Warhawk DS Release

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Reply #30 on: July 09, 2009, 08:33:05 pm

i'd like to say i love your game, but sadly, all i've seen from it are pix... because, every method i've tried, just doesnt work.

i've formatted my MicroSD, in FAT32 and FAT16, dont work.
i've tried the 2 loading methods of DSOrganizer, and none of them boots (the mighty method drops a message that says that somehow, the file could not be read).

thing is, every other homebrew (like Tyrian and TouhouDS) works, and this one, just doesnt.

last thing im gonna try (and that's something i dont like doing) is upgrade the FW of the cart and see if it works... but im not gettin my hopes up.

please, if you find a way (i know you can), to make it boot, please do so... i really wanna play this one (im a shmup ho'), but so far, only pix is all i0ve got.

All i can say is... "we are working on it"

You should not need a firmware upgrade.

We will post as soon as we have news.

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Offline Kaspal

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Reply #31 on: July 09, 2009, 09:14:23 pm
thank you for your support...

i've tried again, with a FW update for the EZ5 (2.0 RC3), and well, its not working. i guess im gonna have to wait some more.

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Reply #32 on: July 09, 2009, 11:09:34 pm

We have issolated the problem on other cards.. Much as i would love to say "buy a better card", we can fix it!!

So, please hang tight... It will be sorted in the next 24 hours - hopefully!!

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Offline Lobo

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Reply #33 on: July 09, 2009, 11:38:11 pm
Hehe, good thing I've downloaded this before cause the download page on headkaze is '509-bandwidth exceeded.'  :P
Anyway, most people will get it on other places that will serve them locally but just for the future reference-get bandwidth!  :D

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Reply #34 on: July 09, 2009, 11:58:16 pm
Did you not realise it was a limited offer?


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Offline headkaze

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Reply #35 on: July 09, 2009, 11:59:19 pm
I've had the website up a week and already gone over my monthly bandwidth allowance. I am now moving hosts!

Offline Lobo

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Reply #36 on: July 10, 2009, 12:02:20 am
Hehe, yep, yer getting popular by the minute!  8)
It would be cool to know just how many dload hits Warhawk had so far (I personally bet 12, 1 is mine)!!

Offline Kaspal

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Reply #37 on: July 10, 2009, 12:09:54 am
i downloaded it twice (one the reg one and the FAT one)

Offline headkaze

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Reply #38 on: July 10, 2009, 12:34:49 am
Should have the website transferred over to the new host soon (one with unlimited bandwith) :)

Offline Lobo

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Reply #39 on: July 10, 2009, 01:59:44 am
Excellent, may I use it to store my pr..I mean, educational material?  :-*
Also, can imagine now Flash sweating to fix the problems with about 89000 different cards out there, hehe.
You alive their mate, is it working on that SuperfrickinCard?  :P

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Reply #40 on: July 10, 2009, 02:17:26 am
We have discovered what the problem is and it's because some cards seem to need more working RAM. We assume it's because some loaders take up more RAM. Unfortunately we are not exactly sure what we can do to solve it as all the main level graphics are already compressed. We have tested on the two main problem cards and have them working so as soon as we can come up with a way to reduce the size of data in working RAM we know it will work. We need to save about 500k.

Were hoping that we can move some of audio samples to the attached ROM area. So hopefully by tomorrow we can get more time to work on it as we spent most of tonight working out exactly how much room we needed.

Also the good news is most of the website has been moved to the new domain. I'm still getting an error saying "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" but aparently in other parts of the world the new domain redirection has already propagated. Still uploading the website though as well so there are probably broken links still. We will get there!  ;)

Offline Kaspal

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Reply #41 on: July 10, 2009, 03:37:29 am
hope you find a way of fixing that problem. dont really know how much ram the loader of my cart takes, but i can assure you that with the latest version, it runs WAY faster than before (and it never was really slow, not for me anyway)...

with that version of the loader, regular roms works as usual, but now i cant get DSOrganize to run (it shows the startup screen and FREEZESS)... dont know why but anyway...

in your game's case, its something like that, just that is not an actual screen of your game, but the loader's screen that is been shown in a glitchy way.

anyho', hope you can fix it soon, cuz im itching to play it... and since i have an actual DSL, i dont wanna resort to emulators.

