Chillingo's 'Cut the Rope' Hits One Million Paid Downloads in Just Ten Days

headkaze · 13865

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Sweet looking game actually. I bet it was a nightmare getting the rope to behave like that.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 11:52:23 pm by headkaze »

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And.,, it is a bit poo!

Give a lot of hope mate... ;)

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Offline spacefractal

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Thee physical seen very great and they propenty have done thier own rope engine? Damn those fast selling games (even this is just a 1$ one). Hope our game can do the same.

Its have made and/or markedting from same company that created Angry Birds..... So, I not surpriced.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2010, 07:05:37 am by spacefractal »

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Offline Zzaped!

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It looks so much like a slightly longer version of a
Flash game.

My guess on the rope is code adapted or stolen from
openly available libraries/models.

Physics is pretty good but I'd go for Pac Pics as a game
(seriously hard, underrated, and very tough) or
Pocket Physics as a surprise for the physics any time.

... and  >:( Birds, the game for bloggers and journalists and
bloggers who were too cool to touch video games until it became
a duty after they bought their iPhoneys, after that they can't
shut up big-noting themselves about how cool they are to play a
bad game.

Kind of the opposite kind of people to the non-gamers who were
casually drawn in by the DS and even more the Wii,
a friend (oldish lady) had never played a video game before, bought
a Wii for her late-teen daughters, liked it herself enough to buy
one for her 70+ mum.
 :) :) :)

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Its depend license used, so there is no mean they have stolen some code, its its OK. We using some sort of a modified external physical engine in our secret game as well. Its normal doing this as well. They might have done for the same and modded it.

As long all license about code etc is done, its no problems.

The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.

Offline Zzaped!

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100% agree, algorithms should have no protection beyond commercial secrecy, but the americans do their best tomuddy the water on that.
Just saying that such a cheap looking game is is unlikely to have its own great new phys. engine, may well just be fixed animations.

Offline spacefractal

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There is many physics engines out, and they can either also do own or based on a exists one. The game is only 12.4mb and music propenty take somewhere amount, hence the graphics have been a simple (but still nice look). No I have not played the game, but simple games can also sell fast if done correct.

The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.

Offline Zzaped!

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12.4 millibits ..., I can't what ..., how is that possible?

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bytes, not bits, hehe :-D.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2010, 05:25:10 pm by spacefractal »

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It deserves it. I love it - it's just my kind of game as I love these small quick-in-quick-out brainteasers.
I'm already halfway through level 2, and that's almost halfway through the game.

Cat Physics is so cute, so is Trundle, Geared & Spider. What they all have in common is that they're relatively simple games, but though simple ideas they're well executed.
Now, some of the sh!t you see on the AppStore really makes me scratch my head in amazement and say "why don't they even try to make something good", but unfortunately not everyone wants to make good games - they just want to make something and among the amount of crap there it's nice to see a game that has nice a presentation and production values.

It's the case with Cut the Rope and hopfully people will see Jungool the same way.

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It's the case with Cut the Rope and hopfully people will see Jungool the same way.

Shhh  ;D
« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 12:38:41 am by headkaze »

Offline spacefractal

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Its look like a nice game too.

Just played the lite version. Its really very well executed and very cute. No more graphics is needed when its so well executed like this!

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EA have just bought Chillingo...

I wonder how much for?

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Offline Sokurah

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EA have just bought Chillingo...

I wonder how much for?

According to this it cost them $20 million.

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Fuck me with a spoon covered in treacle.. Wow!

Not bad..

Coding for the love of it!

Offline Zzaped!

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OMG, do a Flash-like quicky that gets the buzz, retire for life.