Genius Greedy Mouse (Released)

spacefractal · 110186

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Reply #120 on: November 21, 2011, 10:39:37 am
Just updated to 0028 for both Android as well iOS version :-D.

I do really want the game tested on a g3 to check its still can run 25fps (but only using graphics level medium for those) when now sound is used and near all features is complete. Its does run nice on iPad and awesome on iPad 2.

This time there is now include some sound as well few music tunes (in village, water, flipper in simple2 village, as well placeholder title tune from original Amiga version).

There is also of course some sounds missing here and there, but most is included. Actuelly there is few sound still is from Amiga version as placeholder (when bombs hit a wall example), and I also brought some sounds from (I have no problems if they are not free, and there is not many sfx needed in this game really).

music would not been level based for each level (there would been too many tunes to do that), but intead more "theme" based music and/or bgs. Elsewise there would been too much tunes doing if I planning doing 50-70+ levels (includeing eventuelly updates with new levels). So better doing this as a theme (like water and "sokoban" based levels).

PS. There is a little "drunk" error on icon text in menu when you are under settings, where line 2 is not center correctly over icon. This is fixed before next release.

In this version, there is 20 levels now.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 10:40:00 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #121 on: November 21, 2011, 09:21:06 pm
« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 09:21:47 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #122 on: December 09, 2011, 04:40:37 pm

(oops there is error behind one of the cheeses, hehe, its would been fixed of course).

I got some inspiration to this level from Chips Challenge (level 9 I saw on a screen shot), but of course with changes here and there.

I also fixed the game so its can run in 25 (Android, iOS 3.x devices), 30 (iOS), 50 (iPad 2, iPhone 4S) and 60fps (Desktop) in framerate. The game is also somewhere late and would now been a winter release. That ok of course. I'm nore sure about HP Touch Pad yet (I want to support that too).
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 04:47:23 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #123 on: December 09, 2011, 07:47:27 pm
Looking great sf.

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Reply #124 on: December 10, 2011, 05:51:20 pm
hi thanks.

Here a maze inspirated from a well known game from Namco:

And yes, its possible to take all cheeses, since ghosts in this game of course not act like the original, hehe. Also I like those levels where you cannot die....

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Reply #125 on: December 10, 2011, 09:09:32 pm
Excelent... Hungry Pac-Mouse..

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Reply #126 on: January 07, 2012, 06:00:28 pm
Greedy Mouse update on the first post as well mobileprovision. Code signing and all fucked up again and also I hope all levels replace correctly as well. For best, you should delete all levels in the Media/Levels folder using iExplorer or such app to filebrowser for iOS, before update.

Now there is 3 villages and all levels for them should now been done (total 31 levels, 20 on easy and 11 on medium). They should been fair diffunity. Still a lots of placeholder graphics.

Its would been great to test on a g3 device or older, because I have not a clue its still works on those device or I should go from 3gs as minimum. Howover devices under 3gs do have a smaller lowere framerate (25 instead of 30) as well less details, so its should run nice. But 3gs is the older device I have to test it on.

The game would also been delayed abit, but still think a early spring is a nice release. I hope to finish as least 64 levels before first release.

PS. Since this game is a take on Xor as well sokoban, I soon trying to contact programmer behind the original, and see if I can include the original xor levels as well with permission. Howover original Xor levels is not compatible on this game, due some tiles behavior is different and need to been added (Chickins, Fish, H-Bombs, V-Bombs and possible to have to mices on level). They are easy to add trought...... even its really was not intended to do a remake of that game, only inspiration.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 06:03:12 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #127 on: January 27, 2012, 01:00:21 pm
Controls are much better in the latest version.

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Reply #128 on: January 27, 2012, 01:49:17 pm
Is somewhere confuction with the headline, when lookin in the frontpage. I do guess its no more just a accident :-D, so no worry.

So many thanks for the control feedback, so I just include those 2 control methods in the settings to been choice from with jpad method as standard. iCade is also supported to (howover a little issue when app close and open again I need to look on).