Offline Lobo

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Reply #42 on: July 10, 2009, 03:39:28 am
Err..guys, seems like I might have screwupthetransparencyherewithicon, try this one instead while you're updating.  ;D

Offline spacefractal

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Reply #43 on: July 10, 2009, 05:05:50 am
many host is not unlimieted, even it say that on the homepage. Typical downloads is not allowered when follow the rules, so unlimithed bandwidth is typical limited unlimted bandwidth (which I hate that term, which many host use in Denmark). How much bandwidth do you have?

You might need to allow mirrors to avoid the problem and begin to link to these mirrors. I could create some one in the while. I have 250gb bandwidth on my host (micfo) and only use few gb yet.

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Offline flash

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Reply #44 on: July 10, 2009, 07:14:21 am
I have unlimited bandwidth on this host and have exceded what many would call "fair use" by huge amounts with no problems. So, it depends on how strict a host is and this host is a loose as Jenna Jameson's lady lips!

So, hopefully all will be ok with the downloads now (the site is back)

Now, all we have to do is reallocate the working ram in the rom... :(

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Offline BaDToaD

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Reply #45 on: July 10, 2009, 08:57:55 am
Just a thought. Would a quick fix be to do a version with lower quality eg 22k not 44k sounds. Or even a version without the new speech that may have been the straw that broke the camels back?

Alternatively just ignore me ;) LOL

Offline flash

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Reply #46 on: July 10, 2009, 09:04:30 am
Lowering sound quality for FX is not possible as they are 11khz already. Removing the speech will shave 300 odd k off, so not enough sadly...

But, don't panic.. Thy will be done!!!

(Why cant everyone have r4's, CycloDS and AK2i's :) )

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Offline Kaspal

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Reply #47 on: July 10, 2009, 09:15:22 am
Lowering sound quality for FX is not possible as they are 11khz already. Removing the speech will shave 300 odd k off, so not enough sadly...

But, don't panic.. Thy will be done!!!

(Why cant everyone have r4's, CycloDS and AK2i's :) )

i dont like R4's even tho they were (??) the ones that came out 1st (dont really remebre that).
dont have a CycloDS, cuz i havent seen one around here... and am happy with my EZ5 (never failed me b4)
AceKard2... same as CycloDS...

so... if you want me to betatest or something, lemme knwo hehe (seriously tho, im a pro beta tester).

Offline flash

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Reply #48 on: July 10, 2009, 09:24:25 am
That would be handy..

It will be later today that we may make some headway...  (work permitting)

Fingers crossed!!

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Offline Hydeux

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Reply #49 on: July 10, 2009, 03:35:58 pm
This game is amazing !!!, one of the best shmups on DS, along with Ketsui, Space Invaders Extreme 2, and Geometry Wars !!!

- Massive sprites, loads of bullets, really fast (from level 3 !) and still not a single sec' of slowdown !
- estheticaly (is that proper English ? sorry if it's not !) it's great, with a really good 80's feeling. (Star Force, Star Soldier, etc...)
- the gameplay is really nervous (but, well, with the auto-fire/speed-up option, no way to "concentrate" the shot anymore  :-[)

And it's said on the title screen that Warhawk is the first game, tell me the others are gonna be shmups !!!!!
(is the story about one guy going away with the money true ?)

Thank you for such a good game !!!!!
(got to 1cc it now !)

EDIT : who's the bald guy talking after each stage ?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 03:49:31 pm by Hydeux »

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Reply #50 on: July 10, 2009, 04:04:54 pm
Thanks for the great comments :)

The game is Mine and HeadKaze's first game together, and also HeadKaze's first completed game. For some reason we thought it would be a challenge to code the whole game in Assembler... Yes, we are loonies :)

Oh, the mans head is Anton LaVey (google him), he had to be the evil nemesis - Lobo told us!! LOL

Yes, it is true about the royalties from the original in 1986... :( So, this it's free, and that way it cannot happen again!

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Reply #51 on: July 10, 2009, 04:20:14 pm
Thanx for yours answers ! (Anton Lavey :  :D)

If you allow me to use some of your screenshots, I'd like to make, in the week to come, a detailed review for the French site http://www.shmup.com/.

and : any idea about your next game ?

Offline flash

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Reply #52 on: July 10, 2009, 04:26:29 pm
Feel free to grab the screens and whatever else you want.

The next 2 games will not be shmups, sorry!

