Warhawk DS Release

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Reply #210 on: September 15, 2009, 07:53:38 am
Bloody jinx

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Reply #211 on: September 15, 2009, 10:44:20 am

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Reply #212 on: September 15, 2009, 12:19:30 pm
hey! only I and POTT got real credits  ;D

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Reply #213 on: September 15, 2009, 06:22:20 pm

Cool article, short but hey, it's straight to the point.

EDIT: Oh..darn, they forgot to mention the 'BOSS', hehe..he'll be pissed!  :D
« Last Edit: September 15, 2009, 08:27:14 pm by Lobo »

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Reply #214 on: November 25, 2009, 08:46:30 pm
Just noticed that Warhawk DS made it onto the Wikipedia page! It is nice that it is linked with the original! Well, made me happy anyway!


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Reply #215 on: December 01, 2009, 08:43:00 am
Cool! I just found a WarHawk MOD :o  :o  :o dated back in the Amiga years! It has been made by Romeo Knight, you can download it here, on his website :)

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Reply #216 on: December 01, 2009, 09:14:36 am

It is ok, but no-where near the standards set by SF!!

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Reply #217 on: December 01, 2009, 09:18:42 am
Of course! But this is an Amiga MOD made back in the days, so it's a very good work IMHO. Does SF made a MOD/XM for WarHawk? I understood it was a streaming track in the game...

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Reply #218 on: December 01, 2009, 09:30:33 am
True, Warhawk was not a mod file..

It is not bad for the time though (he has a few notes out of place, though he does admit that).

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Reply #219 on: December 01, 2009, 10:35:04 am
Its sound very oldschool, and really old, but would been nice, if there was a Amiga version of that game released that time (which would been nice). The mod tune is not really bad at all, so I agree with Flash.

I also diddent fellow the C64 version of Warhawk 100% for the DS game, and the music I created for Warhawk DS use 16 bit WAV, ADPCM 22Khz, Mono streaming.

There is stilll stutter problem I want have fixed for AceCard II card.

With the officiel firmware (which works a bit better than the unofficiel firmware), I guess it caused by the gongon sample on each level start and the "bling" counter sample on the completion screen (not the speech, which is delayed a bit). It sometimes stutter when these samples is played and then countinue stutter until you change the music. The title song did never stutter and hence it have no samples here. So hence I want to test a version without these 2 samples (which does not effect the gameplay anyway), to see its these two samples cause the problem.

I have never played that game very much due that problem on hardware......
« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 11:28:24 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #220 on: December 01, 2009, 11:45:57 am
I'm wondering perhaps we could just add a swiWaitForVBlank() after the "gongon" sound? That should let us know if it is that sample causing the problem.. hang on I will test it now as I have an Acekard 2i now..

EDIT: Well I'll be darned, no stuttering on level 2... hmm I think this might have fixed it. So I think you might be right about that start sample messing with the streaming music. Can I send you this version for you to try somehow SF? Where should I send it to?

Flash: Have you got an Acekard 2i? Can you try changing the following in initlevel.s

Code: [Select]
bl playDinkDinkSound

bl swiWaitForVBlank

Let me know if it still stutters for you?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 12:06:31 pm by headkaze »

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Reply #221 on: December 01, 2009, 02:04:22 pm
For me it did not allways stutter on level 2 (that version that is now on the homepage), but only did that sometimes (a restart feature might have works as a workaround), but it nearly allways stutter on level completlion, but never on titlescreen.

so a another swiWaitForVBlank() sound a good idea (do that too for the bling sound on level completion as well (after music as well sound to make sure).

For the last, I have only used 6% of my email space, so dont care about filesize at all, but if you have a dropbox, just give me the public link of it (I like that method they use private filesharing).

PS. I can still wait after the TDG, but I was thinking if that stutter problem is very small (using officiel firmware I use now).
« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 02:20:15 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #222 on: December 02, 2009, 10:31:33 am

After long time, I dedicated to release the untouched version of the song to remix64.com (with the short intro, which I never got released as soundtrack), and yes of course, some people of course not like it (due many have mixed this tune), but that it, its originally a ingame tune :D.

Please checkout since I have edited the text about song info. I do hope I got a bit more yellow smiliys at the end (which was the target).

« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 02:55:07 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #223 on: December 20, 2009, 11:00:55 pm
Just found this post on Pixel Heroes,

This is HERE (Translated)

I love the end (if you compensate for the translation)

After an extensive game experience with Warhawk DS "remains a question for me still open. Why the game was not officially released? When I wander through the shelves of shops and keep eye out for any interesting news for my Nintendo DS, I have to repeatedly dig through only through an incredible range of mediocre games to true-flops before I will really only one decent game get into their hands. And the curious thing is that those bad games like rows and are found on such piles. Especially on the Nintendo DS, there are many manufacturers and publishers to convert, try again and again as the proverbial scrap commodity Schxxxx to gold. Unfortunately they have not infrequently undeserved success with it, and that without alchemists have under contract. Since classic shooter eh are a rare commodity on the DS, immediately come to mind really only two good-Nanostray a game from the German manufacturer Shin'en, I am really surprised that Warhawk DS "is not to be found on the shelves of shops. I would have caught me this game is for the full price. Well, it must not always all about money not spinning true? In Warhawk DS "for a change, everything revolves around the fun and the spirit of computer and video games. And that to me is the highest award worthy, especially since the price / performance ratio for a freeware game, anyway, is outstanding.

Well, it got 10/10
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 11:05:41 pm by Flash »

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Reply #224 on: December 21, 2009, 01:31:53 am
Well hang my pass and strung me high, that is seriously fukin greatissimuss.
Worthy as heck!!

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Reply #225 on: December 21, 2009, 09:09:23 am
Wow, that's very nice...but again - it's also true. ;)

Feedback like this is what makes it fun and worthwhile to make games for free.

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Reply #226 on: December 21, 2009, 01:51:44 pm
hihi, a game that is too good to been free :D, nice review. That game should been ported to IPhone DS, but I guess its after the secret game.

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Reply #227 on: January 25, 2010, 12:56:18 pm
More great stuff, but bloody hard, concentrating on MMLS,
only up to level 3 on Warhawk (taking too much damage trying
to get the powerups since working out that they are essential).
Love the demo-style title screen, the scroller and its text, and the game itself.
Had a similar bad experience to Flash back then, but not in games.
DS + flash cart + legit. software =~ pocket Ami 500 + HD.

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Reply #228 on: January 25, 2010, 01:07:42 pm
Glad you are enjoying the games!

It is always rewarding when someone takes the effort to let us know, gives ya a warm contented feeling..

Thanks :)

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Reply #229 on: January 27, 2010, 10:05:18 pm
I just ran across Warhawk, and man, i'm impressed with what you guys have done with the DS.  You gotta like that assembler.  This thing is bloody fast.  Too fast for someone like me who lost his shmup skills a dozen years ago.  (smirk)  Any chance of adding a Baby mode in the future?

You guys should have gone the retail route, because this thing is better than most of the stuff out there.

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Reply #230 on: January 27, 2010, 10:21:35 pm
Thanks so much for the kind words and we are glad you like it!

It would have been great to have gone retail, but Nintendo demand far too much for a small team like us to start a project like this (investment, dev kit, real office, etc)

So, we are just glad to offer the game free and having feedback like this really does make it worthwhile.

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Reply #231 on: January 27, 2010, 10:42:06 pm
We shall convert these games to Apple :D or do a presequel or spinoff, but can been hard since it was created in assemply.

But really: nice comments is all we want.

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Reply #232 on: January 27, 2010, 10:50:00 pm
Bloody hard to convert the Assembler to C++ (Object C), but not impossible.

I will one day do Warhawk II... That is for sure, but on what platform?

I did play Warhawk DS again a few nights ago, and even impressed myself by enjoying it! I have never fully played any of the 3 games released here - and by god, I really should! ! !

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Reply #233 on: January 27, 2010, 11:05:01 pm
Well, here's hoping it gets noticed for the quality work it is, because this thing is top notch all the way around, from the BGM to the solid framerate (60?) despite the sheer frenetic action.  (smirk)  The only thing missing is my shmup skills.

I like the multiple levels of the background (3?) and that only the top one scrolls horizontally.  It's a nice touch.

