Jungool c64

spacefractal · 82840

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Reply #60 on: March 30, 2017, 09:03:16 pm
Gotta check that Amstrad version then...lately I picked up a bunch of cpc/zx/c64 homebrew...some really fantastic stuff, check http://www.vintageisthenewold.com for example, they list a bunch of great stuff there (Soks is in there with fallati..I mean, Vallation :P).

For Jungool we should do more do the Night Mission ...

Good! Start coding, I'll get you a Jaguar multires multieverything in a few days. :P

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Reply #61 on: March 30, 2017, 09:06:46 pm
Haha. I'm wish im could. Would been fun to learn and code a c64 game a day. I'm checkout the site tomorrow. I'm go to dreamland soon.

The pics here was still a proff of concept using c64'limits how it's could look and imagine it. In such way it's was possible and playable.

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Reply #62 on: March 30, 2017, 09:09:52 pm
Yep, it would be awesome, even 'pof', tho..I must say (nudge nudge wink wink) that it is a travesty of universal magnitude that Horace is even ported to ZX and not yet on either DS or C64, foul I cry, foul! :) :)

Tho, we can imagine playing it (in our heads) with these little images, make little animation and then produce 'human beat box jumping sounds'. :D

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Reply #63 on: March 30, 2017, 09:37:21 pm
Incidentally, I've found this pic in MMLL, can't remember seeing it in game, was it implemented? :P

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Reply #64 on: March 31, 2017, 08:40:05 am
Yes, it was used and is also in MM

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Reply #65 on: March 31, 2017, 10:00:42 am

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Reply #66 on: March 31, 2017, 11:08:19 am
It was one of the splat animations.

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Reply #67 on: March 31, 2017, 11:21:59 am
of course. howover well recheck that. im was also not sure its was used, even its was in the game. Its a fun object anyway and could been used in the new mmll splat of course.

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Reply #68 on: March 31, 2017, 08:05:33 pm
Ah, OK..as I can't recall seeing it...was mostly splattered by piano and Big Bertha(tm). :P
Here's something for you, played with different palette as well and some are really cool, wouldn't know which to choose (although I like dark default and pepto one).
Btw, like the banner, hahah, nice change. :P

Also, SF, I remembered now..Barbarian, it bloody had the color change on the fly, it had to. 3 characters plus that slimy gremlin, wizard was like static with his hands flailing and player. Now, enemy was just like player with exception that torso was likely an attached sprite with a shirt. That shirt would change colors on every level (7-8 forgot exactly) and would range from green, brown, blue, etc. but always in the same fashion. I remember it well as I dreaded the one with black shirt as he appeared smarter than the rest by promptly avoiding my 'hold fire-joystick top/left-instant head slicer move'. :P

So..it was possible, although limited but still, that one color change was enough for variety. Imagine then Hunter doing the same, from having one color that is particular and pronounced but changed strategically to red/green/blue, etc.
The only thing is..whether that would be possible to combine on one and the same level, like 2 creatures-same sprite but different color as in Barbarian they were obviously on their own levels. That I dunno... 8)

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Reply #69 on: March 31, 2017, 08:47:34 pm
Barbarian share most of spectrum code for this port, but a good one. Actually the fighters was used software sprites, not hardware. But the shirts did used a hardware sprite, so they could just changed the color value. The sprite is gone when he falling down. That why it's a bit slow and was no where 50fps, but the game was still fully playable and a fun game too.

Ik+ used sprites for two of the fighters and last fighter was software one (hence the blank background behind fighters).
« Last Edit: March 31, 2017, 08:56:51 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #70 on: March 31, 2017, 09:56:26 pm
Barbarian share most of spectrum code for this port, but a good one. Actually the fighters was used software sprites, not hardware. But the shirts did used a hardware sprite, so they could just changed the color value. The sprite is gone when he falling down. That why it's a bit slow and was no where 50fps, but the game was still fully playable and a fun game too.

Ik+ used sprites for two of the fighters and last fighter was software one (hence the blank background behind fighters).

True, it was fast enough to play, a bit slower-y play actually added to the effect of 'feeling that heavy blade under one own's ribs'. :D
For IK, yeah, kinda similar, both players are exactly the same so..technically only one sprite? The other was just white and the judge didn't animate but was part of bkg methinks (I could be wrong tho, he might have blinked :P).

OK, first something for Flash then something for you then, hehe...

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Reply #71 on: March 31, 2017, 10:17:27 pm
Wow I'm love that pic :-)

The Pause screen used 5 fighters on screen.... no where possible with hardware sprites only.

It's took quite bytes of memory for two set of images (one for hardware version and one for software version), hence we now only have one background.

The fighters is of course same. Here I'm do like the Spectrum version as well.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2017, 10:26:14 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #72 on: March 31, 2017, 10:21:30 pm
I'm insert it's on my page tomorrow.