One is a detective game, and the other is i reimagining of an old platform game.. ;)

But, these will be a while yet as we both need a little break from coding once the final problems with Warhawk are sorted..

ps. let me know if you clear all 16 levels?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 04:27:16 pm by Flash »

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Reply #53 on: July 10, 2009, 04:30:33 pm
Feel free to grab the screens and whatever else you want.
Thanx a lot !

ps. let me know if you clear all 16 levels?
I will !

Offline Kaspal

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Reply #54 on: July 10, 2009, 08:04:56 pm
Thanx a lot !
I will !

i for sure will clear even the 32 levels... like i said, im a shmup ho', and like to play my games til the very end... and if possible, 1CC them (in some cases, its just impossible for my skills... but at least i try!).

Offline bootlegger

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Reply #55 on: July 10, 2009, 08:11:20 pm
stonkin' game and much kudos to you for writing it in asm!  8)
I can not get the music to play, but everything else seems fine.
I have a GBAMP.  Have tried both fat and efs versions.  Have used
dragonmindeds dsorganisor(both launch methods), dskiosk, and
direct boot of game only, but non of the methods help.
In game sounds work though, its just the streaming music.
Have also tried defrag.

Using dragonmindeds dsorganisor normal launch method did affect
the in game sound effects which stopped working, but all other
methods resulted in ingame sounds.
Hope that helps debugging somehow.

Looking forward to a patch.....keep up the grea work.

PS is there a cheat mode? I'm struggling o get past level 3!  :(

Offline flash

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Reply #56 on: July 10, 2009, 08:27:21 pm
stonkin' game and much kudos to you for writing it in asm!  8)
I can not get the music to play, but everything else seems fine.
I have a GBAMP.  Have tried both fat and efs versions.  Have used
dragonmindeds dsorganisor(both launch methods), dskiosk, and
direct boot of game only, but non of the methods help.
In game sounds work though, its just the streaming music.
Have also tried defrag.

Using dragonmindeds dsorganisor normal launch method did affect
the in game sound effects which stopped working, but all other
methods resulted in ingame sounds.
Hope that helps debugging somehow.

Looking forward to a patch.....keep up the grea work.

PS is there a cheat mode? I'm struggling o get past level 3!  :(

The audio issue relates to how the audio is stored, the GBA Movie Player sadly does not support this.. We were hoping the FAT release would help! :( Hopefully we can find a solution...

oh, yes there is a cheat! :)

Level 3 is the first tough level... It is also the level that introduces the powerup.. The best method is to keep the powerup active at all times and try to stay central.. the second wave of large aliens should miss you if you are directly in the middle.. Levels 4 and 5 are easier...
« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 08:30:05 pm by Flash »

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Offline Kaspal

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Reply #57 on: July 10, 2009, 08:31:19 pm
The audio issue relates to how the audio is stored, the GBA Movie Player sadly does not support this.. We were hoping the FAT release would help! :( Hopefully we can find a solution...

oh, yes there is a cheat! :)

i hope you dont leak the cheat code just yet... the cool thing about shmups is that you have to try again and again and again to master the beast, so that further levels are NOT as hard as they used to, when you didnt have enough skill.

it worked with me in countless shmups... i know it will work with this one too (Eg. i wasnt able to get past the 8th boss of _Ketsui DS on Death Label mode, and now, i get to doom with relative ease... just need to train some more to get past him).

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Reply #58 on: July 10, 2009, 08:38:25 pm
i hope you dont leak the cheat code just yet... the cool thing about shmups is that you have to try again and again and again to master the beast, so that further levels are NOT as hard as they used to, when you didnt have enough skill.

it worked with me in countless shmups... i know it will work with this one too (Eg. i wasnt able to get past the 8th boss of _Ketsui DS on Death Label mode, and now, i get to doom with relative ease... just need to train some more to get past him).

The cheat mode stays secret for quite a while yet - no worries there!!

I can get to level 13 on a single play... But, not sure why i die on 13, it is quite an easy level - complacency I suppose
« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 08:39:02 pm by Flash »

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Reply #59 on: July 10, 2009, 08:55:21 pm
Talking of Warhawk (again)

Has anyone visited this site... I had a chat with the mod a long time ago and gave him a little bit of history, he has replicated it (minus the libelious stuff) pretty well...

The Bird Sanctuary

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