Warhawk DS (The Video Diary) :)

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on: March 19, 2009, 07:32:26 am
I thought it would be nice to keep all the videos together, mostly because I like the way they can be embedded in the page and thought it may keep the main thread tidier?

Any comments can be made in the main thread as usual.

PLEASE rember that these are grabs from "Emulation" and do not run as smooth as they do on hardware - which is 100% silky smooth... So, please do not post and say that the aliens are jerky or the scrolling is not smooth... it is and they are not!
« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 11:02:59 pm by Flash »

Coding for the love of it!

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Reply #1 on: March 19, 2009, 07:33:44 am
This is our first video of some gameplay, and I think we will be posting more videos rather than screenshots in the future as it better demonstrates where were headed with things. This shows some of the new bullet and boss code Flash has been working on. And yes I am working with Flash on code even if it's not always apparent. But I do take my hats off to my partner in crime who is doing some amazing work on the game mechanics which is why you will know this is Warhawk when you play it. Also we have the amazing work being done by our resident pixel pushers BadToad (who did the original art) and Lobo who is giving Warhawk a sexy new coat of paint as well as creating some great new levels. Why this random act of ranting? Well I think Flash is worried that people are thinking I'm not working on Warhawk, but I assure you I am! Anyway onto the video!

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Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 07:34:37 am
I just wanted (with this new fangled Youtube plugin - ta HK) to add a couple more videos.

These just demo bits of the game! there are no final attack waves, all that stuff is just demo patterns and will continue to be for some time until the actual game logic is at a stage that we are happy with. but at the very least, it does give an inkling to the gameplay and to the graphic work from Lobo and BaDToad :)

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Reply #3 on: March 19, 2009, 07:35:10 am
Ok, I was gonna release this vid using the boss from level 13, but... I decided to keep some of the later levels and bosses a bit secret (should have done so with level 14 also :( ), so I have re-used level 2 to demonstrate direct fire. It does look kind of cool. This is a demo of a single pattern that can be used on both aliens and bosses, but the boss fire code/sequence can be a lot more varied!

PS. I was not very good at avoiding it :)

Coding for the love of it!

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Reply #4 on: March 19, 2009, 07:35:54 am
I just love this video posting business, so good god, i will use it :)

This is just a demo to show that I have added code to "blow up" large aliens (if I even use them?). Sadly, down to trying to cram so much in, I cannot do a single explosion for it, but have to reuse the single alien explosions. So, what I have done is try to jiggle them about a bit and also flesh out the colour for them - it works mostly? What do you think?

(ps, with an animated sprite also :) )
This is a demo of some code that I was really proud of (thanks to HK for the Div code). In fact, I was so proud of the vector code that I posted it at gbatek (not that anyone there would learn from it :) ) It uses a really quick calculation to drive a shot of any speed toward you. The shot speed is not 100% perfect, but the hit is - and this is what matters to me. The code is quick and in-game you would never worry about the slight speed inaccuracies - and puting something you never notice "right" seems a little pointless - perhaps I will though?

Also, I do wanna say that you may not see a great deal of demo code for a bit as, at the moment, I am working on tidying and developing the code that we have, so there is not a great deal to show - just neater versions of what you have already seen! It is important to try a pull the code into a cohesive whole now and again, before it gets too messy!

Coding for the love of it!

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Reply #5 on: March 19, 2009, 07:36:27 am
I thought it was time for another video ;)

This is just a "show" for the faster movement and fire code. Also, this uses level 14, so the Hunters are a bit "Aggressive".
Again, this is only test patterns and not indicative of the final game play.

Coding for the love of it!

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Reply #6 on: March 19, 2009, 07:37:05 am
Just a few new videos....

Coding for the love of it!

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Reply #7 on: March 19, 2009, 07:37:46 am
The explosion when that long ship explodes (in the 'burst direct fire' demo) is that final? Compared to the other two explosions it's over too soon...needs more...Flash. :D

So, Socky me ol' china, is this better :)

Ps. sorry for the video quality, had to use No$gba so I could get the music also (HK x x x x) :)

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Reply #8 on: March 19, 2009, 07:38:24 am
Just a little demo to show the addition of random fire.

Aliens can now "not fire, timed fire, burst fire, or random fire". I think that covers everything? They can do that on a per alien basis and fire whatever they want.

not the most interesting of videos, but..... oh well :)

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Reply #9 on: March 22, 2009, 09:26:26 pm
Here is the latest work by HK and Lobo on the title screen... This is early days (much like the rest of the game) but is really looking good!

Ps. please remember that these are all grabs from emu, and they do not run full speed or smoothly...
« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 11:00:10 pm by Flash »

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Reply #10 on: March 25, 2009, 12:13:01 am
well, more for the video diary :-

Well, this is a terrible reason to release this vid:)

This vides is a starfield done in the DS's tilemode (character based mode), so, sadly, it does look like any other starfield (it isn't)... but this one has the bonus of being versitile. :), oh, and clever in a C64 sorta-way :)

ps. you have to love the msic :)

Coding for the love of it!

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Reply #11 on: April 01, 2009, 10:24:34 am
ok, time for another demo.... :)

This is mostly (with a hint of title screen modification) a demo to show player death.. :) I did a bit of code to enable a dying player to still move, and while dying.. destroy bases and aliens - for a short amount of time..
Also, minor colour effects - is it too much/too little? please let me know!!!

Coding for the love of it!