flash · 413371
What modified story are you speaking of? I thought you're following the original story from those screenshots you posted, from some magazine?
Some story on later levels is missing, they need to been finished first.If 31. okt is too early we just move it a week or when done. No problem with me, but the game is very much done. Orignally plan was actuelly 1. Nov which seen was accepted by Flash (if possible of course).China Miner is not really needed since its a clone and not 100% gameplay suitable to Manic Miner (its might play somewhere diffecent)? I remember I did not have problem with China Miner? It seen I need to test the game again, since its some time ago I played the last.Sam levels is funnier, since its really a Manic Miner game and hence more suitable for the Lost Level Theme as hidden levels. I found a very good sid C64 version tune of the MM theme which I can use in the bonus level. Its very aggresive, and since its very much use original graphics, the music should something been retro here as well. Howover I can not record sam sounds seperated channels.
So, he better hurry up if I only have till Monday!! ULP!
The Xm7Play (I guess the name can been confusion with the other XmPlay I sometime talk about?) player "blackout" (but still play the song) the screen soon after it start (when I testing the 8 bit versions), but the tunes got played and does not crash.
Its should been stated the game is best played with the heardphone [...]
Ok, let's try to do that together...Code: [Select] u16 State; // at offset: 0 char ModuleName [20]; // offset: 2 char TrackerName [20]; // offset:22 u16 ModuleLength; // offset:42 u16 RestartPoint; // offset:44 u8 NumberofChannels; // offset:46 u8 NumberofInstruments; // :47 u16 NumberofPatterns; // :48 u8 FreqTable; // :50 u8 DefaultTempo; // :51 u8 DefaultBPM; // :52 u8 PatternOrder[256]; // :53 u16 PatternLength[256]; // :54 XM7_SingleNoteArray_Type* Pattern [256]; // :56 XM7_Instrument_Type* Instrument[128]; // : 312 u8 CurrentTempo; // :824 u8 CurrentBPM; // :825 u8 CurrentGlobalVolume; // :826 u8 CurrentSongPosition; // :827 u8 CurrentPatternNumber; // :828 u8 CurrentLine; // :829 u8 CurrentTick; // :830Should be correct. Now I think I'll change this order in next release... I've never realized it's so bad.
u16 State; // at offset: 0 char ModuleName [20]; // offset: 2 char TrackerName [20]; // offset:22 u16 ModuleLength; // offset:42 u16 RestartPoint; // offset:44 u8 NumberofChannels; // offset:46 u8 NumberofInstruments; // :47 u16 NumberofPatterns; // :48 u8 FreqTable; // :50 u8 DefaultTempo; // :51 u8 DefaultBPM; // :52 u8 PatternOrder[256]; // :53 u16 PatternLength[256]; // :54 XM7_SingleNoteArray_Type* Pattern [256]; // :56 XM7_Instrument_Type* Instrument[128]; // : 312 u8 CurrentTempo; // :824 u8 CurrentBPM; // :825 u8 CurrentGlobalVolume; // :826 u8 CurrentSongPosition; // :827 u8 CurrentPatternNumber; // :828 u8 CurrentLine; // :829 u8 CurrentTick; // :830
Are you sure the offsets are correct?
XM7_Instrument_Type* Instrument[128]; // : 1080 u8 CurrentTempo; // :1592 u8 CurrentBPM; // :1593 u8 CurrentGlobalVolume; // :1594 u8 CurrentSongPosition; // :1595 u8 CurrentPatternNumber; // :1596 u8 CurrentLine; // :1597 u8 CurrentTick; // :1598
I can grab number of channels, but pattern number, pos etc give static values?
I think every DS owner already knows that music quality with headphones is higher... I personally think you should do your best to make each tune sound as good as possible with speakers. (I was sure you'd find that the speaker output on real hardware far from perfect...)Bye!
In the Jukebox Section I like you could flip from the last song til the first song and the other way....
The offsets give me 000000 on all current values.
u16 State; // at offset: 0 char ModuleName [20]; // offset: 2 char TrackerName [20]; // offset:22 u16 ModuleLength; // offset:42 u16 RestartPoint; // offset:44 u8 NumberofChannels; // offset:46 u8 NumberofInstruments; // :47 u16 NumberofPatterns; // :48 u8 FreqTable; // :50 u8 DefaultTempo; // :51 u8 DefaultBPM; // :52 u8 PatternOrder[256]; // :53 u16 PatternLength[256]; // :310 (here was another error) XM7_SingleNoteArray_Type* Pattern [256]; // :824 XM7_Instrument_Type* Instrument[128]; // : 1848 u8 CurrentTempo; // :2360 u8 CurrentBPM; // :2361 u8 CurrentGlobalVolume; // :2362 u8 CurrentSongPosition; // :2363 u8 CurrentPatternNumber; // :2364 u8 CurrentLine; // :2365 u8 CurrentTick; // :2364
I can only do a cheat reverb on release which I have tried to "longer" it a bit.