PypeBros · 56564
Yep, the current rise of the NES homebrew (and apparently SMS homebrew) communities make me hope that I'm not developing for me alone, and that some day, people who grew with the Nintendo DS will enter a part of their lifetime where they'll want to code for it themselves. We had a super-strong community. It was so amazing that I just had to post a news on one French board to see it translated in 5 or 6 different languages and relayed over the world without having to raise the smallest finger.I'm convinced there are some people still interested, but we no longer have any place to meet, imho. Partly because there wasn't one place to meet in the first time: we were so many that we could simply keep in touch with our local peers without worrying about building a worldwide community.Someone (I think one of you) mentioned two other person still doing homebrew for DS (or GBA?) over the last week. Maybe on twitter. But our new communication channels have a flaw when it comes to memory. Impossible to force the websites to show it once more...
...I had to remove a bunch of people on twitter cause they kept spamming some silly social - gamers connect - platforms nonsense that I don't care about a bit because its all about shifting your warez to other people who shift their warez and no one gives a shite, and at the same time I would see Sokurah's tweet, for which I infinitely care much more, in like 3 days after or sometimes lost for good??
Aww, thanks I don't read much Twitter anymore. A year ago I would check up on my entire feed since the previous day, in the morning when I got to work, but I've stopped doing that and now only scroll through a couple of screens a couple of times a day, so I'm guessing I miss a lot. But there's SO much noise that I just can't be arsed to spend the time anymore. A have two columns for tweets by Lobo and other artist I've worked with (Redballoon) and that'll have to do
As for SMS/NES/ZX/etc homebrew, I guess you've read Epyx 'call to arms'... right?
What 'call to arms' is that, never heard of such a thingie? ... and similar threads on other forums...
Though, with all the z80 code that's been made, I was hoping there would be an efficient and fast routine already written. Really rather not reinvent the wheel.
public double GetAngle(Vector2 a, Vector2 b){ double angle = Math.Atan2(b.Y, b.X) - Math.Atan2(a.Y, a.X); return angle;}
x += speed * Math.Cos(angle);y += speed * Math.Sin(angle);
I did try thatI took the greater of x or y step, made it 1 (for the speed) and then kept the difference between the original number and 1. I then used that to scale the lower number by the same fraction. Almost worked, but precision was lost.
I'm still checking it on an almost daily basis, DWedit and guauu do appear often, ant512 is still releasing stuff. Beside those (and you) - I guess I didn't forget anyone else
Please explain what you need to do, we can discuss the thing together
On a MegaDrive, you've got 64KB total, but part of it is reserved to tilemaps and SAT (OAM). oh, sure you've seen that already.
like 4 palettes for sprites + 4 other palettes for BG ?
mmm... no.4 palettes total. Each of them can be used for BG tiles and/or for sprites (but some colors do have special effects...)