flash · 29914
Flash, First off, it was a good Idea to start an off topic thread for me, It really saved me from having to do it myself.Along that line of thought, I appreciate the new Avatar, I was torn over what to do, and you have relieved me of that duty as well. If I was a little sharper, I would have signed up with user name Asteroids, not very clever of me really...I am also disappinted that I am no longer a Mod, although I did enjoy the priviledge on the first two forums. I would have friends over, bring up your website, show them my title, and they would say "How do we know that's really you?". Damn sceptics... I really need new friends, ones who aren't so jealous of my status!Last but not least, How many posts do I have to make to become an Ultimate Retrobytes Guru! ?
Hmm, tha Amiga was good, but not GREAT as the C-64 was/is...
Yep that is totaly true... Running Turbo Asm and coding the heck out of the machine, just to do all those things that couldn´t be done on the hardware, like using FLI graphics, opening the sideborder and such.... mm Nice times, i miss the 6502 ASM.. But i was asked a few weeks ago by a friend (whom i introduced in to ASM programming in 1988) to make a coop demo on the C-64...So time to take out the breadbox and see if i can remember anyting... Luckily i saved all my ASM sources and unfinished demo parts....
haha, sure will do.... I guess the main problem is getting time to do it... Since back then you didn´t have to work, worry about family & kids and so on....
mm yes it has been a while.. i did my last demo in 1992 i think.. or 1993..Should be available at the Arnold Archives or similar i guess.... I will look for it also