I is also began to design some medium 2 levels (until then 5 + village). I gonna think those names should been diffecent, since easy 1, easy 2 etc should been changed? But not sure to which names they should been? ideas? I also got better frameskip support recent, which I have fighted with yeater day.

PS. Which device did you tested on? I hope older than 3gs :-Dm which is olders device I have to test on.

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Reply #129 on: January 28, 2012, 12:17:25 am
I was testing it on the iPad 2 but I can try it on the 3G later.

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Reply #130 on: January 28, 2012, 12:42:32 am
Just realised I bought and A500 tegra 2 android tablet.. oops. I will dump to that this weekend and let you know how it runs.

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Reply #131 on: January 28, 2012, 01:12:21 am
I have heard that table and its not a Amiga 500, hehe. I have just updated to 0034 for Android (framerate back to 30fps on Android, due better frameskip method). Its should run nice on that, howover its possible to change graphics settings for Android users, which is not possible for iOS (because its not needed).

installing is much easier on Android than on iOS (dispite its have own issues of course). My friend howover just use dropbox to install directly.

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Reply #132 on: January 28, 2012, 01:13:44 am
ok, I will give it a go tomorrow mate and let you know.

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Reply #133 on: January 30, 2012, 04:58:55 pm
Ok, I got round to having a play on the Acer A500.

Runs well and all is ok there (mostly). One strange thing, if I hold the pad in landscape, the screen displays in vertical. If I hold in vertical, the screen displays in landscape? Another thing is I get an odd clicking sound when a sample finished playing.

Liked the level 'Water' LOL  ;)

On the second zone, I found the sucker? level rather tedious. Not sure why? I think it is because the level holds no challenge and involves the mechanical effort to move the ball from sucker to sucker (and move the little heart box as well). I think it is level 3 on area 2.

Any, runs pretty fast. I cannot say exactly, but I expect it to be holding a pretty solid 30fps at a guess.

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Reply #134 on: January 30, 2012, 07:43:30 pm
Look Like they have implemented origentation wrong, because i have not seen that issue on those android phones. I guess i might have detect the resoulution wrong.

Mightbeen its have detected a vertical resoulution first? I have a idea.

Sound is a area android is bad on sine devices, but might have a idea.

The sucker level is still on the easy area and hence it's should not been that hard so people can complete it. Mightbeen I should add something to been moved away in the last bit on the level?

There a other level similar to this later, but harder :-).

Nice elsewise it's run that rock solid 30fps speed.

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Reply #135 on: January 30, 2012, 07:51:19 pm
The sucker level is easy to complete. I just found it dull as I had to do the same thing three times to move the ball and it was just about repetition and required no thought. I enjoy the levels most where I have to think or can race around eating cheese lol..

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Reply #136 on: January 30, 2012, 09:18:32 pm
[LINK REMOVED] - can you test this one, where I swap X and Y for orientation (and hopefully not turn 180 degree wrong or something, but I do a manually rotation as I wrote before in next version for Android users).

I hope you like the updated "sucker" level :-D, and you need to think about little more in the level now. (oops I also came to delete a post, which was a screenshot of the redesigned level).


I guess I know what it happens with the strange orientation issue. I guess its due the default of the game was started in the landscape mode, but its was forced into portrait mode (due a line in a manifest file), and then not have taking account to that. So its might been why it rotated 90 degree wrong. I just updated 0034-2 again and hopefully that issue fixed now?

« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 07:37:03 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #137 on: January 31, 2012, 12:34:19 am
Ok, I will grab it tomorrow and let you know.

Fingers crossed.

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Reply #138 on: February 02, 2012, 02:52:08 pm
It is mostly working now. The screen rotates correctky, but the button strip does not. Also, joy pad is on right and camera is on the left when rotated.

If you go into standby and then resume, the icons go white.

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Reply #139 on: February 02, 2012, 03:39:43 pm
And jungool should not been there too, due I not want to ads a game on a competer platform, you can't get the game (but stay on iOS and desktop of course), it's would only annoying the user.

Do the icons load correctly when you select something (after the white icons)? (icons graphics should reload here).

Camera and joy icons as well icon strip rotation is not bugs, so all ok. It's would fell wrong you need to rotate 90 degree to use the icons. So here nothing I really can due.