Im likes the slow pace in barbarian too (gameplay was still fun and used too much time in the days) and was newer trought they was software sprites. Tune is great too. Yes it's used one sprite me thinks. Except when You head chop him. The green goblin is a hardware sprite. It's clearly the gladiator is software when he got moved away. I'm so just wonder where the shirt go when they die..... hehe.

It's easy to change color want to use on sprite. It's just to chance one byte. So the shirt is of course reused. You can't do color rainbow effect on same sprite through (seen in many Atari 2600 games).
« Last Edit: March 31, 2017, 10:53:56 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #73 on: April 01, 2017, 12:19:07 am
I'm so just wonder where the shirt go when they die..... hehe.

Probably to laundry. :P
But who knows, couldn't they just move it out the way or change to transparent color to hide it?
The game is awesome, 30 years old and still ass kicking, and the music is barbarically fine...tan-ta-naaaaaa-tan-tan-taaaaaaa..bombombombom...
I used to be somewhat of a champion <cough> back in the day, many heads have rolled under my sword...many! :P

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Reply #74 on: April 01, 2017, 07:38:11 am
they could do that without a issue, so property memory issue? Amstrad version did also go future to also change skin color as well. Its such a game, that is great on all/most platforms. Also the game was originally a C64 game :-): http://frgcb.blogspot.dk/2015/05/barbarian-ultimate-warrior-palace.html

Jungool is howover more about using some sort of pinball physics as its techincal would been a pinball game without flippers.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 07:43:51 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #75 on: April 01, 2017, 02:35:50 pm
nice warhawk picture as well.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 06:59:31 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #76 on: April 01, 2017, 08:29:25 pm
Also the game was originally a C64 game :-): http://frgcb.blogspot.dk/2015/05/barbarian-ultimate-warrior-palace.html

Now that you mentioned it, I do also remember DOS version, not bad looking in cga tho but C64 version is superior to all. :P

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Reply #77 on: April 01, 2017, 09:19:32 pm
love the graphics you post Lobo, the Warhawk ones are wonderful. I must admit, if I was ever to revisit the 64, a new version of war hawk would certainly be something I would love to do. The original was the first 'real' code that we ever did and looking beck at it now, it could have been so much more.

Love the page header graphic. Awesome as always. I cannot use it as it needs to be layer based. If you increase and decrease the width of the browser, you will see how it changes.

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Reply #78 on: April 01, 2017, 10:34:58 pm
love the graphics you post Lobo, the Warhawk ones are wonderful. I must admit, if I was ever to revisit the 64, a new version of war hawk would certainly be something I would love to do. The original was the first 'real' code that we ever did and looking beck at it now, it could have been so much more.

Love the page header graphic. Awesome as always. I cannot use it as it needs to be layer based. If you increase and decrease the width of the browser, you will see how it changes.

Ye mate, I think..tile wise that Warhawk could certainly be punched a little and perhaps here and there even some of the enemies, would certainly look fantastic (not that it is bad now, mind). :P

Aye, I'll try to cut the header in pieces and see what gives... :D

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Reply #79 on: April 01, 2017, 10:42:51 pm
OK, maybe something like this can work (separated as you did in three pieces) >>

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Reply #80 on: April 02, 2017, 05:11:20 pm
OK, bloodyell mate, finished methinks skinning the cat that is Sidweb player, everyone check at http://spitoufs.com/art.html or heads will roll barbarian style. :)
OK, totally click on minimize button on the player or you're not my friends anymore!  :D

So far my most listen thingie-

+David Whittaker - Knight Games (never paid attention before to this one but awesome choon, loved the game back in the day)
+Ben Daglish - Mask III (same thing, nice tune but not so much perused before)
+Fred Gray - Mermaid Madness (bloody classic, game and tune :) )
+MMLL - a bunch of stuff by some Joshua Bishop Allan Poe who sometimes lurks around this forum, Space Adventure - the best so far!
+Neil Brennan - Mugsy's Revenge - (missed before, vaguely remember a game, awesome tune!)
+Fred Gray - NOMAD (remember this one well as game controls were sooooooo pissin me off but I PERSISTED! :) )
+David Whittaker - Quartet (yes, terrible game but not so bad with 2 players, tune=fantastic, just like 10 sec repeating to madness!)
+Rob Hubbard - Rasputin (RASPUTIN MATE! Say no more, 5 minutes of insanity, the reason to buy c64 if all else fails to convince you :D )
+Mark Cooksey - Salamander (can't remember this one at all, another gem rediscovered!)
+David Whittaker - Treasure Island (best 19 seconds of piratey tune :) )
+Rob Hubbard - Warhawk (4:23 of music that sounds familiar somewhat)


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Reply #81 on: April 02, 2017, 07:19:02 pm
 who is Joshua Bishop Allan Poe? :-X

Space Adventure was originally that tune that should have been done to Level 2, before im changed the main lead later to a another classic. So here im changed it back to the original. Its a quite simple tune, but fun to make simple tunes too (and im like simple tunes as well).

