flash · 304439
Damn, that looks good. It's coming along nicely.I'd also like a little info on how you divide the work between you and how you decided who's doing what and so on.One day...one day - I'll make a shooter myslef.
@ ok, now to work out where to shoot??? @ r4/r5 = player X/Y @ r6/r7 = Alien X/Y @ r12 = shot speed mov r10,r12 @ Store the X/Y speeds mov r11,r12 @ we will need r12 later cmp r5,r7 rsble r11,r11,#0 suble r9,r7,r5 subgt r9,r5,r7 cmp r4,r6 rsble r10,r10,#0 suble r8,r6,r4 subgt r8,r4,r6 cmp r8,r9 bmi directOddQuad push {r0-r2} mov r0,r8 @ divide this number add r9,r12 @ we also need to divide by the SPEED mov r1,r9 @ by this number bl divf32 @ r0=result 20.12 mov r9,r0 @ move the whole to r9 mov r8,#0 pop {r0-r2} b directDone directOddQuad: push {r0-r2} mov r0,r9 @ divide this number add r8,r12 @ we also need to divide by the SPEED mov r1,r8 @ by this number bl divf32 @ r0=result 20.12 mov r8,r0 @ move the whole to r9 mov r9,#0 pop {r0-r2} b directDone
...the ship is now faster as is the rate of fire. When you have a powerup, the ship is much faster and the fire is a continuous stream of bullets! The power shot (hold fire) is also faster and does a bit more damage.
Just a thought, but if anyone wants to see what is going on with the code,Check here:-http://code.google.com/feeds/p/warhawk-ds/svnchanges/basicThis will show you the latest updates, comments, and also enable you to look through the source code.
Yes the raster effect is very different to the last demo released as I implemented proper interrupts along with a whole new fx system BTW there is still a bug in the raster effect I need to fix which is because it's now using a HBLANK interrupt the top line is screwed up so on line 191 I need to change it to offset line 0.