Thanks or the feedback (did the sucker level changed?)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 09:47:53 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #140 on: February 02, 2012, 03:46:02 pm
The joystick was on the left before?

Sucker is better as there is a little bit of thought involved now. Quite liked Stairs level as that was a bit boulder dash and a change of pace.

With the icons, if you enter the game and go home again, they are back. All you need to to is refresh them when the app regains focus.

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Reply #141 on: February 02, 2012, 03:57:51 pm
You might changed hands in its game setting? The game support right and left hands.

I add some refresh code after a resume. Might have corrupted. Should been easy to fix.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 03:59:17 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #142 on: February 02, 2012, 07:21:55 pm
The menu at the bottom, that doesn't rotate is nothing I cant do before I have such a device on my hand. I guess its that you mean, not the game its self? By now I have locked the rotation to the default, so its don't interfere with the screen. I can try with auto rotation from the device, but by now its software based until I got such a device.

Howover that could also mean the joypad would not interfere with the menu, so you don't can accident hit them, example played rotated 180 degree (menu rotated in top). So its both good and bad.

Its no big issue. But I will look on that later.

I have no Android device actually, so all feedback have been from friends (you and 2 others). I look on that later. I do NEED such a device (I get one or two next month). Sound is really bad on some Android devices, but I could use music commands for samples that help very much on the delay (Amazon Kindle Fire example is very bad sound mixer, which can been used by a setting and have strange mouse cords issue with glbasic).

Here the newest version (I put that in first thread too), hopefully its now icon stripe refresh correct now?

PS. If the solitaire game come to Android I'm very happy to put that on instead.

PPS. Nice big resoulution its actuelly have :-D and scaling seen works perfectly.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 07:37:24 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #143 on: February 03, 2012, 01:05:45 am
ok, will check it out tomorrow.

ps. on second world and need 2 damn stars for the next section.. grrrr.. Oh joy! LOL

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Reply #144 on: February 03, 2012, 05:18:01 am
All levels should been possible to get 4 stars, and if you got fat with max around one/two deads, you should still possible to get 3 stars.

I guess you have a level with you only got one or two stars?
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 07:24:34 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #145 on: February 06, 2012, 06:44:20 am
did you tested if the newest version works?

In the next version (from .35). Many levels in medium1 have been changed a little bit (center, castle, dungeon 2), since I think they was a little bit too hard for a medium 1 levels (but still require thinking of course, much more than simple levels). Also I did added a level in simple 1 as well simple 2 (if you not have noticed that, so they also have 11 levels total (its allready in).

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Reply #146 on: February 06, 2012, 10:19:51 am
No, sorry. I did not get a chance over the weekend. I will do today.

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Reply #147 on: February 07, 2012, 12:06:57 pm
There is a problem with the joystick. If I set it to be on the left and then bring up the menu and press 'play', the joystick is back on the right?

Also, Sucker, are you sure it is possible to get 4 stars? I have tried many times at turbo speed and can only get two.

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Reply #148 on: February 07, 2012, 02:01:13 pm
I look for both issue what it's happens.

- Sucker 2 star issue is fixed, sorry about it. There was fewer cheeses in the changed level and I did not updated required points for that. I have now set it to 1650 for 4 stars, which shoud been quite possible.

- The Joypad is more a strange issue..... Its should only been happens if you quit and go back to the game, then so joypad is back to right side again? Then issue was that setting was not saved to config.

PS. If there is other unfair required about stars and such, let me known.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 02:26:58 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #149 on: February 07, 2012, 02:49:22 pm
Android version updated to 00.35, also finished 4 areas, howover there can of course still been issues and some unfairness that might need to been cleaned out (hard 1 village would been completely changed).

The last added level is a little gestures to Expandable Wall from Boulderdash, used in 2 medium 2 levels (one level is just closing its tunnel when passed).

PS. Before update make sure to delete levels content folder, before updating. This due there is many changes and renaming since the 0034 version (around 10 levels or such). The folder should been recreated again with the update (and also might messing up save game, not data/config/status, only level content itself on level which should fix itself again after a level changes).

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