Who has what? What Computers/Consoles do you have in your collection?

flash · 19696

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I was just curious what stuff people have in their collections?

What retro consoles/computers do you own and what would you class as your favourite?

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Offline Tempest

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Hmmm... I have my Tempest machine, it's pretty retro, and it's my favorite! It has a computer in it, so I think it counts...

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It sort of counts! :)

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Offline headkaze

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- Amiga 1200
- C64C
- Atari 2600
- Atari Lynx
- Nintendo 64
- Gameboy Advanced
- Gameboy Advanced SP
- Nintendo DS / Lite
- Sony PSP

What I'm looking for:

- ZX Spectrum
- C64 1541 Drive (Already won a Datasette for $10 on eBay!)
- Electrocop for Atari Lynx (anyone wanna swap a game for this?)
- Better condition N64 / C64C (will probably keep buying until I get a really good condition one and then sell off the old ones)
- Slim PS2
- More games (I've started collecting Lynx games so probably more of those)
- Also will be looking out for any handhelds as that was my original intention for starting the collection

My favourite is my A1200 for sure, but I'm also happy with my new C64C (although I really want a mint condition one)! I also have a Zelda game watch which I think is pretty cool.

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For some reason, I always prefered the breadbin c64, there was something about that that appealed.

I would do a list, but I really cannot type that one out! :)

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Offline flash

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I will happily send you a c2n unit, I have at least 10 of them - but I cannot promise they work - though alcohol and a cotton tip is perhaps all they would need.
 will have a sort through at some stage and see what there is to help your collection mate - as long as you are ok to pay postage :)

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Offline BaDToaD

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Atari 130xe Complete with the cigarette burn/melt that Flash put on it 20 years ago!
Amiga 500
Amiga 600
Amiga 1200 with 040/40 and 32 MB fast Ram and 4 GB HD
GBA with a Frontlight Mod.
GBA SP x 2
GP32 I still play 8 bit stuff on this a lot
and several Palm devices ranging from III xe to Clie TH55

Got a Pandora on pre order so I can have pocket Amiga Goodness amongst other things :) Can't wait to design gfx on the Pandora anytime anywhere :)

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Atari 130xe Complete with the cigarette burn/melt that Flash put on it 20 years ago!
Me? gosh!!!

You will be telling me that it was "I" that smashed the Lewellens window with a catapault next :)

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Offline BaDToaD

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Offline finchy

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Besides several computers from Commodore (a cbm 720, which I'm probably most proud of, and of course several 64s which I adore to this day), I have an Atari 7800, a Sega Master System and a Mega Drive (love to play "Streets Of Rage" and "Thunder Force IV" on this one) and a BSS-01 pong clone from the former GDR. And some others, which won't come to my mind now.

So long ...

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I cant blame you for adoring the C64... I was and still is something special... A wonderful piece of hardware...

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Offline Kaspal

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i wish i knew some of the machines you're mentioning here... to tell the truth, i got to know about them thru emulation, but never EVER seen one directly.

well, the machines i have today are:

GBA SP Backlit
NDS Lite
Sony PSP
Sony PS2 Slim
M$ Xbox360
Sega DreamCast

all of them bought primarily to play shmups (except the 360 and the PSP, the latter i have it for portable emulation mainly)... plannin on gettin a GP32 ... but am still thinkin about it.

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Have you checked out the Gallery? (another thing i have let slide a bit during the dev of Warhawk)

This has lots of pictures of old computers, cover scans, mag articles, etc.

In your collection i must say that the Dreamcast has always been a personal fave of mine, in fact, i prefer it to the ps2 and xbox

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Offline Cipnor

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I have been asked this a lot in my life and it is ALWAYS such a tough question to answer for me, I just cant do it.....

So, like the thread title says, out of all the cars YOU have driven personally not rode in, or know of, but cars you have driven.....  Which one is your favorite?

Offline flash

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My fave console is a toss up between the Vectrex and the Dreamcast.. But I do have a soft spot for the Odyssey for some reason..?

