Warhawk DS Release

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Reply #90 on: July 12, 2009, 06:00:05 pm
nice stories here to hear....

anyway, so i've beaten the game, in normal mode, and managed to get to level 8 of mental mode with one life... i have to say that I LOVE MENTAL MODE. yeah, its harder, but when you start with autofire, and full speed on, you get used to it faster, and the game feels more frantic from the start... you just have to keep your shield up all the tme.

great job guys... if you make another one, i'll drop you some bux (i'll buy the damn thing as if it was a retail game) to show some support.

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Reply #91 on: July 12, 2009, 06:21:33 pm
Maybe you should try the original c64 version on an emulator.  ;D

I can't believe you got that far on one life. I've only reached level 9 on one life. You really must be a shmup god  8)  Respect!

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Reply #92 on: July 12, 2009, 07:09:45 pm
I got to level14 on one life last night and stupidly died via boss and screwed my score, byebye shooting all the bases and stuff.  :'(
Funny thing is that every time I play now I notice some new ships that I couldn't see before being concentrated on avoiding bullets. It's like, 'hhey, that little one looks like a coat hanger, never saw you before, cool'.

EDIT: forgot to say, yeah, they'll probably make another shmup, that 'detective' game is just a codename for 'Warhawk II-Revengious Shmupius Satanius 45'
« Last Edit: July 12, 2009, 07:12:33 pm by Lobo »

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Reply #93 on: July 12, 2009, 07:12:49 pm
I thought it was a coat hanger? LOL

ps... Has anyone seen this post (feel free to flame the twat who wrote the comment)


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Reply #94 on: July 12, 2009, 07:22:24 pm
Just saw it, so basically what he/it is saying is:

AMAZING (game)/ (but I AM) CRAPP
DONT DOWNLOUD THIS (IF you're brainless like me) IT BROKE MY R4 (because I have no clue whatsoever ) ITS A (better Mouse) TRAP
I CAN'T EVAN OPEN MY DS GAME FILE (Cause proper spelling is not my thing) TO DELETE IT IT BROKE MY MICRO SD (cause my fingernails haven't been trimmed in ages) IT BROKE MY MATES M3 (who is as dumb as I am) AND HIS TTDS (cause dumbness is effectively inherited from friend to friend).

DONT GET THIS GAME PLEASE! (If you are as twat as I am not to know that there is NO guarantees of any kind with any homebrew and it's up to you to risk your shoddy equipment made for pirating in the first place when playing homebrew).

There, that's what he meant to say but got carried away, y'know  ;).

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Reply #95 on: July 12, 2009, 07:30:51 pm
You make things so clear and eloquent oh wondrous Lobo!! :)

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Reply #96 on: July 12, 2009, 07:38:32 pm
Thanx, I felt the sudden urge to fix his 3rd grade paper so he can pass the class instead of getting F.  Now how about that CD and stuff with complimentary video?  8)

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Reply #97 on: July 12, 2009, 07:49:25 pm
LOL - Yeah, must get to work on the video..

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Offline Kaspal

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Reply #98 on: July 12, 2009, 09:13:07 pm
is there a way we could create new levels for the game, and make some kinda "sequel" now?... i'd love to see longer levels (the ones that are right now, are cool and all, but short!!!), homming missiles, laser beams and all that stuff...

im no ASM coder, never EVER made a game for NDS, but i know how to create some patterns on C++ (i have a shmup made by myself... i need to finish it thou... but i hand-made the patterns thru some scripting and C++ code).

i'd really love to see another game like this from you guys, with some more "new era" shmup stuff.

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Reply #99 on: July 12, 2009, 09:52:43 pm
so i've downloaded the WANK editor... duuuuuuuuuuuuuude!... what a great tool!... the only thing lacking (not really), is a window in which you can see your patterns in action, so if you dont quite like'em the way you put them at 1st, you can tweak them some more...

now, i REALLY want a sequel of this game, and i'd gladly contribute with some levels and patterns...

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Reply #100 on: July 12, 2009, 10:07:07 pm
There is always a possibiliy that we may do a Warhawk 2... I would love to do another SHMUP, but to do so on the DS, I think we would junk most of what we have done and start afresh using what we have learnt to make something even better.. Who knows..

HeadKaze and I have a couple of (non SHMUP) projects we want to work on and then we (hopefully) have some commercial work we would like to investigate. But, there is always a chance that at this stage we may play on the DS as relief from other projects, perhaps a sideline? I really cannot say!

