flash · 190432
Hi folks !first post here 'cause I'm interested in playing Warhawk and make a review of it on http://www.shmup.com/ (best shmup related French site you'll ever find ) BUT : I can't get this to work !I've put the .nds file on my m3 real, black screen with "DLDI compatible..." and "loading"... but nothing more...I of course have the last firmware, and I've already been playing other homebrews like TouhouDS for instance...Any idea of what I'm doing wrong ?Thanx for your answers !
Don't works on SuperCard DS one
Thanx for your answer anyway !Keep on the good work, i'll try Warhawk on an emulator then, and check later wether this issue is corrected.
ps. Nice site you have!
This game's GREAT !!!!!(more details later )
Can you let us know if the EFS version runs from DSOrganise or is it just the FAT version?