Haha, true. Flash is the 6510 guy though - I'm into Z80 ... but I can't even have that to myself as Flash is moving into my territory too
Welcome to the madhouse 
Ha ha sokky

Not my fault - they made me do it!
Hello Stigzler old bean. Nice to see you here

Not entirely sure what you are trying to do with the list of words? There may be a better way to organise perhaps, even tokenise. I take it you want dialog to just use indexes to words? Each word would need 2 bytes if you wanted to have more than 255 words. But.. do you need that many?
The easiest way is to split the words. ie. "TH", "IS", "ING" etc. But you would still need a minimum of 9 bits per word. The 9th bit to denote if using an indexed word or not. If set, then the remaining 8 are the index of the word, if clear, then the 8 bytes (not all needed of course) are the ASCII code. This also has the benefit for punctuation etc. Of course, you could use 4.8 and use the 12th bit for signal, and the remaining 11 bits as the index.
Anyway, I digress... I do that a lot lol
As for finding the text in an array, It all depends on how much memory you can allocate and how quick you need it to be? Not coded 6510 for a while, so a little rusty