Looking forward to Warhawk II.  Here's hoping it's on something i own.

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Reply #234 on: January 27, 2010, 11:11:01 pm
Warhawk II could be a while off, but it would be nice to think that it could appear on the DS (officially :) ?)

Warhawk runs at 60fps at all times, and I think that without restriction, it will run at over 400fps (not synced to the screen). Assembler has it's benefits for fast code, but.. has no portability. It would have been nice to have ported to other formats, but that would be a LOT of work.

Thankfully Warhawk has been recieved rather well, and been featured in RetroGamer magazine, but it is much nicer when someone takes the time to make a post on our humble forum.

Thanks from the team.

I hope our other 2 DS releases appeal also. Manic Miner in the Lost Levels and the sprawling Detective Game.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 11:16:15 pm by Flash »

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Reply #235 on: January 28, 2010, 01:50:36 am
I grabbed them and only took a quick gander, but i'm intrigued.  Both look good.  I saw lots of little touches in Manic Miner, which is always appreciated.  I've never heard of The Detective, but i've played an adventure game here and there, and am more than willing to give it a solid go.  Of the three, that one looks like it was probably the easiest to code, but that goes without saying since with Warhawk you were learning how the ARM works.  Still though, with The Detective you were delving into C++ and it's a completely different style, so maybe it wasn't easier by much?

So do you guys have any idea on what's next?

Oh, and i'm starting to find my shmup roots, so i may be able to eventually unlock whatever the third option is in the continue menu.

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Reply #236 on: January 28, 2010, 04:24:52 am
Happy to hear your feedback :)

Warhawk was coded by Flash and I while MMLL was done by Flash (obviously re-using some code from Warhawk) and TDG was done by me in C++. We only did the first two games in assembly beause Flash wanted to and I was happy to give it a try. Didn't take long to get the hang of it, but I do prefer to write in C so that is why TDG was done in C. It was supposed to also get Flash prepared for moving to the iPhone (but he was too busy with MMLL) as that is the next platform we're working on :)

As for difficulty.. in some ways C++ is more time consuming in that you have to do alot of boiler plate code to set things up, with asm you just start coding.. but then C has a whole bunch of nice things to do the same work in less code. The fact that TDG was an adventure game meant I had to do ALOT of playtesting of the original, but Flash also had to do the same thing. With an adventure game though especially TDG there is alot of walking around and trying different combinations of objects. So it was alot of work involved but I wouldn't say anyone was easier. Warhawk took us a long time because it was the first and lots of code to port, but there are also other things like the attack wave editor, we we split the work quite equally.. Flash did the attack wave patterns while I made the editor etc. We make a pretty darn good team and I'm very proud of what we have achieved. Now as soon as we get into the swing of iPhone dev we might start enjoying ourselves again ;)

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Reply #237 on: January 28, 2010, 11:35:25 pm
Thanks for the reply.

A friend and i were talking last night, and we agree that Nintendo is stupid for not courting you guys.  We both feel that you could be the DS(i)'s Rare, back when Nintendo owned them and they were the 3rd party guys who really got the most from the system.  It's funny you mentioned the iPhone, because i said last night that with how much you guys obviously like programming, you're going to keep at it, and there's always the iPhone/iPad.  I don't own one, but my brother does, so i'll tell him to keep an eye out for anything by Headsoft (which is the two of you?).

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Reply #238 on: January 29, 2010, 12:07:07 am
Thanks again for the kind words, the comparison is a rather rewarding compliment.

Hopefully we can do something special on the iPhone - though it would be wonderful to return and code on the DS again (one day)!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 12:08:34 am by Flash »

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Reply #239 on: January 29, 2010, 01:43:40 am
The thing is, no need to hide it, we are working on an iPhone game as we speak. Can't tell what but that' s the reason why the rest of the forum is ' quiet'.
It was only more natural to go to device which can allow for these two guys to exercise their power without worrying too much about every single problem we encountered on DS so far. Goes the same way for me and SF so we don' t have to kill things before they even get to see the light of the day.
 To me, I'll support the games and hardware which provides minimum of enjoyable experiences, meaning in plain Chinese/ Mandarin-everything but DS and similar.  :)