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Offline spacefractal

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Reply #810 on: November 03, 2009, 09:53:41 pm
its not first time I did short songs (due many levels and many only used it once). Space Taxi was a another game, which was created by me (as musican and programmer) and a friend. That game would been awesome to see to a DS and still have all graphics.

I also have a album by Ryen The Blithe, The Blend and the Bizarre (Reyn Ouwehand) (2007), where many songs is short too, but some is lengty too.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 10:01:21 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #811 on: November 03, 2009, 10:00:41 pm
MisFits - :)

Did you ever listen to 'the Anti-Nowhere League' - A bit harsh, the 'We are the League' is a fantastic track.

Also, early Stranglers, Dead Kennedy's, P.I.L. oh, the list is endless...

I am the same.. (SADLY) I can flit from Barbra Streisand to The Cure at a stride. I have very wide tastes..

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Reply #812 on: November 03, 2009, 10:11:49 pm
and please note, I have reorder the songs, if doing songlist (but still tell which song number it was in the game jukebox section). You can see that in the XM song release eailer in the page the new order (so they place in the correct order I want, but is not needed to reorder them again in the game jukebox section at all).

Also I/Flash just moved the bad placed signature, which was due the added bottom text ("The Album", "Space Fractal" in the example), but that not mean it should been removed (if I due that, I never release that anyway), just moved to better place and stay here and still very visable without any clash (Flash placement is much more visable than mine placement, but still like it).
« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 10:29:13 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #813 on: November 03, 2009, 10:35:07 pm
MisFits - :)

Did you ever listen to 'the Anti-Nowhere League' - A bit harsh, the 'We are the League' is a fantastic track.

Also, early Stranglers, Dead Kennedy's, P.I.L. oh, the list is endless...

I am the same.. (SADLY) I can flit from Barbra Streisand to The Cure at a stride. I have very wide tastes..

Yep, A.N.L, I also think I still have Stranglers record but I didn't really like them that much. Kennedy's of course, Holiday in Cambodia and Let's Lynch the Landlord. Still got Public Image, the first album and the one with Flowers of Romance or something. Remember maybe 'Stiff Little Fingers'? They were good, didn't last too long though.
Hah, I loved Exploited, think I still have it somewhere, that dude had a bad ass Mohawk!!

SF, I'll do the new cover completely for soundtrack so there's no need you guys move anything around anymore. ;)
Is the actual song order the one from XMs in that zip?

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Reply #814 on: November 03, 2009, 10:44:30 pm
I think I shoot my mount now until I see the new cover :-D. I just released the example how good placement it could :-D and no others. I like use a least 800x800 pixels coverarts, so it show nicely in my jukebox software.

The correct order in the v0.9 soundtrack on that zip is the new order I gave, also #TRACKNUMBER# - #TITLE#.xm. I removed one word in title name as well, due ? was not possible to use due filename. Elsewise I use same titles as Flash gave them and hope I did not have any spellings on them and there is 37 songs.

I just think you should tell the user [] is the songnumber used in the GAME jukebox section. I did that way because I want the songs played in the around game's level order.

Godnight and good working  :)

« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 10:46:01 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #815 on: November 03, 2009, 10:58:36 pm
It's really up to Lobo where he puts his signature on a piece of his artwork. As long as it doesn't get in the way of other graphics (like the titlescreen in Warhawk when we added a scrolly we needed to move it higher for example).

Speaking of credits though I did notice on a few screens the order of them sometimes changed. I'm not sure if this was due to a design decision or based on an estimate of hours put into the game or involvement or whatever. While I didn't put as many hours into the game there is a substancial amount of code used from Warhawk so while I don't think a co-writer credit was due in most cases I believe the programmer credits should come first, then graphics and then music (as it has been in all the games I have ever seen). This was probably not done intentionally but I think it's the general consensus. Anyway if we have to be more careful about credits, we should probably decide on them before publishing to save anyone getting potentially upset. We did forget to mention sverx on the intitial release which was a pretty major screw up caused by the slight rush of release for Stu's birthday. Since noone is getting paid, in many ways the only kudos is a credit so I do think it's an important point. Anyway we do try to credit everyone who has helped along the way and in many cases better than many homebrew I've seen around.

