spacefractal · 82872
Commodore tune is the best . I wish all these songs are actually in .sid (multiple tracks in one), that would be crazy!
I did read though most of this topic a few months ago, very nostalgic
Eark, it's was not negative meant as its sound (yes).
The quality im saw in flash Sid player was no where good as a real windows sid player, so im converted them to full MP3 instead in max quality as possible.Also Java is going not being in browsers that more, except recently in Denmark.... it's a different story.Yes, I did see the repeat tiles in top window. Property they "shadow" tiles could just been removed. But it's still do the job and as least on a ds screen.The MP3 player I'm use is a plugin I'm found to Wordpress. I'm checking tomorrow the plugin.
Last time Im tested web player, they was nowhere pair with a real sid player. So that hence im dont use a web sid player, but dedicated to convert them to MP3. So im just uses a mp3 player with a plugin found to Word Press.Sids also does not have a endning to a song as well (unless you insert them manual in a file of course).
yes JSid is not awful at all, even its in a lower quality, but its still acceptable. Its of course still have its limits (song lengths and limited browser support).In the DOCUMENTS folder, there is a song length database, some players can use to detect the song length. Im do still not have checked how that works for my own sid songs.Im do choiced mp3 because its easist to work with.
im cant download it either. mightbeen you should contact him. JSID does not support IE, but its did works in IE Edge. Im have not heard about this tool, im using XMPLAY or SIDPLAY2 as my sid player generally.
Sid is nothing other than c64 code and data to play tunes with, it's a emulator. So it's was not designed for web use. The best way might still rip the songs wanted to use to MP3 and use a player, which was easiest for me. Im thinks you want to do a album like collection.
Ps. Might been you should draw a level how the outdoor temple level could have looked on c64 version of Jungool, which im thinks it's would have been somewhere Creature style and property would limit to side scrolling. Could been fun.
Just having fun and something to add to the C64 Jungool sid page (im have sid all songs, also just for fun):
Haha I'm love the pic. Im will use on my sid pages. Nice you took the challenge :-D. Wagga in "real" c64 would been max 24x21, but yes the 32x32 is Nice too. That size would uses on Amiga.....Currently all sid tunes is in various sid page on top right, but missing down that on all pages. I'm recently have renamed all sid files, im reupload tomorrow to all pages (all sid files).