flash · 304179
Copy all the data off the Kingston card, format the card then copy it back on. better than defragging the card, quicker and less harm to card.
I just want to congratulate the Warhawk DS team on making it into the Top 10 R4 DS Homebrew competition
I would been neat if this game came as DSiWare so these who not have a backup card and do want to bying the game to support us. But how its costs with the officiel SDK or such, I donny. Its also donny how much a game can been use in size?
Recently Warhawk DS featured as Remake of the Month in the prestigious RetroGamer magazine (which I read religiously) which is a great honor for all of us involved.
Also on the R4 site they are showing the 10-20 places so we're still not up there and still don't know what actual place we came lol Anyway keep an eye out at http://www.r4revolutionds.co.uk/