flash · 414029
Shouldn't it be "Willywood" instead of "Hollywood Willy"?
[...] at least have come action in relation to a trigger?
To get the value of "CurrentLine" you just have to find the offset in the struct (XM7_ModuleManager_Type) and then read the value from "Module:" using the offset.
u16 State; // at offset: 0 char ModuleName [20]; // offset: 2 char TrackerName [20]; // offset:22 u16 ModuleLength; // offset:42 u16 RestartPoint; // offset:44 u8 NumberofChannels; // offset:46 u8 NumberofInstruments; // :47 u16 NumberofPatterns; // :48 u8 FreqTable; // :50 u8 DefaultTempo; // :51 u8 DefaultBPM; // :52 u8 PatternOrder[256]; // :53 u16 PatternLength[256]; // :54 XM7_SingleNoteArray_Type* Pattern [256]; // :56 XM7_Instrument_Type* Instrument[128]; // : 312 u8 CurrentTempo; // :824 u8 CurrentBPM; // :825 u8 CurrentGlobalVolume; // :826 u8 CurrentSongPosition; // :827 u8 CurrentPatternNumber; // :828 u8 CurrentLine; // :829 u8 CurrentTick; // :830
u8 CurrentSongPosition
ldr r0, =Module @ This is the pointer to XM7_ModuleManager_Type where the data is loaded via XM7_LoadXMadd r0, #827 @ Add the byte offset to CurrentSongPositionldrb r1, [r0] @ Read the byte value of CurrentSongPosition
menu's are a pain in ASM
I was gonna see if I could grab the first level of 'Blagger' (a c64 manic miner rip off by tony crowther) and add that as a bonus level.
Personly I would like to do something with the many extra levels from the SAM version using original graphics and aggresive version of MM theme.First Miner game I ever played was China Miner to C64, which also a clone. Hence its not radom why I choiced a piano rag in one of the levels.
Odd, never heard of it before, just how many MM clones are out there?? Anyhoo, from what I've seen it seems like it's almost as our movie levels, inspired with crazy stuff (there's mad hatter level as well).
http://www.worldofsam.org/node/57There should been a cheat mode for the sam, but it diddent work here (due it seen the emulator I used did not send F functions at all, and the required 4 keys holding ghosted my keyboard).
Just animation when instruments are used really... Not entirely sure.. LOL