flash · 15393
Was thinking about what we were talking about HK, What about if we both picked an OLD system and had a play with that in asm?Ie. Atari 5200/7800, Vectrex, Coleco, Intellivision...?Find a system with good documentation and a well established ASM dev set up?Might be fun if with both had a play with it?whatcha think?
That would be awesome if you joined in Tom!I'm currently investigating how to get assembly compiling for GBA / Nintendo DS. For me I'll probably be concentrating on "C" but the DevKitPro compiler uses GCC which also has an asm compiler. I have never done a pure asm project yet so I'll try and figure that out first and post up a small tutorial. You don't have to own a GBA or Nintendo DS to write homebrew for these systems either as the emulators are good enough these days. But it is really cool to get stuff you've written running on hardware Anyway I'll keep you posted..EDIT: Hey Flash maybe we should make another board called "Programming" where we can post all our experiments related to this? What do you think?