flash · 414302
Ah, also, I wanted to try the mobile one but realized I've lost my emulator (on PC). Not so sure if that one would even support this as it was quite oldie. Anyone can point to some coolio emu for bloody cellphones?As for RR, they did a great job, you know the people over there are most likely our biggest supporters (and c**ts ) and mixing it with other MM games, I think, was quite a cool move actually. It's sorta historical coincidence if you will. Ten years from now, when you're 98, cough, you'll be looking back at it and say - " Nurse...nurse...", or "Ahh...it was like yesterday, 6 MM games released at the same time, it was like this........"
Of course it's the freshest, it came out 2 days ago you silly! Well, MMLL did get its own spot, plus the announcements from a few months ago or so was there for quite a long time. That means that really anyone interested in this game HAS already got it, or discovered it. The rest will be downloading the infamous DEMO as I see that in search to be the most displayed result, quite sadly.
er, what was it? Don't what? Oh, I forget..c**tS
he did like the game throught and is a really fair review I think. For me when you first try the first level, that level can been a bit hard, but when you first got it, it became really easy next time.The only mistake is you got release the early alpha here at forum which is a no go (some find it actuelly anyway). That why I diddent want to do the same with the music.There is no reason to do a full announcements at Retro Remakes again, since the game did got a full announcements some month ago.For the graphics, I did have same "problem" with my H.E.R.O. Game. some simply wanted the old graphics even the new one did look fine. Finally I dedicated to include the both graphics sets. For doing remakes I normally prefer new grahpics. I do like MMLL do have some old graphics as well in some levels.
review is.... a review .
The main thing for me is that I feel MMLL is the freshest MM game in years.
Of course it's the freshest, it came out 2 days ago you silly!
Hmm, didn't it come out on the same day as the one for mobile phones?
I may use the engine at some point to do an 'anthology' using the original graphics.. But.. really not sure.. Do I want to spend weeks doing something for free - again? LOLI do need a little rest!
I not even where you really life
So, Sadly, I am the cog in the works..