Warhawk DS Release

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Reply #120 on: July 16, 2009, 05:11:12 pm
Have I already mentioned this game's great ?  :D

I think so? LOL

Well done on Mental Mode in 1 go!! WOW!! (Is the final BIG boss too easy? - I was never sure about them)

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Offline Hydeux

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Reply #121 on: July 16, 2009, 05:35:20 pm
(Is the final BIG boss too easy? - I was never sure about them)
IMO, it is ! Easier than the "first" final big boss I think. You should (but I got no advice to give, just my feeling about this issue !) have given him a full lifebar, and maybe another attack type to surprise the player, kind of charging to the ship, forcing the player to stay between its.. well its... "arms" (?) for example...
« Last Edit: July 16, 2009, 05:54:54 pm by Hydeux »

Offline Kaspal

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Reply #122 on: July 16, 2009, 10:17:53 pm
I think so? LOL

Well done on Mental Mode in 1 go!! WOW!! (Is the final BIG boss too easy? - I was never sure about them)

the 1st time you face it, can catch you off guard, but when you face it again, and again, it get easier every time.

like i said b4, mental mode is funnier than the regular mode, because of autofire and high speed movement... and well, the challenge is better... it's been a couple days since last time i played, but i know i can go far beyond the 1 million barrier if i 1CC the game tryin to get the all base bonus, specially in the later levels (last time i played, i got to level 12, lost 3 huge bonuses, and managed to get 831.000+ points).

Offline BigLord

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Reply #123 on: July 17, 2009, 03:22:12 am
Just stopped by to say that I was amazed with myself for achieving 760 000 points or something like that... and then I noticed the top score isn't 750 000, it's friggin ten times that.

I simultaneously hate and love you guys ??? :-[ now THAT'S replay value.

Offline Hydeux

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Reply #124 on: July 17, 2009, 08:09:57 am
(Is the final BIG boss too easy? - I was never sure about them)
There's an easy way to make it a bit harder : the player should keep his lifebar (or what's remaining of it !) after level 16. That 16th level and its boss are quite easy, but with an already damaged lifebar facing the final boss would be a little more challenging.

And talking about the highest score in ranking : 7.500.000 by Flash (who's obviously a big liar !  :-\)
- The total base destruct gives you a bonus : (number of the level x 7500)
- So if you get that bonus in all levels, you got : (1 x 7500) + (2 x 7500) + ... + (15 x 7500) (yep : no bonus after level 16 !)
- That is : 7500 x (1+2+3+...+15), which is 7500 x 120 which gives : 900 000 points.

My best play is around 950 000 (mental mode, complete run) but with already 3 or 4 "total base destruct" bonuses, let's add the 900 000 from above, I dont even get to 2 millions !
So, is the highest score just a joke, or is there something we still don't know about scoring ? (just asking, btw I'm not really a "score whore")

This was Professor Hydeux talking to you ! Thanx for your attention !  :D
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 08:14:34 am by Hydeux »

Offline flash

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Reply #125 on: July 17, 2009, 09:01:05 am
Oh, you have found my subtile ploy to remain at the top of the highscore...

Either that, or I accidently added one too many zeroes? ;)

I will fix this at some point, and I also thought of something I may add to the game so good players can get even higher scores.

The downside is that a new version means the loss of game save and scores - oh!

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Offline spacefractal

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Reply #126 on: July 17, 2009, 11:07:22 am
Even with the change and only that change, I see no problems to do that, since exists players dosent need to update that game and still keep the scores.

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Offline Kaspal

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Reply #127 on: July 17, 2009, 03:43:02 pm
Oh, you have found my subtile ploy to remain at the top of the highscore...

Either that, or I accidently added one too many zeroes? ;)

I will fix this at some point, and I also thought of something I may add to the game so good players can get even higher scores.

The downside is that a new version means the loss of game save and scores - oh!

i wouldnt mind to lose the scores, if the gameplay its improved.

i'd love to see the level 16 givin you the bonus points the other levels do, i'd love to see the final boss givin you a good reward for takin him down quick and some more stuff like that...

so yeah, i really wouldt mind to see a new version with those "fixes".

Offline Kaspal

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Reply #128 on: July 17, 2009, 03:45:44 pm
Even with the change and only that change, I see no problems to do that, since exists players dosent need to update that game and still keep the scores.

that change could not affect the FAT version, but for us using the EFS version, it surely will screw the save state and the scores.

