Retro Gamer... What is going on with thier app?

spacefractal · 8543

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on: September 13, 2017, 10:10:45 pm
im are more more gonna to hate Retro Gamer more more now. Not due the issues its self, but thier app stinks like balls and very tired of it and forced of all the fun reading the issues.

That that put me off was im got a "Purchase complete library" TWICE when im tried to download the newest issue. But instead im got a popups. What a hell? Tricking me to do something different than its should have due? That trick ads and is also covered about 50% of screen in the library is insane and bad.

THis is so bad as im have now just dont like the app very much and is the last issue im purchasing. That sad because its great one, and the old app was more than fine, but they breaked all rules after update.

If you asked me, all ads like those should have been done in the discovery area, include the "Purchase Complete Library" ads. THis is what the tab was done, but they diddent do that.... Now they get a 1 star rating from me, due the too aggresive ads use in the Library section, which is now a mess.

So im need to say good bye to Retro Gamer for now. (and as im have seen, im actuelly write 2-3 times to so called costumer service, that newer reply).
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 10:11:57 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #1 on: September 14, 2017, 07:02:48 am
I said this on Facebook last night, but I have subscribed to the magazine since issue 4 (got the first 3 on eBay afterwards) but finally chose to NOT renew my subscription about a year ago.

I'm so old school :) that I haven't been doing the "digital thing" but preferred paper magazines, but I feel there's so much padding these days and not enough articles that are of interest to me.

I am keeping an eye on what is in them though, and should something interesting appear in the magazine (or a review of a game of mine ;) ) I will just get that single issue ... but so far that hasn't been the case.

... but they could've sold a single issue if they'd chosen to review Vallation. ;) :) :)