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Reply #816 on: November 03, 2009, 11:11:10 pm
Sometimes when something is added, some others thing might got screwed and need a move.... Now its a new cover, its should been no problem anymore.....

the order of the credits, even I might have used much time doing time, no problem with me either.... I and sverx even got a shared fun poster on the bus.

on hiscore spacefractal was to long, here I normally use spacef instead for shorting it. Only here I was I was higher up, but that it :).

What did go wrong around sverx's credits? I see he got credited as well since we used the XM code from him. I guess that got fixed?
« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 11:17:02 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #817 on: November 03, 2009, 11:49:55 pm
For the credits in MMLL, I see them exactly in that order HK proposed-
Coding, gfx, music and on another page it says - concept/research, libxm (sverx) and beta testing. that I'm looking at it, probably libxm7 should be moved to front page together with 'coding' cause that's where it should belong. The only problem is if there's enough space in there?

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Reply #818 on: November 04, 2009, 12:33:03 am
Well, anyway, I've sent the covers to Flash with possible credits adjustments if necessary where sverx can fit at the front next to coding.

Also, unrelated but I have to show you this folks, it's about the game smealum and I were working on (DawnSeekers) which got 2 second places lately (Neo compo and this Scenery Beta thing). Anyway, just received the 'tweet' about the statue and plaque of some sort that smealum got and had to laugh at the prospect that he might be what looks like a Lenin (devilish) on the left which makes me the Pope (see the statue on the right).  :D
Quite fun.

Picture tells a thousand million words

Actually, he didn't get the statues, just the plaque thingie and that middle stuff but the way this is arranged..I need to frame it or something, perfect design!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 12:36:41 am by Lobo »

Offline spacefractal

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Reply #819 on: November 04, 2009, 05:53:36 am
lol, congra. which game is its? The page is not english?

Personly sverx is a codning support just like headkaze (read HeadKaze, Sverx on same line). The only problem is no room for LibXM text and hence tht why I like the second credits screen (which he might not have noticed that), since its a third party (great) library.

Now its version 1.03 so there why I guess its got fixed anyway and there is no problems at all?

I have not checked out newest version....
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 05:57:46 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #820 on: November 04, 2009, 07:10:22 am
[...] Flash and I would do a host of the music in 32khz 192kbit mp3 files (samples is 22khz, so I see no reason to do 44.1)

Samples are 22K samples per second but playing a note at a higher pitch will reproduce these samples at a higher rate so, actually, I would do 44KHz 192Kbps anyway, of course setting some high quality sample interpolation. The resulting quality is very high, I swear.

Oh, about that crediting topic... well, I believe I shouldn't be credited like an additional coder for MMLL, it wouldn't be fair since I just did a little of beta testing and a little of support on libXM7 (which wasn't directly written for MMLL, you know). So actually just a mention to libXM7, like other libraries you used, would already be fine :) [...but I do love that you wrote my name in the game, this way I can proudly show the game to my friends and say "look what WE've done!"  ;) ;)]

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Reply #821 on: November 04, 2009, 07:15:05 am
You were/are still part of the team and as such I thought it best to have you in the title credits screen.

OK, Lobo - SF, these are the correct song names in the order they appear in the jukebox. There are several tracks with incorrect names (...Jungle Beats, for example)

