Ah that was my first job at Psion - repairing Org II 2 line CM, XP, etc and the later 4 line LZ & LZ64s.
They were fantastic machines and I still have them all.
It's all coming back now

We were amazed the Series 3 machines were in production for so long when you think about the shelf life of the average mobile phone today.
The 3mx was the final masterpiece. Much faster CPU, but we had to tune it down to continue to play Horace!
I honestly don't know much more about Horace 4 (although I asked everyone I could think of) than the screenshot from the Spectrum demos and it had originated from the UK arm of Melbourne House and not the original guys across the pond...but then again this would be circa 1986 and things get forgotten or distorted by the hands of time perhaps?
Maybe somebody, somewhere will dig out where that came from and share it someday.
You know, we really liked Stigma as well and there was another called Bomz that kept me busy for many an hour.
Stigma would also be a fitting candidate to port to something like an iPhone?
Yep - we were all in awe of HATMW and I have to admit that I was one of the first to do the reverse translate in order to obtain the defnitive list of "easter eggs" when you enter the names into the score table! - Sorry about that!