My third remark: Seasaw Circus (WIP, Need graphics help)

spacefractal · 13728

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I was told by Flash and HeadKaze to release some of my games and one of them is early and choice to keep this into one post.

First of all I was doing a little remark of the circus game, but got stuck due the graphics, so I didn't finish the game (which really only missing the hiscore), but can finish it really quickly since the gameplay does work as it should. The game would include the source code as well (Open Source). If any would help me, the background need to been support both widescreen (eventually with side borders) as well 4:3 screens.

Yes I known there is a spelling in the name, but I dedicated to keep it, since it would called a name of a circus as well and works very well.

NB. I have also 2 other finished games (created soon in own thread): Space Taxi ( and Cheeky Mouse DX ( My most popular game is howover a danish only 12 dice Yahtzee game, which was wrote in php. More about these in their own thread.


Freeware with Blitz Max source code included.
No warranty.

Version 2.0 Beta 2
- Second Release (see source code for changes)

 - A Little remark from a old arcade game by Exidy (you can find the Rom's on MAME site).
 - Since it a version 2.0, This because I (Space Fractal) have created a java version,
  of the same name. I do have renamed this game to "Seesaw Circus" for easier search.
 - A 100% cabinet friendly game without any onscreen config or such (config.ini).
 - This game is released as GNU and hence all source code is included.

 - Mouse, Spinner (X axis only)
  If you press LEFT BUTTON to start a new game, the game autochange the control to
  the mouse and disable joystick in that game. LEFT BUTTON is used to switch side on
  your seesaw.

 - Analog Joystick (A harder game):
  If you press any JOYSTICK BUTTON to start a new game, that button would been auto
  assigned as your switch button to turn around your seesaw (and disable the mouse).
  The game does also auto change the joystick port, you have pressed that
  JOYSTICK BUTTON to. BTW you can play the game using PL2 analog joystick, as long
  the button is also used the port too.
   = A Perfect game, if you do not have a trackball, but have a UltraStick
    (Ultimarc) instead. Remember to change it status to analog before play.


Credits & Quit:
 - Credits and Quit is assigned to same key as the arcade emulator MAME does.
  "5" to add one credit (as default, changeable)
  "6" to add two credits (as default, changeable)
  ESCAPE to QUIT directly (but save hiscore etc).
  These keys are NOT remmap able, but since these are so called M.A.M.E (TM) defaults,
  you should have no problems to fit it on your M.A.M.E. cab.
  PL1 Start is NOT used on this game, hence it can autochange MOUSE / JOYSTICK mode.
 Open config.ini in your notepad application and change to feed your need. There are
 description, what they does.
Released to:
 Build Your Own Arcade Controls (

Changes Since First version (taken directly from source code):

'     - Hiscore now works fully.
'     - Retouched sprites to hires graphics, but keep the retro.
'     - Possisible to add own graphics as a new skin.
'     - Changed the logo, but could been better (but works in classic skin).
'     - Added a widescreen option in config.ini.
'     - More forgivement collection detection of the seesaw middle.
'     - A Enhanced graphics mode (why I created possible for skins).
'     - Enhached Graphics mode (as long with the classic mode).
'     - Better hiscore inserting, but works fine.
'     - Sound FX.

Best Regards by
Space Fractal
« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 12:56:20 pm by spacefractal »

The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.

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Reply #1 on: March 12, 2009, 09:11:39 am
It would been nice to have a colorfull clowns, mightbeen two different (a women and a man) and have a nice background and new balloons. I might need to tweak the game to suit eventually the new graphics and might been new music for it (its a circus game... so it use circus music here, howover it a original music I use).

The most important is really the clowns, the font, balloons, seesaw and the logo. The background can been down priotity, since it is not important in this game.

By now it really just use the C64 graphics of the game (not the arcade version).

NB. If anyone want to port this to a old school or newer console, the graphics can also been used in that too (if the artist want to do that).
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 09:13:41 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #2 on: March 12, 2009, 09:17:22 am
Just had quite a play, could not clear a level though LOL, i blame it on using a laptop trackpad, well that is my excuse.

The music is a bit "mad" - like it..


Coding for the love of it!

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Reply #3 on: March 12, 2009, 09:54:12 am
The original is also even harder and not easy to hit correct (mightbeen too hard?), I do have limit how fast they can fly in the air. It best played by a trackball, but can been played by a analog joystick (digital dosent work here).

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Reply #4 on: March 12, 2009, 09:59:29 am
I only have the trackpad option here... :(

I to notice that the detection for the "middle" of the seesaw is a little tight, ie, the clown can fall near the centre (but still noticably to one side) and still die. The game would be more "instant" if the detection here was a little more relaxed?

I do wonder if puting a background to the game may distract from the gameplay?

Coding for the love of it!

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Reply #5 on: March 12, 2009, 10:11:11 am
The physics is not perfect (I think the java version is a bit better), and you can turn your seesaw by the mouse button. I look on the collision problem. I have also noticed the clown was send directly up which is not intended. The ballon collision is howover nice.

Yes you right, I think the focus of the graphics should on the foreground and not the background (which was black in the original game too).

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Reply #6 on: March 12, 2009, 10:21:12 am
could you not do something like this?

(it pulses for some reason though??)

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Reply #7 on: March 12, 2009, 10:22:11 am
I do like the clowns and balloons having the retro feel though :)

Coding for the love of it!

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Reply #8 on: March 12, 2009, 10:26:44 am
i really like the background, and a background that works both 4:3 and 16:9 screens (both high and lower resoulions). The clowns is howover taken directly from C64 and then retouced it a little bit (due the game support high resoulutions as well). But the background help a lots, even with the retro sprites. I just think the sprites could been redraw with higher resoulution and keep as they are (also the style)?

NB. Blitz Max support png alpha, but the sprites here is used black alpha, not transperany alpha (which would been better in various resoulition when scaled).
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 10:33:08 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #9 on: March 14, 2009, 12:49:26 pm
I have just release a new version...... see first post. The foreground graphics is not still in, but I think that could been use in a seperate skin with enhanced graphics (since the game can been skinned now).

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Reply #10 on: April 03, 2009, 03:57:26 am
Fun game, nice work SF :)