnet op for flere|speciel baner ved at fÅ|flere stjerner.||Bonus baner:|Disse specielle baner |kan byde pÅ en smule|anderledes regler og|der er ingen let|svÆrhedsgrad.||PrÆsentationer:|Der er 13 af disse gemt|rundt omkring pÅ banerne.|Kan du finde dem og lÅse|op for dem? Du kan se|dem ved hovedindgangen|¤i bunden.

hlp=¤Objective:|Maneuver your mouse to|eat the many cheeses.|Eat lots to get fatter.||Scoring:|When fat, you earn double|points for cheeses, and |for exiting the level. No|double bonus in light|difficulty for cheeses.||Stars:|Eat all cheeses for more|stars. 4 stars in genius|mode, 3 stars in normal |mode, and 3 stars in some|levels on light difficulty.||Main village:|Perfect completion of a|village is worth 4 stars,|and 3 stars in bonus areas.|More stars will help you|open up more special|levels.||Bonus Area:|Special bonus levels|with slightly changed|rules. There is no|light difficulty in|these bonus levels.||Achievements:|There are 13 hidden|achievements. Can you|find them all? You|can see them bottom of|¤the main village.

yes formatting is a bit of mess now, but its need to been one line string. its show of course nicely as on the screenshot.

Here is some achievements that can been unlocked:
- kill 10 pacmans on a same level.
- push a box 250 times on a same level.
- Remove 100 mines.
- Get 0 star in a level.

The first 3 should get while you playing sooner or later (howover the first 2 is added in v1.1 and waiting drawing on them), but the last one is a more special one. Its is possible to get 0 star in a level, hehe. But how?
« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 10:12:58 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #241 on: October 29, 2012, 08:31:10 am
thanks for helping. Here is property was its end med (Sokky: in Steam Archivements is called "Præsentationer" in danish, and think I will kept that, because they are not items as such).

That should be "præstationer", not "præsentationer" or it won't make any sense. ;)

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Reply #242 on: October 30, 2012, 03:00:47 pm
That fixed ;). Howover a bit too late for fixing v1.1, but plans to fix and update some minor assests soon v1.1 released to iOS (Android and webos would been updated tomorrow), but the lanuage file have been updated.

I got iCloud working for 1.1, and I will still looking to integrate Dropbox as well for the same thing. Howover Dropbox would not been required to play the game. I use iCloud for syncing your game between devices (stars and scoring progress merged only, rest is not touched and not required). Dropbox could just do the same thing, but with cross by systems (etc play on iOS and later on Android on the same game progress).

iCloud when cerficate and entitlements files working was easier then first got the URL. I thinks WinSol could use that (except if doing allready throught Game Center) for sync savegame files.

For Greedy Mouse iCloud is of course exclusive for iOS version.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 03:30:42 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #243 on: November 13, 2012, 09:11:40 pm
v1.1 is now out for iOS and soon for WebOS. Now I dont think I can do the game more causal, due I added the easy mode.

Today I got contacted a guy named matt from, which seen its a nice archviements/moment project (its was not spam, but a personly email, so that nice doing that) and that seen to been very cool to been adding, because we dosent use the archviements at all to anything (and I not need leaderboards).

Im are not planning to doing gamecenter (which could act near the same of course), but i did do added iCloud (which was pretty easy, but not tested anything if working correctly) support. You guys should add that for syncing (but I thinks you doing that for Jungool and Winsol due OpenFient/GameCenter?). I dont think Jungool is supported by us anymore?

Howover I do cant wait for the offiicial update for WinSol :-D. I will buying that this time when ready (and not use addhoc version) and my 5 star review still keept as it are.

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Reply #244 on: March 12, 2013, 08:04:15 pm
Some time ao write more about this game. I'm still update this game and is now v1.3.1 for iOS and android.

Hopefully there should now been less confuction around village levels and also added 6 beginner levels, where you starts with.

On android, the game orientation now finally works, a bug that got fixed in a recent glbasic beta release.

The game is going to been released to Samsung Apps as well.

Now I'm might also turn this game as freemium model, more suitable the android console, ouya.

Ps. Just brought a Samsung Tab2, here the game run very nice :-).
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 08:05:20 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #245 on: July 04, 2014, 02:50:59 pm
That does look very Cool  =D.

What platform(s) is it on?

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Reply #246 on: July 05, 2014, 08:33:15 am
That does look very Cool  =D.

What platform(s) is it on?
This guy has to be a spammer. The answer to his question is in the bloody post before his and none of his 5 posts are worth the letters spent on them.

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Reply #247 on: July 05, 2014, 09:11:16 am

Still, nice to have a little activity lol

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Reply #248 on: July 11, 2014, 11:12:57 pm
hehe nice little actity here, this forum seen to been a bit idle for times. For Greedy Mouse Sake. V3.0 was just released to iOS with a lots of new mazes levels. Now im are on my third game.

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Reply #249 on: July 12, 2014, 08:46:49 am
The GLBasic forum has practically died. I don't really know why (although one could say that I'm part of the problem for visiting so rarely) but I probably visit about once a month and there's usually not more than 5 new posts. Perhaps most people has moved on to more capable and less hacky languages?

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Reply #250 on: July 12, 2014, 09:00:22 am
That could be the case. There are so many alternatives that are far more practical now.

A good example is Marmalade and Corona.