   .asciz   "MINER WILLY'S MINING SONG!"   @ 26+1
   .asciz   "  ON A DARK MINING NIGHT  "
   .asciz   " THE PHARAOH'S LITTLE JIG "
   .asciz   "    WILLY'S LITTLE RAG    "
   .asciz   "    SMITHS EAR BLEEDER    "
   .asciz   "     AS TIME GOES BY.     "
   .asciz   "      DOWN THE ALLEY      "
   .asciz   "   THE ODDNESS OF BEING   "
   .asciz   "   REGGIE LIKE'S REGGAE   "
   .asciz   "    TIME TO TERMINATE!    "
   .asciz   " THE 80'S WILL NEVER DIE! "
   .asciz   "   SIT DOWN RAY PARKER!   "
   .asciz   "THERE'S A CHUNK IN MY EYE!"
   .asciz   " SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN! "
   .asciz   " THE MICROWAVE GOES 'POP' "
   .asciz   "   TOP OF THE WORLD MA!   "
   .asciz   "  SEEN MY SHUTTLE, COCK?  "
   .asciz   "    A LIFE UNDERGROUND    "
   .asciz   " LOOKS LIKE A COLD FRONT! "
   .asciz   " IT'S TIME TO RETURN HOME "
   .asciz   "  THE TITLED SIR. WILLY!  "
   .asciz   "     A SOMBER MOMENT.     "
   .asciz   "   OH JOY! BIG NUMBERS!   "
   .asciz   "   MARCH OF THE MINERS.   "
   .asciz   "  THE DEMONIC WHALE SONG  "
   .asciz   " ALL THIS DOOM AND GLOOM! "
   .asciz   "       BAH! HUMBUG!       "
   .asciz   "   BEING SO TRIUMPHANT!   "
   .asciz   "      THE LAST WALTZ      "

Hope that helps?

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Offline spacefractal

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Reply #823 on: November 04, 2009, 10:47:32 am
As a soundtrack I more prefer sort them after the game level order and title should been the first song. Hence its why I added the [] to the title name (which is the song number in the game jukebox). But if Flash really want to play the order he choiced, I would accept that, but let me now, so I can rename the files correctly. I do also not want big letters only on the coverart, which would cause hard to read, even it works pretty awesome in the game, due its only one line.

I also renamed SEEN MY SHUTTLE, COCK? to SEEN MY SHUTTLE!, due ? is not allowered in a filename and some jukebox software prefere that, but I can do the full title name in the tag.

The Jungle Beat. Nice spotted, it was a spelling from me. More spelling, so I can retag them correctly in mp3 (when I recode them again)? I think I need to rename all files to make sure.

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Reply #824 on: November 04, 2009, 11:02:33 am
I am not worried about the order of the songs, just to get the names correct on the artwork and in the mp3's

'Where's my Shuttle, Cock' is fine in the mp3 file name, but the ? can be in the id tag and on the artwork. (it needs Cock on the end as it is part of the humor)

Please check your names with the ones in the list for other errors.

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Offline spacefractal

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Reply #825 on: November 04, 2009, 11:07:52 am
Then you should do the new order I gave for the coverart, but you do NOT need to reorder them again for the game due this. No need.

XM'S version reuploaded with 3 spellings corrected. Did not found more?,_SoundTrack_(2009).zip

« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 11:28:03 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #826 on: November 04, 2009, 05:52:58 pm
I've sent the cover to Flash already. I was following the xm files names which I thought should be in mp3.
I don't know if that stays or what?

here's how it looks like for me-

01 - The Titled Sir. Willy! [27]
02 - On A Dark Mining Night [02]
03 - Miner Willy, Space Explorer [03]
04 - The Pharaoh's Little Jig [04]
05 - The Mighty Jungle Beats [09]
06 - Willy's Little Rag [05]
07 - Reggie Like's Reggae [12]
08 - Smiths Ear Bleeder [06]
09 - Down the Alley [08]
10 - Playing Live at the Cavern [10]
11 - A Life Underground [23]
12 - The Demonic Whale Song [31]
13 - Seen my Shuttle! [22]
14 - The Oddness of Being [11]
15 - And Someone Mentioned Yes! [21]
16 - Looks Like a Cold Front [24]
17 - All This Doom and Gloom [32]
18 - March of the Miners [30]
19 - Being so Triumphant! [35]
20 - As Time Goes By [07]
21 - The Microwave goes 'pop' [19]
22 - There's a Chunk in my Eye [16]
23 - The 80' Will Never Die [14]
24 - Scream and Scream Again! [17]
25 - Sit Down Ray Parker! [15]
26 - Top of the World Ma! [20]
27 - Time to Terminate! [13]
28 - Hobnail Boots, and Top Hat [18]
29 - It's Time to Return Home [25]
30 - Superheroes Come to Rest [33]
31 - Miner Willy's Mining Song [01]
32 - Comodores Little Willy [26]
33 - Bah! Humbug! [34]
34 - A Somber Moment [28]
35 - Oh Joy! Big Numbers! [29]
36 - The Last Waltz [36]
37 - Old Miner Willy's Mining Song [Not Used]

