flash · 395157
[...] it teaches a few lessons, one very important- don't post binaries around the site anymore until the game is finished, send it via email and we're fine.
Sokurah, where do you live? Be careful with that stuff though, most of the time you're dealing with desperate people and desperate people got nothing to loose.
Sokky,Stick a couple of nails in the bat, and f**king use it!!! (I used to use a nice sledgehammer...)
'Antichrist', I was thinking of the same thing the other night but went on to watch Maltese Falcon instead. Hmm..says Willem Dafoe is in that one, might check it out, maybe tonight.
Ps.Channel Tunnel may be a little trickier when the enemies are added... LOL... Ha ha!! (tomorrow)
The screens between Gremlins and Hellraiser are spacers ready for when someone comes up with a level... <flash whistles innocently>