flash · 33040
By Thor! Which format might that be, .psi3? Where upped, where?
Hey...Scissors were not in MM, oh!
Parky is the park warden from the original pacman based Horace game.
And one more thing!ANTON the Park Keeper!!!
Looks like a candy dispenser (from space). What is that thing in the bottom though, below the scissors?It's like a cloud gone wrong or something.
ps.. Tea calls!! YUM!
He just escaped the grave recently, maybe he can be Anton the Grave keeper instead of park or whatever.Damn, are you girls gonna play bridge too?
Yeah, he was pretty cool until all the tea parties and girly excuses about how long he had. *sigh*Lobs, I think we've lost him for good this time.
Did someone mention Bridge?
Also, this guy is dead. Just thought it should be known...internetwide.