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Reply #827 on: November 04, 2009, 05:59:04 pm
the list I posted earlier are the names as used in the game.

ie. Jungle Beasts (not beats)..

Apart from that, and the ommission of 'Cock' on the shuttle tune (track 13), they are pretty close. But.. The list is the exact names that I did was then done had post on the place where forum thing that was earlier and not was later and that was what it was then wasn't it?

Or something like that?

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Reply #828 on: November 04, 2009, 06:22:22 pm
there was a spelling on Comodores as well. I should have updated it with corrected spellings. I want to see the coverarts, you sent to flash? you dont have my emails? I mean i have sent you a level design for some time ago, so you should have it. When I got it, I reuploade the mp3s and prefere them again later today or tomorrow.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 06:24:31 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #829 on: November 04, 2009, 06:29:28 pm
I have seen the coverart, and byeth doth thou eyes weep at thy wonderment. Such perfection and class in such a perfect square that my mind washes with the influx of such visions... oh joy to my eye..

So, oy! You ain't seen 'em yet then! Bugger!!

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Reply #830 on: November 04, 2009, 06:33:25 pm
Shit! Forgot to change Commodore!! Arrrr...wait Flash, new email in...5.4...3...2....7...

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Reply #831 on: November 04, 2009, 06:34:13 pm
can you send it? I want to see it, including the signature (I guess set the signature a none problem place at all :)). I might rename the files, but that all I might do.

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Reply #832 on: November 04, 2009, 06:41:50 pm
Ok, check your email.

Btw, that game is DawnSeekers, it's 3d fps and yeah, the site is (mostly) in French.
You can try the latest build here, 2 levels only.

Hope you like the cover and don't change any titles anymore, I had like 6 revisions so far!  :D

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Reply #833 on: November 04, 2009, 06:42:43 pm
Shit! Forgot to change Commodore!! Arrrr...wait Flash, new email in...5.4...3...2....7...
Ended up and -14,-15,-18,-FFED!

You took your time!!  :D

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Reply #834 on: November 04, 2009, 06:44:31 pm
Hope you like the cover and don't change any titles anymore, I had like 6 revisions so far!  :D

As long as the mp3 titles and tags match the track list on the back cover - that is PERFECT!


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Reply #835 on: November 04, 2009, 06:49:59 pm
I like that coverarts, its very cool, and the signature is a problemo :-D.

I only found one issue:
 If I put the backcover in a tray, you can't see the name of it, if I put the cd in my collection...... Its allways a bit wider to I can fold it, so you can see the name. That area can been little tight, so just a simple blue text on black bg can do that.

I also need to rename the cover files to suit most jukebox software (includning my own).
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 06:51:17 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #836 on: November 04, 2009, 06:53:20 pm
What do you mean, cover in the tray thingie?
I'm not picking up a signal today very well, need coffee.

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Reply #837 on: November 04, 2009, 06:58:24 pm
What do you mean, cover in the tray thingie?
I'm not picking up a signal today very well, need coffee.

I think SF means that the back cover lacks the two curly flappy flaps that hold the title to flop into a case that has a flappy holder? See... I know!

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Reply #838 on: November 04, 2009, 06:59:26 pm
correctly. sorry my english :-D

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Reply #839 on: November 04, 2009, 07:04:39 pm
Did I win a point for getting it right?  8)

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