Offline Kaspal

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Reply #129 on: July 17, 2009, 03:48:02 pm
There's an easy way to make it a bit harder : the player should keep his lifebar (or what's remaining of it !) after level 16. That 16th level and its boss are quite easy, but with an already damaged lifebar facing the final boss would be a little more challenging.

And talking about the highest score in ranking : 7.500.000 by Flash (who's obviously a big liar !  :-\)
- The total base destruct gives you a bonus : (number of the level x 7500)
- So if you get that bonus in all levels, you got : (1 x 7500) + (2 x 7500) + ... + (15 x 7500) (yep : no bonus after level 16 !)
- That is : 7500 x (1+2+3+...+15), which is 7500 x 120 which gives : 900 000 points.

My best play is around 950 000 (mental mode, complete run) but with already 3 or 4 "total base destruct" bonuses, let's add the 900 000 from above, I dont even get to 2 millions !

So, is the highest score just a joke, or is there something we still don't know about scoring ? (just asking, btw I'm not really a "score whore")

This was Professor Hydeux talking to you ! Thanx for your attention !  :D

i kinda think there's sometihng hiden. maybe you should try to pass a level w/o firing until you get to the boss?... ot did i just give you another idea to add to the game?

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Reply #130 on: July 17, 2009, 04:24:25 pm

Doing a new EFS version will erase all highs and saves - there is nothing I can do there :(

Level 16 does now give you the bonus's at the end of level, after the big boss fight.
The top highscore is now fixed.

I will be just having a play for a bit and will let you know when we have a new version to download.

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Offline Hydeux

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Reply #131 on: July 17, 2009, 04:58:20 pm
quite surprised : I thought you were working on an "useless and in no way as good as a shmup detective game"  :D
So what's new : two players mode + 5 loops + chain bonus system + online ranking + loads of secondary weapons ? Can't wait ! (would you have a date ? today maybe ?)

How comes having a new release will erase the old one ?

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Reply #132 on: July 17, 2009, 05:15:27 pm
Just a few little fixes really..

The EFS version stores all the highscores within the nds file itself. This has a benefit that if you pass your warhawkDS.nds file to a friend, he will have your scores to beat... Downside is that any new version replaces the data :(

We will be starting our next projects fairly soon.. HK has some programing he needs to catch up on first and I have a non-code related project that I must finish first - then, full steam ahead..

I have done a few mods to the game that will add a bit to it.. ;) There is now a way to get an 8,888 point bonus on most levels and a little easter egg (for a giggle)
Is there anything that could be added? I don't want to add a chain bonus system as this is getting a bit further away from the original, but.. any ideas?
Oh, also made level 32 big boss a little harder (full energy).
I did not want to do anything else than release v1.0... but... we have now got v1.01 and i wanted to sort the highscore table out, so this (for EFS at least) requires v1.02.. So, seeing i was doing that, Perhaps a few more mods will help? And hopefully this will be the final build?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 05:49:39 pm by Flash »

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Offline Hydeux

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Reply #133 on: July 17, 2009, 05:56:34 pm
I don't want to add a chain bonus system
I was joking of course !
I wasn't complaining or asking anything btw !
'told you : the game's great ! (but a little greater can't be refused !)

My English is kinda tired, what do you call "easter egg", does it mean a joke ? (I'm pretty sure it's not an egg you would offer me at Easter ... or will you ?)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 05:59:54 pm by Hydeux »

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Reply #134 on: July 17, 2009, 06:02:21 pm
I know you were joking mate..

An "easter egg" is something hidden in software that does something special when activated, except you are not told how to activate it - it is a secret!

But, really, any little things that may add a bit to it are welcomed!

Also, what is your highest score? I will stick you at the top of the highscore table for the next release for people to beat (and what name to you put in)?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 06:04:34 pm by Flash »

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Offline Hydeux

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Reply #135 on: July 17, 2009, 06:10:32 pm
(Thanx for the explanation)
But, really, any little things that may add a bit to it are welcomed!
Nothing more to add than what I've already mentioned... (don't even know now if making Mental mode a second loop is a good idea : the game would become quiiite long, which is probably not a good idea for a handheld game...)

