Just for the sake of sharing...

Many years ago, I was contacted by Psion to work on a new Horace game (of Hungry Horace, Horace and the Spiders, Horace goes Skiing fame) for the Psion 3a.
This was a fully licenced product from both Psion and Beam Software.
Sadly, releasing a demo of the game is not really viable as there is no emulator to play it on (unless you have a 3a handy?)
The game was a fairly fast platformer (the sprites and collision was written in x86 asm). Horace also jumped in a parabolic curve and had inertia like Sonic.
The game had 64 levels and had several collectables including bombs to blow up walls and wood to create new platforms. It sold REALLY well considering it's limited audience (let me off the hook a bit for "Tanium"


The title screen - all games should have one (no music though)

Yes... with mutant telephones (it is not a cliche


Crumbling platforms.. that's new!! (oh, the little shield made you Super Horace)

Collect all the stars and get to the exit!

The bomb blows up the wall next to the clock.

This is the first level... with pretty flowers.

This one was quite tricky.

The piggies are not friendly.
I keep getting text under here for no apparent reason? Wierd!
« Last Edit: December 02, 2008, 09:09:08 pm by Flash »
Coding for the love of it!