There was a lot of things mentioned in the Diary relating to things that would have been "cool" to add to Warhawk, but we decided that if we were remaking Warhawk then we should stay fairly close to the original game and just make it more of a "re-imagining" of the game. So, there is always a chance we may do something - we have both learnt a lots in the past few months and will hopefully learn even more from our other projects.

HeadKaze did pm me the other day with the question of making a FAT version of Warhawk that allowed people to use WANK to edit/create attack waves for all the levels. This is something that HeadKaze may look into a bit more? But, it would be far too much work at this stage to add "attack wave" previews to WANK.. Though I could easily document the curve system that Warhawk uses?

Again, Who knows ;)

And thanks so much for your interest in the game... You do us proud!

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Offline Kaspal

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Reply #101 on: July 12, 2009, 10:20:44 pm
hello... thx for your reply.

i know it'd be a lotta work to add a preview to WANK, i just said it would be THE SHIT if it had it. now, a document of how to use it would be great... i saw a lotta things there, but since i just had a peek on it, i didnt really understand shit.

about the chance to "open" the FAT version... you're "forcing me" to get a DS emulator if that happens... that would open quite a lot of things for this game.

too bad (for me) that you need to concentrate in your other projects, cuz what i would really love is to see another shmup project from you guys.

anyways, if HeadKaze is thinkin what you said, please, ask him to add the preview option to the editor... (im ok with the docs, but, lke i said (and i understand thats a lotta added work), the preview would be better) if he can.

anyway... thank you for such outstanding piece of work here.

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Reply #102 on: July 12, 2009, 10:31:39 pm
I really dont think there is a way to add a proper attack wave preview.. It is my fault as the code to move the attackwaves is very DS centric and to translate that to WANK would be a lot of work.. Not that HK could not do it, his C skills are without reproach.. But.. For me to find a way to translate the attack wave update code into a form that would be able to implimented in WANK is a major task for both of us, and this is time that we really need to be able to use for new projects. The Attack wave format uses a curve system that relies on anchor points and curves based on acceleration in given directions.. it would be a nightmare..
Though, using an emu (as i did) to construct the attack waves is a lot easier than it sounds.

I am fairly sure we will play with a shmup on the ds at some stage.. but it could be a long wait i am afraid.

We have 2 other projects for the DS that are both "re-imaginings" of earlier games and a different format. Hopefully we can add a bit of magic to them in the same way...

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Reply #103 on: July 12, 2009, 11:29:45 pm
We would also always be interested to see what you are working on.

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Offline Hydeux

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Reply #104 on: July 13, 2009, 08:31:20 pm
Just 1cc the normal game, with 896 557 points.
I, if you let me speak my mind, still have some questions about this AWESOME game (I repeat : one of the best DS shmups !)

- Why is Mental mode a separate mode ???? Why didn't you make a second loop of it ? Was it because the original game (not tried that one yet...) had no second loop ?

- How comes that level 16 has no bonus points at the end of it ? I was longing for my million !  ;)

- What is, at the end of each stage, the "total base desruct" bonus ? Does that mean you got bonus if all the ground bases are destructed (well... probably...) and does that bonus explain the HUGE gap between my score here and the first score on the leaderboard (Flash : 7 500 000 !!!) ?

I usually don't play hard, or here "mental", mode but actually, it doesn't seem THAT mental, I'll give it a try ! (the big part will probably be the last boss, with a whole lifebar this time I assume...)

I'll write tomorow a review of the game for our French site, I'll of course give you a link to it, but maybe you don't speak a single word of French...  :-[
Thanx again for this great game !

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Reply #105 on: July 13, 2009, 08:48:25 pm

Mental mode was an afterthought. The original game only had 10 levels and repeated with the bullets getting faster. We decided to add another 6 levels and give poor Lobo a chance to design their layout. Then when all the attack waves were done we thought it may be nice to do slightly enhanced versions of the original 16 levels. Lobo then designed level 32 with new sprites, so that ended up a heavier modification of level 16. So, we then decided to add this as a special treat to give the game a little more longevity.

Level 16, being the last we decided that the fact that you completed the game was enough. Originally this did go to the completion, but then HK had the idea of a massive boss, so i shoved that in and, well... ok... we forgot to add the bonus count back.. LOL.. no excuse, but it was tidyier to go to big boss battle and completion.

