flash · 395020
Not sure what you mean aboult the jumping? If you skip levels, you can play the first original spectrum level. I used this to check the jumps (and have also compaired height and distance with the oric version). On spec level 1 at then end of the conveyor, you should only just be able to reach the upper of the two platforms on the left. Hmmm... I am a bit confused? You will have to explain more with pictures and diagrams and stuff with arrows and algebra..
Can I join the betatest efforts?
Are you playing the latest version? I think there may have been a colmap issue in an earlier beta?ps. there is a solid wall above you, so, if you jump left and hit your head, you will fall directly down (as in the original), is that what you mean?
Hmmm... I am a bit confused? You will have to explain more with pictures and diagrams and stuff with arrows and algebra..
-Down the pit - nono..not yet, actually if you jump as soon as the level starts, you can walk on the top area (bug?)
-Back to work - can't finish no frickin way! I just can't get to conveyor belt no matter where I jump from, always hit the bloody ceiling and fall straight down. TIPS??
The top bird in back to work have same problem. You need to wait a QUITE long time to the left. It have a bad start position. Jump to conveyor is tricky, but possible (this one took me some tries too).
Er, no... um.....'special feature'?LOL
Post it all baby, spammerize the machines batman, oil up the old gears of advertising factory and full steam ahead!Actually, everyone saw screens already, I mean everyone on this board is a tester so that much is covered.Now, for that 'bird situation' I'm having here...do I wait until the bird is halfway to the right over CB and then jump on it..or what's the secret here?
Great work guys. The whole thing gels so nicely...