New (and completed) remake: Binary Land

Sokurah · 8739

Offline Sokurah

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on: October 21, 2010, 12:03:59 am
D'oh!...quite embrassing, as I see myself as a 'finisher', but venturing into this subforum shows 4 threads about new games by me, but none of them has been completed (yet). Oops. ;)

Well, I'm glad to say that of all my trillions of Wip's started this year alone, one has finally floated to the surface - my first game this year...and hopefully it's not a complete turd. :)

It's a remake of 'Binary Land' - originally made by Hudson Soft for the NES console in 1985.
I've remade it in GLBasic for a competition over at that site. It took a little over 3 weeks.

Lobo injected his eyes with a heated mixture of sugar and cocaine to do the cute graphics and Spacefractal flayed a number of small furry animals to make the music.
-I did something too...can't remember what. :)

Site is here, download is here and here is a couple of pictures.

Offline Adultery

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Reply #1 on: September 16, 2011, 01:52:51 pm
Sucks it took me almost a year to find this game. It's really great! I'm not saying that because I'm partial to Binary Land... Well, maybe I am. This is a really well done/polished remake.

Nice work @Sokurah, @SpaceFractal, and @Lobo! Although this game can be a mother hugger to play, it's supposed to be that way. If anyone else has the time I highly recommend this!

Oh, and LOL:
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I guess forum software doesn't take my old age into consideration!

Offline Sokurah

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Reply #2 on: September 17, 2011, 01:23:07 pm
Thanks Adultery. Flattering words indeed.

There's nothing special about the programming, but I do what I can to make my games well polished and presented, but the one thing on this project that really helped the game being what is is, is Lobo's amazing graphics.

Glad you're enjoying it. 8)