"Total base destruct" is exactly what you summise. This is also the way you could get over a million in normal mode.. If you can destroy all bases in one level, you get a large bonus that also increases the higher the level

Mental mode does get quite a bit harder. The mental bit is really the continuous fire and the addition of some new attack waves. I thought personally levels 10-16 got a bit tricky. One thing we did not want to do was kill the play appeal for the casual gamer by making it too hard. Hopefully it is a marriage between old school and casual. It is a tough thing to balance and something I spent over 3 weeks trying to achieve.. I hope I came close.

I would love to read your review when you write it :) good or bad... Everything is a learning process and coding for the DS was certainly one for both of us!

« Last Edit: July 14, 2009, 09:07:17 am by Flash »

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Offline Kaspal

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Reply #106 on: July 13, 2009, 10:57:07 pm
thx for the tips... i think now i know how to go over a million, since i got over 900.000 on mental mode, starting from level 6 til the end with one life (so i guess its safe to assume that i can get well over a million if i strt from level 1)... but with that tip, i need to get practicing.

and again, Mental mode its supposed to be the harder mode, but imho, the regular mode its harder, because of the lack of autofire and slow ship movement... at least for me it is.

i agree that the game should allow you to play the 32 levels straight up... but the way it is right now, is cool too, so no worries here.

We should make a high score thread for this game... in which everyone posts his best score, with a pic proving it (or a video of the run... i woulndt post a video, but still...).  what do you guys think?

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Reply #107 on: July 13, 2009, 11:35:45 pm
I never really intended to have the mental mode a lot harder, just a bit more mental.. Though it does get harder in the last few levels. Bear in mind, you are now "Warhawk Elite" :)

It would be great to have "confirmed" highscores. Not sure how this could be implemented really.. Though you are welcome to post your best from level 1 (mental or normal)

Would like to know how high you can get!

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Reply #108 on: July 14, 2009, 09:06:19 am
CNN reports that the game called WarhawkDS has hidden satanic messages embedded such as'buy me a beer'...'beer'...and 'mo' beer'.....

« Last Edit: July 14, 2009, 09:06:42 am by Flash »

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Offline Hydeux

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Reply #109 on: July 14, 2009, 02:42:49 pm
I've written a review of the game for the French site Shmup.com: http://www.shmup.com/index.php?page=fiche&id=1283
Well if you don't speak French, I tried to tell people that despite its (quite good but not realy "up to date") 80's style and the fact that it's far from the actual standards, the game is an absolute must-play and it's one of the best shmups on DS because the major rule is respected : it's a lot of fun to save the Universe !

@ Flash : yeah, I'd seen your answer, thanx !

Offline Kaspal

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Reply #110 on: July 14, 2009, 04:19:02 pm
last night, before sleep, i gave the game another go... just to try and make a good score.

made it to level 12, on Mental mode, trying to maximize my score with the given tip... and got an score of

831.000 points, missing the bonus of total destruction on levels 5, 10 and 11.

when i have sometime toight, im gonna give it another go and try to beat the million points... its not that hard, but missing that bonus (that its not that huge, but helps) makes the game harder, since you're prone to make more mistakes.

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Reply #111 on: July 14, 2009, 06:14:57 pm
I've written a review of the game for the French site Shmup.com: http://www.shmup.com/index.php?page=fiche&id=1283

Thanks for such a great review :)

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Reply #112 on: July 14, 2009, 07:08:36 pm
Thanks for such a great game :)

Offline Kaspal

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Reply #113 on: July 14, 2009, 08:49:59 pm
i see flowers flying all over the thread...

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Reply #114 on: July 14, 2009, 08:51:31 pm

Perhaps we should all duck!?

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Offline Kaspal

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Reply #115 on: July 14, 2009, 09:34:38 pm
hehe... maybe so?... i've been dodgin bullets lately, so i guess it should be a natural reflex.

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Reply #116 on: July 14, 2009, 10:43:54 pm
You should be ducking and weaving like a........ thing that ducks and weaves... whatever that is?

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Offline BaDToaD

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Reply #117 on: July 16, 2009, 08:20:06 am
Howard the duck with a loom?

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Reply #118 on: July 16, 2009, 08:20:50 am
Could well be, how perceptive... LOL

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Reply #119 on: July 16, 2009, 10:25:42 am
1cc the Mental mode, with 959 870. (quite hard to get the "total base bonus" !)

I'd say the Mental mode is even better ! Just a bit more difficult, but maybe more "homogeneous" as you always have auto fire & speed up. And nice surprises at the end !

Have I already mentioned this game's great ?  :D