My favorit c64 album must been "The Last Ninja 2" by Matt Gray. Im have newer played the original, and only for some years ago listen to it, and then im sudently got hooked on that sound track. Awesome.

Yes some terrible games did also have great music and loaded them up anyway :-). Im remember Cobra was a crap game (but im did played it very much, due the cool tune). Here the Spectrum version is much much better.

The longeste tune im have heard is Tetris by Wally Beben. Its only got attection recently. Its a cool 25+ min long tune, actuelly perfectly suitable to a Tetris game. Im like that.

My longeste tune is a Cauldron tune in about little over 9 minuttes.

Yes, Salamander was a great port, even missing 2 levels.

on the remix side, im loved that Parasol Stars tune by Rapture at remix64. Its a very fun tune and fun use of stereo panning.

ps. Im do like the design on that page with C64 style and all.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2017, 08:19:18 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #82 on: April 02, 2017, 09:44:18 pm
True, even crappy games had cool tunes and Cobra is a prime example. Although, if you think of it, musicians likely didn't even see most of the games they made music for as they made tunes so just gave their best anyway. He-Man, the arcade one is another good example of crap game but nice tune.

I gotta listen to that Tetris tune, can't tell if I heard it before, tbh. I forgot but gotta add Blade Runner and Hawkeye. :P

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Reply #83 on: April 02, 2017, 10:04:04 pm
Yes. Im Rememer played heman quite a much, property due that tune. Im loved that tune as well.

My scarest game  as kid was property forbidden forest. Simple blocky graphics, quite jerky scrolling, simple sounded fx... but a hell its had a lots of creepy atmosphere about and well designed game around those limits. I'm even turned off some time, but completed the game. Great memory.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2017, 10:22:39 pm by spacefractal »

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Reply #84 on: April 02, 2017, 10:09:35 pm
Hell yeah for Forbidden Forest, the greatest horror ever! I remember tune well and that spider bugger that comes out of the woods and such...sheesh!  :-\
I know someone, could be the original creator attempted a desktop version some time ago in 3d or so but I don't think that can be as scary as those couple of messy character codes flying about the screen.  :P

Hah, just discovered that the first Last Ninja tune is third subtune and lasts for 4:22 exactly. :P
I like when they have a pause at the end of a sid, one second is enough, hard to figure out when they nicely loop, Hubbard tunes are the trickiest to figure out especially as they can go on..and on...and on... 8)

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Reply #85 on: April 02, 2017, 10:16:54 pm
There was a lost Hubbard tune found few years ago. A fun happy tune.

The game was simple, but was quite scary.

Some players does not start with the correct start sub tune, which is not allways the first one.

Checkout song length database or use a player that support that database. All songs from the hvsd should been in there.

Recently I'm played blue effect to rift. Great horror wave shooter. 3D does not allways works. I'm do have seen 3D version. The original is still best.

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Reply #86 on: April 02, 2017, 10:33:27 pm
There was a lost Hubbard tune found few years ago. A fun happy tune.

The game was simple, but was quite scary.

Some players does not start with the correct start sub tune, which is not allways the first one.

Checkout song length database or use a player that support that database. All songs from the hvsd should been in there.

Recently I'm played blue effect to rift. Great horror wave shooter. 3D does not allways works. I'm do have seen 3D version. The original is still best.

OK, so where is this song db? You mentioned it earlier but I can't find it anywhere on HVSC nor by searching. I don't want to download the whole HVSC collection if that's where the db is cause its ike 40K of songs in there. Do you have this list (I assume its just a txt file) ?
So far I have 'earball' the actual length by listening and trying to figure where the end could be, only a few of them there's no way to tell if they go on forever or how they repeat so I left an arbitrary number but most are quite correct cause I know majority of these tunes by heart, could play them on jawharp probably. :P

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Reply #87 on: April 03, 2017, 05:07:50 am
I'm have the full collection. I'm send the document folder to you soon:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 06:17:32 am by spacefractal »

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Reply #88 on: April 03, 2017, 10:50:32 am
OK, bloodyell mate, finished methinks skinning the cat that is Sidweb player, everyone check at http://spitoufs.com/art.html or heads will roll barbarian style. :)

Looks really good and fits with the design a treat :)

Coding for the love of it!

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Reply #89 on: April 03, 2017, 07:40:21 pm
Looks really good and fits with the design a treat :)

Sweet..I hope you did press that minimize button. :P
So far I tested EDGe- works but no css filters so there's no hover effects, FFox works with all effects but had to have some custom css break somewhere, Chromium works exactly as it should, tried IE latest and it is abomination, broken almost completely, bloody 'ell that browser is really stubborn, must check Safari tho, it should work as it looks fine on the phone so desktop should do as well. I really hate html/css all this web stuff, still so much inconsistencies cross browsers one can never attune his own design with them all 100%.  :'(

I'm have the full collection. I'm send the document folder to you soon:

Great stuff, thanks! :P
So far there's like 150 sids added so there's gonna be some rechecking...