headkaze · 238626
Lobo has a brilliant idea....My life is over!!
Ugh, a little problem. Briefcase in Dingle's room, it's locked but the key (got it) to open it..I've managed to put it IN the briefcase so now I cannot get it out cause the thing is locked. YAY! So..yeah, you might wanna make it impossible to put anything in locked stuff until they're unlocked.Now I gotta go play again.
There is no sound at all on AceCard II, cant hear anything?
Funny thing is I just tried doing this in the original and it does the same thing lol I changed it so you can't do that and also made the menu system have an 8 pixel inner boundary so you can't move the pointer right to the edge anymore.I can either make the murders happen very early in the game or just have an extra trigger based on what you're carrying. The reason Dingle's murder happens so quickly is because it's triggered only after 2 minutes from starting the game and you're not in Dingles room. So it's pretty much immediate, then Doctor goes and checks out the scene, then finds you. The rest of murders are set 15 minutes apart which is boring to wait for, but I'm pretty sure it's how the original works. The thing is we are following walkthrough's and not playing the game how it's meant to be played. I guess it's worth changing so there is less waiting around, but what should the early triggers be based on. What you're carrying? If so should the items need to be in the padded envelopes?