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Offline Sokurah

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All lovely choices. I hardly have any retro hardware at all, but I DO have a Vectrex, 2 Dreamcasts and a Videopac G7000 (with a loose connection somewere).
...and I PS1 I was given but have never even tried to hook up. I'm told it works though.

That's all I have really. The Dreamcast was my first console ever - I'd always been "fully satsfied" by my computers up 'til then.

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Did I mention that I bought a Pet 8032 and an Adventurevison?

Well, thought I would so that I can bump the thread!  8)

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Offline sverx

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Oh, never saw this topic before...

Well, I do not have many consoles, I just have a lot of PCs around in my room. My first one is a Commodore PC 10 III C bought in May 1989, I was 14 yo... my first computer. Intel 8088 compatibile, up to 9.54 MHz (normal/turbo[1.5x]/double speed modes) 640 KB RAM, one 5"1/4 360 KB floppy disk and one 3"1/2 720 KB floppy disk I expressly requested. No HD. CGA 32KB ("Plantronics" mode 320x200 @ 16 colors, no software used that mode except the ones I wrote myself... in BASIC)

My younger brother has some consoles... SMS, Sega GameGear, PSP. Some 6 or 7 years ago we also received a Commodore 64 from a friend who was throwing it away. We never used it.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 07:51:41 am by sverx »

Offline Sokurah

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Oh, and I have a Psion 3a and a Psion 5 too. ;)

Offline Zzaped!

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Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.
Some are possibly not around.
Partly in order.

Commodore 64 (definitely broken by a saboteur)
Commodore 128 (aluminium-case version)
Amiga 500 (with huge 20-MB hard disc!)
Gameboy Pocket
SNES a.k.a. Super Famicon
Casio stylus-input PDA (good machine, forget the model name)
Neogeo Pocket Colour (both versions)
Psion 5MX (probably get it fixed this year, did love the thing except for Psion's rotten and lawsuit-worthy display-cable design)
Gameboy Colour (quite recently stolen by creeps)
Original Gameboy brick for the sound quality
Casio PC(MCIA)-card format PDA
Sharp Zaurus (couple of the Linux versions)
Wonder Swan Colour; given away to a kindly removalist because I already had a
Wonder Swan Crystal at the time
Nintendo DS (original version, limited edition design, stolen by same creeps)
Casio pocket (if pockets are big) computer, B&W LCD display type
Nintendo DS Lite
Couple of PCs

Probably also forgotten something along the way.

Offline Zzaped!

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C-64 and Amiga


NGP Colour, though the list of unreleased games makes one weep.
DS, some great games.

Zaurus (opening the shell a couple of times a day over a few months doesn't break it, unlike the 5MX)

Offline flash

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I have to agree with you on your favourite of the Dreamcast as a console choice. What a wonderful machine and so far ahead of it's time. I have several of them and a lot of the accessories.

Another fave of mine is the humble Vectrex... A wonderful system that stands alone in history..

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Offline Zzaped!

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The three I forgot (so far), a TI99/4a (and know I no longer have it, but wish I still did), an Xbox (still got that), and several Dreamcast VMUs.

Speaking of the 99/4a, your friend Jeff Minter  ;) (a lucky man, he gets to stay put in a nice place and collect a shed full of machines! :'() did write the killer game apps for that (Mutant Camels etc.). He has posted all of the old C-64 (and some other) versions for free download on his site, but many are neither tape nor disc images, haven't got around to working out how to load those yet.

Ironic how Stringer has destroyed the PS3's chances for total dominance today through cluelessness about the trickery which ended up making the PS2 the biggest seller of the Dreamcast generation (backwards PS compatibility for one, buying off 'exclusive' deals for another). The only bits he seems to grasp are the media bribery and fan manipulation. The original 60-GB PS3 was a fantastic design, but after what he's done to it ... Playing with the Cell chip sounded like fun, but of course you can't do it anymore if you just update the firmware.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 02:36:35 pm by Zzaped! »

Offline spacefractal

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Yes its own Sony fault, if Microsfot win the console war (deptie Wii is also a great machine). They are doing a lots of mistakes, even PS3 itself is a great machine too.

