Okay had to update the two colmap's in the previous post. There were a few bugs in the previous version of ColMapEdit that made you think you were entering decimal numbers that were actually saving in hex.
So now you enter numbers in decimal and I had to fix the two maps. Also the collision code in TDG works perfectly now. I've added two sprites which shows the location in the colmap currently being testing. It also outputs the name of the object currently being collided with.
So everything is ready for the colmap's to be added. Did you want to do that Flash? Anyway this test code should make it easy. The only thing that needs to be done is that as each room is added the definition of the doorways needs to be added matching the numbers used for the doorways in the colmap.
m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1], m_roomArray[ROOM_REVEREND]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR2, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR2, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1], m_roomArray[ROOM_CYNTHIA]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR3, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR3, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1], m_roomArray[ROOM_DOCTOR]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR4, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR4, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1], m_roomArray[ROOM_DINGLE]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR5, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR5, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1], m_roomArray[ROOM_OUTSIDE1]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR6, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR6, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1], m_roomArray[ROOM_LANDING]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR7, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR7, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1], m_roomArray[ROOM_PASSAGE2]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_REVEREND]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_REVEREND], m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_CYNTHIA]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_CYNTHIA], m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_DOCTOR]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_DOCTOR], m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_DINGLE]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_DINGLE], m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_OUTSIDE1]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_OUTSIDE1], m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]));
m_roomArray[ROOM_LANDING]->SetDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, new CDoor(DOOR_DOOR1, DOORSTATE_OPEN, m_roomArray[ROOM_LANDING], m_roomArray[ROOM_HALL1]));
All this code does is add the doors saying which room is on this side of the door (m_roomIn) and which room is on the outside (m_roomOut). After they are defined it goes through linking all the doors to (m_doorOut). From then on when a door's state is set to DOORSTATE_OPEN or DOORSTATE_CLOSED then the door on each side is also set to the same state. The reason why each room has it's own door definition is because when Snide moves from one room to the other he needs to appear in the centre of the door. I calculate the centre of each door which needs to be different for each room. So instead of having a single door each room has a door that is linked via m_doorOut.