Also, what is your highest score? I will stick you at the top of the highscore table for the next release for people to beat.
You mean MY score ? (or is my English so tired ??)
Well, I would be honored ! but halas my highest score hasn't been improved since last time : 959 870...
(just realised : if you're not talking about me, well : I know I'm ridiculous !)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 06:10:56 pm by Hydeux »

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Reply #136 on: July 17, 2009, 06:13:31 pm
Yes, I was talking about you LOL

959,870.. and what name do you put in? (seeing as it can only be five letters)

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Offline Hydeux

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Reply #137 on: July 17, 2009, 06:18:54 pm
Let's drop the x, Hydeu will do.

Man : I loved your game, but now I got to love YOU !  :D
(Many Thanks to you, really !)

Offline Kaspal

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Reply #138 on: July 17, 2009, 06:29:59 pm
Yes, I was talking about you LOL

959,870.. and what name do you put in? (seeing as it can only be five letters)

IM SO JEALOUS!!!.. i wish i was offered such a honor! T_T

anyway, since the game already have everything you wished for it, i think one adition to it (since bombs would ruin the experience) would be:

1) in the regular mode, map autofire to a button (not really needed but...)...
2) make the stones destructible, but give them a huge ammount of health... actually, make everything that is indestructible right now, the option to be destroyed, but you have to REALLY want to destroy it to do so... and if you do, you could rake some obsene ammount of points
3) if you actually implement the 2nd point, then it be good to add certain items that if you destroy them, actually hurt your score ;)

... just some random ideas.

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Reply #139 on: July 17, 2009, 06:43:52 pm
Actually, the meteors are already destructable.

You can only destroy them with 2 power shots. When you do, they give you a boost to your energy! This is not much help if you have the powerup though LOL

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Offline Hydeux

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Reply #140 on: July 17, 2009, 06:45:01 pm
1) in the regular mode, map autofire to a button (not really needed but...)...
Wouldn't that mean losing the c64 feeling ? (only 1 fire button..) And I actually like the way it is : either you don't use the stone trick because you got the power up (so you GOT to be good !) or you have to time things well to end your power up during the stone field !

Offline Kaspal

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Reply #141 on: July 17, 2009, 07:13:51 pm
Actually, the meteors are already destructable.

You can only destroy them with 2 power shots. When you do, they give you a boost to your energy! This is not much help if you have the powerup though LOL

maybe i've been playing mental mode too much, cuz i dont remember the meteors to be destructible, at least, not in that mode... in that mode you can delay their passing on screen by shooting at them (used strategically, can give you some good things)... bu ti really dont remember them being destrucitble.

and about the autofire remap... it was just a suggestion hehe.

Offline Hydeux

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Reply #142 on: July 17, 2009, 08:02:18 pm
When do you think this new release will be availlable ? (just to know if I may go to bed, or if it's worth staying awake !)

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Reply #143 on: July 17, 2009, 08:15:00 pm
It will be a day or two...

I need to pass it with HK to make sure it is ok and he likes the additions - and he is a little busy at the moment.

Coding for the love of it!

Offline Kaspal

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Reply #144 on: July 17, 2009, 08:19:18 pm
i can wait... so, dont rush it if you dont have to.

Offline Hydeux

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Reply #145 on: July 17, 2009, 10:41:29 pm
(Don't know if it's still time but...)
Well I know I was suppose to go to bed, but as obviously people are gonna see my score (thanx once again) I felt like I had to improve it a little, or at least get over the million, which is done now : 1.281.548 in mental mode. It's actually quite hard to destroy all bases after level 10 !

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Reply #146 on: July 17, 2009, 10:59:35 pm
Sadly too late on the score - though BLOODY impressive mate. My Highest in Mental is 996,384!! (god! - MUST do better)... Also, I did not want the highest score so high that it would be too hard to attain. Though, in the new version the big boss gives a score on destruct and also level 16 now gives a level complete score, and... hunters can now give 8,888 points IF you can shoot them all without touching them - harder than it sounds - trust me!! LOL
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 11:00:31 pm by Flash »

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Reply #147 on: July 17, 2009, 11:36:17 pm
Wow.. Just hit 1000 hits! LOL

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Offline Sokurah

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Reply #148 on: July 17, 2009, 11:54:20 pm
1000 hits? - is that page hits or downloads?

Offline flash

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Reply #149 on: July 18, 2009, 12:17:21 am
Well... er.... um...

Page hits...

But... That is still much more than 10....


Oh... Shut up!!!


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