My list of machine I acutlelly have:
 - Arcade MAME using a PC Dual Intel Atom processor with my own frontend, MultiFE. Due the processor choiced, I using that PC as a file server too for the network).
 - Amiga CD32 (not sure if it actuelly works, but still have it).

 - Sega Master System
 - Dreamcast

 - Nintendo 64
 - Wii
 - Gameboy
 - Nintendo DS

 - PSP
 - PS2
 - PS3

 - Xbox 360

None of above have been hardwared bootchips.

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Offline flash

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What, no VECTREX!!

I feel sad for you all!!!


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Sadly not. I dont mean I ever have seen that in Denmark or Kuwait (where I lived there 2 years as little kid). But I was propenty too young that time, and later I was a commodore fan.

Yes its a great little machine and played some games in mess.

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Offline Zzaped!

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Yes, the Wii is a great machine, don't have one but have enough friends who do.

I don't think relative failure of the PS3 is Sony's (SCE's) fault, but am pretty sure
it is Stringer's fault, the man is a greedy fool and lies about past statements when
he goes back on them, then tries to blame the SCE designers for his mistakes.

SCE said it would be compatible with the PS2, first two versions were, Stringer
did a 'hem, heh, haw' about doing it in software, then ordered it cut it out altogether
to cut production costs (too much of an idiot to understand economies of scale, I suppose).

SCE said it would run Linux, did until recently, Stringer cut that out because he is too much of an idiot
to understand why many might want that (it's easy to do on the PS2).

Seems the only thing he is interested in are the Hollywood properties gained through
the CBS takeover, but Stringer is the kind of man who wants to be the tail wagging
the dog (ruining the admirable side of Sony along the way).

I don't have a bootchip in any of my own machines either, but from Nintendo's PoV,
a ROM card is the same (don't have one commercial game on mine, except some ancient
C-64 stuff, owned just about all to start with).

The original Neo-Geo console was pretty startling, but bloody expensive as were the games.
First to do graphics sometimes beyond the best Amiga games, cost too much just about everywhere
at the time, but revolutionary in its way.

Offline Zzaped!

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Just curious, have you upgraded your PS3's firmware to the latest version (no 'Other OS', no playing with the Cell chip)? I really wanted to get one, couldn't get to the shops before the original ones sold out (don't ask), then the prices exploded and the new versions are too limited.

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I diddent use that feature anyway, so it don't effect me at all, but super computers using ps3, do now have limited time yet. Its here its a very big problems, since they don't need the extra features, but the problem is what do it happens if a ps3 broke?......

I guess the main reason they did included "other OS" is EU's politic. There was some fee for importing game consoles but not with importing computers. So Sony have tried to class PS3 as a computer and not a game console. I guess EU have refused that, so hence Other OS have been wandered out sooner or later (PS3 slim did also NOT have that feature and it was before the hack). Its something that I remember for many years ago. Other OS is propenty only included to avoid some EU fee.

And for removing PS2. As long they still sell PS2, people can just get PS2 as well, if they want to play PS2 games. Its first a problem when PS2 is out a business. They removed support of PS2 to get PS3 cheaper, here I do understand, since the price of PS3 was really high when it was released in EU.

Is somewhere same for Xbox 360, due technical changes.  
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 02:55:13 pm by spacefractal »

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Offline Zzaped!

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I'm sure the installations that have PS3-based supercomputers have some idea what they are doing, this is another point where Stringer proves he is a total idiot, hardware to base a supercomputer cluster on has a definite prestige value, but no doubt some people at Sony who know something about anything have done damage control on that point.

Pretty sure 'other OS' was not just for an EU tax dodge in the first place, the PS2's Linux also had semi-official support (including a special edition from SCE), that idea is almost certainly a rumour put about by the upstarts in the console world (M$).

Can't remember a computer/console in my posession that I haven't listed (worked with a lot of other wonderful ones in study and work, but they all belonged to the school or office), except for a couple more programmable calculators.