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Reply #251 on: July 13, 2014, 09:32:38 am
im still uses glbasic and have recently looked on Monkey X as well (the follower to BlitzMax). Monkey X seen to been a nice language really and will sooner or later trying to port Cave Heroes using that (even Monkey X have some minor limits, like not supporting double array, bad font system, the later one did they allready wrote about it and should do your own).

glbasic have a big issue, which is its compile quite very slow, so im have dropped to uses that for larger projects. Howover Spot Race (the third game im started on), will still been in glbasic. That due its just a little simple game. Yes its was a finger track racing game, but its changed the gameplay on it recently, and its works quite very nice game on a little trip.

The game is near finished, but do needs help about implemtering twitter and facebook as well waiting for the graphics.

Its could been fun to do something big project again, but its sad we still not heard how Lobo is going. Im hope he is very well.

my focus is still iOS and Android. For later one, im have just purchase a quite very cheap KitKat tablet, so im can test apps on that. That due KitKat might behavier different on some thing, and then make sure its still works on that and seen its does. The screen is nowhere excellent, but its does its job done. Also if im a day port Space Taxi (if that happens), that would property been Android exclusive.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 09:36:59 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #252 on: July 13, 2014, 09:41:03 am
I don't understand why you would go with another minor sdk like monkey x (I have also checked it out).

For cross platform I have two faves. Unity and marmalade. Both are available to use freely (though require payment for higher features). Personally I think unity is getting better and better. I recently did some tests for 2d speed in unity using meshes, a paid for sprite system (2dtk), and unitys own sprites and came to the conclusion that unitys 2d support is comming on strong. So much so that balders is slowly being rewritten to use native functions and is so far, faster than it was using 2dtk now it is just using native functions. A test I did using balders was to create a level of 100 x 100 tiles and full it with 500 rocks (with individual rotation) along with 100 random dirt tiles and let the engine drop and move them. The results were a steady 60fps on device with 15.6 milliseconds free on each update.

It certainly ticks all the boxes for me.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 09:42:37 am by Flash »

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Reply #253 on: July 13, 2014, 01:56:06 pm
Since im like Monkey X is simply just as seen its can port eailer BlitzMax apps quite fast, but do require some effoct and changes of course. The api is quite very similar to BLitzMax (its same person who wrote both languages). Im also create some games and utilities in BlitzMax as Sokky have been that. So for porting those old BlitzMax games and utility, then Monkey X is the closest to doing that. Im are currectly looking to port FaceCat over to Monkey X, which is main reason using that langauge. That is to porting Blitzmax thing.

Also im have nowhere to start how to learn Unity, which seen its have a quite step learning curve, when im are a basic (except Java) codning man and is very different way to coding things. That can throw me out. Howover if im do something 3d in the future, then im will look on Unity, due Anders want to uses that. Etc if im do a clay game again.

By now im do still stick to glbasic for the third game (both Greedy Mouse and Karma Miwa was in glbasic), which is just a little game this time. Im have fixed various thing in Greedy Mouse, so v3.0 is soon out to Android. What im want to uses in the future after the third game, that can been anything.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 01:59:01 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #254 on: July 13, 2014, 08:35:55 pm
It certainly ticks all the boxes for me.

And it has support for C#; my favourite language :)

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Reply #255 on: July 14, 2014, 10:37:59 am
And it has support for C#; my favourite language :)

Here here.

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Reply #256 on: July 14, 2014, 08:23:23 pm
Ps. if you ever feel like playing or experimenting in Unity.. I am happy to share code and help as much as i can.

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Reply #257 on: July 15, 2014, 05:15:55 pm
im also property sure Anders (him that made the clay graphics) do that too (he uses Unity as well). If its a big project, its would propert been Unity. If im do a 3d game, its could been nice to return to the "Retro Stunt Racer" and redone that game from scratch, which im chancelled many many years ago. Here im thinks Unity is most optimal really. its was a 3d polygon car game with visuals close to the old game "Stunts" and should still look like that (using flat polygons without textures). That game could been fun to do that in Unity really.

When using Monkey X, its mostly only im so much want to port Cave Heroes from BlitzMax (as well Face Cat, which is mostly done) as wrote before. Not sure im will do new projects with that throught. Monkey X strengh here is really, its compile its self to various other languages (c++, Java, Flash, C#).

But the current three games is still in glbasic. Its a nice language, even its have own limits on it and its some years ago im choiced it. Also its would been cool if im a day seen Marmalade used as a new platform for GlBasic (which im thinks its more future proff for glbasic really). Im thinks its quite very possible to do that, since GlBasic is wrote in C++ and seen its not that hard.

So its depend which project im will start with after the third game....

PS. My mac is just running up again, so im soon today or tomorrow looks on the facebook code.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 07:31:22 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #258 on: July 25, 2014, 08:46:07 pm
Im have wrote about Marmelade SDK, which look like a cool SDK backbend for glbasic, if its should move on a day. But two weeks after im throught its was a free software, its seen its a quite very expensive software in the end, so its impossible to use that as a backbend for glbasic (and im dont like software that uses "Free Download" label, when the software is just is a very crippede demo). Cocona SDK and Unity 3D does both nice in the term.

Also, Its really on time they fighting using "free" label with iap. Personly im dont download apps, which uses coins etc as inapp purchases (but dont mind permanent purchases).

PS. Greedy Mouse v3.0 is out with a lots of new mazes, which is suited for relaxed and beginner gameplay. Also im might stick with glbasic, despites its own issues (most did im got workaround, recently got fullscreen working on Android KitKat).

« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 09:03:22 pm by spacefractal »

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